Love this: We need college-educated lawyers, keep it quiet though. And don't let anyone else know as they might run off to college themselves.
Such hypocrites!!
i remember a thread here somewhere where a letter to the body of elders was posted and elders were to read part of the letter asking who might have experience or training in video media, graphic design, etc.
then on a separate page not to be read to the congregation was for elders to make discreet inquiries as to any who might have legal knowledge, experience or expertise.. well, in view of all this new kafluffle about branch closures, building work suspended, bethel layoffs, etc., it really makes me wonder now just what the heck is going on.
has the gb been shafted by their own legal counsel or financial advisors?
Love this: We need college-educated lawyers, keep it quiet though. And don't let anyone else know as they might run off to college themselves.
Such hypocrites!!
i was feeling particularly hopeless about the whole jws being assholes thing and sick to death of pretending so ....
i rang my sister and told her that i no longer believe jws have the truth and the phone went silent, when i asked her to say something she just said if that was the case then she would have to hang up on me and then proceeded to indeed hang up..
so i texted her back immediately with fu..
will the branch send out a letter to address appropriate attire for the worldwide graduation from .
"the school that no one ever graduates from"?.
i have been thinking of the endless ways this new direction for the tms termination screams for criticism.. i am sure a quick publication search will reveal several references gushing at how great of an invention the tms was, how it has benefitted jw's, you know, gush, gush, greatest thing since sliced bread, blah, blah, blah.... i'm not interesting in looking at the moment, but wasn't knorr credited with its invention and rollout?.
So basically they're replacing the school with three demos...won't that be fun!
yesterday i had an email from amnesty international about the two sisters in an indian village who were sentenced by the village elders to be raped as a punishment for their brother falling in love with a woman from another hindu caste and eloping with her.. amnesty do a great deal of good work but the real force is individuals who sign the petitions and send letters and emails to political leaders.
people power folks, it really works.
for those of us who signed the petition and the rest of the over 300,000 people who did, meenakshi and her young sister thank you.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
@apostrate, long before I became a dub, I was scolded by my fleshly sister for the same thing, because saying any word like Gee, Gosh, or even Goodness! was jest a shortened form of "God" so those words were not proper and went against Jehoober.
Nothing quite like telling a young innocent teenager that they were displeasing the "creator of the universe" by saying Good Grief!
Dubs do love Rules and Guilt Trips.
there were many addressed to me.
for example, i once had a sister tell me i was gambling because i liked playing skill crane (the machine where you have to try to pick up prizes like stuffed animals) at the arcade.
i then fired back a her: "you saw the r-rated movie 'backdraft.
Don't forget that we weren't supposed to read fortune cookies at the Chinese restaurants.
And some would say never to buy things at yard sales because the demons could be possessing them...but that was a major hangout for the overzealous pio sisters as they could shop and "witness" by handing the homeowner a tract on the way out.
So crazy.
one of the things that gave me confidence in life was that i believed i had the almighty creator/god watching over me, directing me, guiding my every step, protecting me from harm, and answering my prayers.
i now know that is not the case anymore.
i finally stopped praying.
John, that scene at the hospital sounds like something out of a Lifetime movie about wacko fundamentalist religions. A new daddy allowing his young wife to die, so the newborn child grows up without mommy, is so cruel and inhuman.
Such is the power of mind-numbing religion.
No one who leaves is on their own, really. You, for example, obviously have a very well-functioning heart and brain working together to sort out your life. And like it or not, you're stuck with this terrific JWN family for support. "Jehovah" was not your helper, he was an invented symbol of power utilized by greedy self-serving control freaks calling themselves a religion.
You don't need their guidance. You're fantastically qualified to control your own life, come what may.
Here's to the many thought-provoking, challenging, exciting years ahead for you and everyone brave enough to step away from the control of the wt organization!
in wt study edition december 2015, article called jehovah, the god of communication, par.
as a result, the new world translation is now available in whole or in part in over 130 languages.
to many jw's this will sound impressive.
as sometimes happens at elders meetings with the co, he has a letter from the branch to read out.
this rarely is made available later so any policies have to be acted on from memory.
this visit a letter was read about blurring of the genders and in particular brothers dressing in a metrosexual style - tight clothing was mentioned again.
Good grief. All hail the Frumpiness Dress Code!
And what about females who display masculine traits? Why are the gb so danged worried about gay men?