Thanks for the welcome Fernando,
thanks for your post as well in this topic Prologos
my very first topic post, to present myself i only can say i'd been a lurker here for a while.. .
since english is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.. i felt motivated to post because i'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained .
because myself i could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.. .
Thanks for the welcome Fernando,
thanks for your post as well in this topic Prologos
my very first topic post, to present myself i only can say i'd been a lurker here for a while.. .
since english is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.. i felt motivated to post because i'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained .
because myself i could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.. .
Hi Irondork,
As I stated in my first post the threshold for death penalty for me should be at least 10 years old. However others in our hypothetical legislation team might have it 5 yo and because at the end we need to come out with something written called Law, let say 7 years old is the threshold all agreed to sign off.
Later comes the issue of what should be the penalty for crimes outside that parameters, ages 7-18 and the whole factors playing around, etc , etc… Let's stop this hypothetical exercise here.
That brings me to the next questions:
- Where our sense of justice comes from?
If is it the result of the evolution of human pshyque through time, how many more centuries we need to wait to get it right?
Why I cannot see any legal system of any country properly punishing pedos?
Why current human legal systems are so shy to apply death penalty for a undepicable damaging ( I don't know what many other adjectives us to describe it) actions as the one we are considering?
When they do apply death penalty for cases like murder… takes a lot of time an hassle to actually put to death the law's breaker.
I mean.. talking a bout pedos's look to Greek ancient society or the Romans, they kind of tolerated or even promoted.
Our modern societies should be better that them, we should be evolving for better. I'm not seeing it, nor in developed neither on undeveloped countries.
For your comments death penalty is not and issue within certain parameters, and for sure should not be and issue for many others.
But somehow when times come to enforce it many get shy , retrieve , step back, etc.
Seems to me internally humans beens don't think or feel have the rights to punish other fellow human at that extent. Although they agreed is deserved.
Here is where the concept of an Almighty God comes to the picture.
Someone with the higher sense of justice and with the indisputable position of power,
Someone who doesn't shrink back to come forward for the sake of the righteousness.
If this is true then I'm none to argue Him, only try to understand the way he judge pedophilia
why He allow it? and most important How He will fix the victims if they can really be restore completly.
Because even for an AlpowerfullFixer been as far I can see once the actions happens is a huge nightmare, for the victims as well for the One/ones need to judge itself.
my very first topic post, to present myself i only can say i'd been a lurker here for a while.. .
since english is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.. i felt motivated to post because i'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained .
because myself i could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.. .
Hi Irondork,
very interesting thoughts, thanks to take the time to post them and share it in this thread. I would like to come back to some of them later on
As far I can see peodohilian acts are really a hug problem in society. Of course the best way is prevent it: parents don't been overconfident, early enlightment to the childs about dangerous behavoirs from adults, etc. But parents just cannot overlook them 24/7 a week plus the fact some pedos are really smart people intellectually speaking. All of this just make the things worse.
Let's take God/religion out for a moment.
once a peadophilia action happens needs to be judged in the most exemplary way, because childs are the basement of the sociaties's future.
What is in your opinion the correct/proper punishment for a pedo?
what punishment match your sense of justice based on the damage done?
For instance in an hypothetical new country we all are starting to legislate for. ( Just for the sake of this consideration )
rgds, Lurker001
my very first topic post, to present myself i only can say i'd been a lurker here for a while.. .
since english is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.. i felt motivated to post because i'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained .
because myself i could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.. .
Thanks to all for the welcome and your time replying my post.
I would like take God/religion out of the equation for a while… we can come back into them later on if you wish.
Let's just imagine we (clarity,borges,happy@last,aussieoz,me) are going to create a new political state in somewhere earth's corner.
I do believe a good set of laws as well the fair enforcement of them lead to a progressive human societies.
I don't see how a society can move forward where everyone do what they want.
So first we are going to legislate over pedophilia within many other things.
First of all how should be considered the pedophile deeds?
I think is a crime
What should be the punishment over a pedo?
I think death penalty should be the correct one
Hereby my reasons:
As far I 'd read on internet the damage done in a child goes more far that the physical one.
Many victims says words like:
"although alive I felt death in my soul"
"my innocence was stolen"
"my entire life was ruined, I could not properly sexually interact with others because of that"
and so on and on
Because justice more or less means for me " get even " I cannot find any other fair punishment.
Also gives the perpetrator shelter and food in a prison for the rest of his life at the expenses of taxpayers also doesn't sound right for me.
Especially if the only thing will do is extent in those fantasies once locked up.
At the very end why we would need that sort of person in our hypothetical country??
Would be nice if I get straight answers with your reasons backing them.
my very first topic post, to present myself i only can say i'd been a lurker here for a while.. .
since english is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.. i felt motivated to post because i'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained .
because myself i could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.. .
Hi clarity,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Due the lack of response somehow I started to wonder if I did say something wrong or was misunderstood by the native english speakers.
I'm bit shy about to talk over my personal details in internet in general.
However I can tell you that many years ago in my youth I did have studies with JW's, at that time my parents wanted keep their teenagers busy
so they went for music lessons and JW studies, you know JW they offered for free. So for my parents it was a good deal.
Why I dropped this question here?
Lately this issue became puzzling in my mind for the following reasons:
- During the lasts months has been the pedo's issue a lot in local media ( daycare cases, priests, etc ) and JW's are not an exception.
- In may job there is a women from the Evangelical (I think pentecostal church) often talking about God and how she helps the church, doing this and that…
- plus I became a father not so much time ago
So the issue just naturally raised on me. I know some people here don't believe on God I'm fine with that and I respect that.
For me to be honest the idea a superior intelligent entity will fix the mess we are living is very much appealing.
Taking the good ones to heaven or earth or let them chose whatever they want to go … for me doesn't matter...
the concept of Divine Justice became the subject of my interests regard pedophilia.
So hereby the options I found:
1. If God will take all the good ones to heaven like my coworker explain me. I thought…. That is a very good fix!!! … I like that…no more pedos for sure on heaven.
2. But the concept JW's teaches is also appealing at least eye catching (recently JW were nocking at my door with those magazines portraying paradise and families together)
but then my questions about how God's justice it will be applied for peodophilia in that scenario came to my mind.
3. There is not god and the only I can rely on in on human justice. to be honest many times sucks and the fact there is not death penalty for pedos bother me. Correct me if I'm wrong but not country has it
For now the only thing I can do is do my utmost to protect my loved ones so far I can in that regard.
my very first topic post, to present myself i only can say i'd been a lurker here for a while.. .
since english is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.. i felt motivated to post because i'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained .
because myself i could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.. .
any comments?
my very first topic post, to present myself i only can say i'd been a lurker here for a while.. .
since english is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.. i felt motivated to post because i'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained .
because myself i could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.. .
Hi everybody,
My very first topic post, to present myself I only can say I'd been a lurker here for a while.
Since English is not my mother tongue please just disregard my grammatical faults as well unfluency in the composition of my text.
I felt motivated to post because I'm interesting to now your opinion to the subject below explained
because myself I could not find a perfect solution without raising collateral questions.
For those whom believe in God I want to know how you think He should handle the issue.
For those whom don't believe in God also I would like to know your view, please take it just as intellectual exercise on how an Almighty God should do.
First of all I want to state that in my opinion pedophilia, adults having sexual feelings for children is the result of a twisted, sick, perverted mind.
For the sake of this post please understand to children the following range (0 - 10 years old)
because I don't want to enter in a debate about cases where persons are legally underage but with an older appearance due their body/mind development.
Hereby is the scenario:
According with JW beliefs,
- it will be a bunch of millions resurrected people on paradise.
- Also an unnumbered great crowd will survive Armageddon.
Considering that… its naive to think none would eventually developed pedophilia thoughts on paradise even with perfection
since perfection did not prevented an angel become Satan.
How should God handle the issue?
1. the own God's law says once the thoughts break thought into actions or deeds you become accountable.
Taking that in consideration God cannot put to death someone just for have arousing pedophile thoughts.
for instance God at certain moment knew with all certainty ( let's say couple of seconds before ) Cain would in fact assassin Abel.
He did not stop him, He let the sinful thought break through an action.
then He judged Cain.
Would be fair for a child if God allows in paradise let someone actually commit the action in order to proof the point? and then apply death penalty.
Personally I don't think any another less severe punishment is valid.
How could you restore the damage on the child? both physical damage and emotional damage?
Erasing the memory? but if that is so then the memory should be deleted from everyone involved
because it is not fair be seen for others like "the one has been abused"
How can you restore the fact the child has been stolen from something very important: his/her right to chose to whom have the very first intercourse.
2. If God decide to stop the pedophile action before its happens.
then in what moment should be? to have enough proof without damage unnecessary the child
is He going to have the angels like law enforcement vigilant?
if someone is judged with death, someone might follow this reasoning:
Have you seen DDDDD person?
reply: No
Has been put to death
reply: why? what he did??
This scenario might create a kind of dictatorship fears around others.
Unless are openly disclosed the reasons and proofs
but even though someone would argue: he did "attempt"
so how many attempts would be enough to grant death penalty without raise questioning in a society?
I cannot recall in biblical records any God's judgment applying death penalty for "attempts to sin"'
Personally I think judging other’s fate is a serious business, I would say even for God
Also the concept of justice and/or Divine Justice in this particular issue is not easy to apply.
hello to everyone :) i wanted to introduce myself as a newbie.
i was raised in and i am currently on active status due to most of my family being very much in, but i am so ready to be done and have felt that way for quite some time.
internally i know this is not the right religion without a doubt.