Good point Lois. The money could be put to building retirement homes for all the local elderly jws. I attended a funeral of an elderly jw last week and was amazed at how old, tired and frail the old faithful were looking, also how many there were. I can see congregations merging in the near future as these ones pass on. If the GB had a moral backbone they would look after these ones.... Jah Jireh my arse.
JoinedPosts by WideAwake
3 more branches closed?
by Viva la Vida init seems the finland branch has taken over the work from estonia, latvia and lithuania (see
Simple Signs That Cause Jehovah's Witnesses To Lose Morale (Faith In The Governing Body Corporation Kings)
by frankiespeakin ina good way to get the jws doubting corporation leadership, is lower their morale in the governing body.
pointing out their stupidity, authoritarianism, delusions of grandure, and the depts of their wishful thinking bias done in such a way to overide watchtower inplanted prejudice.. highlighting the phobias they have of apostates, their attitude toward children as nothing more that corporation free labor denying them education and handing them over to pedofiles in the congregation be they elders or microphone handlelers.. signs about doctrinal issues are a waste of time but i can't deny that some may benifit but that's just getting them out of one cult and making them pray for another.
anyway the bible is too full of shit to argue doctrine, much better to stay away from it and proceed to spend more time get oneself free from that residual mind control you're still clinging to that's based in the bible.. what are your ideas?.
Keep on Testing that you have the True Faith
Do you know The Truth about The Truth?
Gorby's father collapses at home after new light watchtower study
by Gorbatchov infriends,.
sunday my father, a strong believing witness, former elder and still a ms, collapses at home after the new light watchtower study.. the cause was extreme stress.
i asked him about his worries.
Sad news but I hope he recovers quickly.
It seems that long time serving witnesses (self included.)havent had resilience built into us to cope with growing old in this system with all its trials etc
Be ready to obey any instructions we may receive
by Narcissistic Supply inthis is the kind of crap that re establishes my ego on a weekly basis....which one of the governing body punks said this???
The watchtower is beginning to sound more and more like a script from Dr Who and the Daleks.
you will obey, you will obey, you will be assimilated (Borg), or you will be exterminated...
Be ready to obey any instructions we may receive
by Narcissistic Supply inthis is the kind of crap that re establishes my ego on a weekly basis....which one of the governing body punks said this???
@ narcisstic supply.
you do a disservice to punks.
by Terry inautobiography.
forever began at the day of my birth, but, it turns out that it was a lie,.
i am who i am when nobody's watching, then nothing is there to deny.. .
This is a post from my lovely wife:
District Convention around '73
My mother bounced me on her knee
" Children here today won't go to school"
How she was taken for such a fool
Dad was an elder "super fine"
My teenage years wasted, towing the line
Pioneered, married, family and that.....
Journeyed together and then we learned TTATT
5th generation Jdubs my kids would now be
If we'd not taken the steps to set ourselves free
So we've run for the hills, through struggle and stumble
and look back to see the watchtower crumble
On Jerkhovas Witlesses, Kingdumb Hells, Filthful & Discreet Slavebugger and Pio-sneering . .
by nicolaou ini detest this type of posting.
it's only my opinion of course and so long as forum rules aren't breached we're all free to express ourselves as we see fit.
doesn't mean i have to like it though.. honestly, can't you make your point without this kind of infantile name calling?
We are all at different stages of recovery, our insistence on our right to say what we want regardless of who gets hurt just plays into the hands of the GB. I'd prefer to leave the vitriol to those on the platform so that open minded 'still ins' can see we aren't all bitter and twisted apostates, but reasonable people who are nice because we are and not because the org made us that way. The more decent people who are wakened, the sooner the WT will crumble. I still have a measure of sympathy/empathy for those still blinded by the mind control. If keeping some things to myself means that others too will wake up then its a small price to pay. Mutual respect, peace and a happy 'real' life to all xjws wherever you are.
Christendom (some of them) puts the GB to shame
by WideAwake inthis article appeared on bbc website today.
it seems that some religious leaders are taking the issue seriously.
i wonder if the popes in brooklyn will ever do this as the slate is not wiped clean for the victim when the abuser receives the wages for their sin.
This article appeared on BBC website today. It seems that some religious leaders are taking the issue seriously. I wonder if the popes in Brooklyn will ever do this as the slate is not wiped clean for the victim when the abuser receives the wages for their sin. If the wages of sin are death, what are the wages for their crime?
Diocese of York abuse inquiry opens clergy files
Church files on deceased clergy who served in the Diocese of York are to be opened as part of an investigation into alleged cases of child abuse.
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has ordered all the relevant files from before 1950 until the present day to be scrutinised.
An independent reviewer will examine the batch of files.
Dr Sentamu said the passage of time "did not bring healing to those who may have been abused".
In July the General Synod voted to acknowledge and apologise for past safeguarding wrongs in the Church of England, and to ensure "that steps were taken to make sure that victims of abuse are always actively listened to and offered appropriate support".
'Failure to protect'
Following the vote, the Archbishop of York recalled all the files from the archive of deceased clergy who served in the Diocese of York from before 1950 to the present day.
An independent reviewer will examine the files, the diocese said.
The protocol for the Church of England's National Review of Past Cases of Child Abuse, which took place in 2008/9, did not include the files of deceased clergy, "but it is now recognised that it is important to review these files as well."
The Archbishop of York said: "The damage done by the sexual abuse of children is immense and the passage of time does not in itself bring healing.
"Where young people are shown to have been betrayed by individuals in a position of trust and by the institution's failure to protect them, it is for the church to acknowledge the hurt which has been done, to offer a full apology, and to prove, so far as is possible, that policies and practices are improved such that the same systemic failure could never be repeated."
If anyone wants to report or provide information about known or suspected abuse in the Diocese of York they can speak to one of the archbishop's chaplains by calling 01904 707021.
The diocese said both male and female chaplains were available on the number.
Board of bitterness
by 1009 ini always was a critical jw, now df and agnost.
but still this religion fascinates me.
in my eyes most jw are very sincere, but dumb sheep.. this board is filled with ex-jw.
it your in denial or repressing k of nine... Ive seen more genuine lve on JWN than in many years in my cong. False friendships based on conditional lurv.
Team 10 obtains video of admitted child molester in Jehovah's Witnesses
by What-A-Coincidence in
posted: 07/22/2013 .
last updated: 12 days ago.
It looks like the Dutchboys finger in the dyke isn't gonna be enough to hold these floodgates.