JoinedTopics Started by wasasister
Troubled teen? or pretender?
by wasasister inlast night in chat, just as i was about to log off and go to bed, a person unknown to me came in.
i did not recognize the name, so i introduced myself.
with me in chat was another new person, who identified him/her-self as a 19 yr old da'd person on the east coast (us).. after the initial introductions, the new person stated he/she was a therapist working with a troubled 15 yr old witness girl who wanted to quit the religion over the objections of her mother.
Request to Amazing
by wasasister inamazing, could you please send me your current e-mail address?
the aol addy i have for you is not active.
Biology Lesson for the guys
by wasasister inwarning: i am about to discuss a rather delicate subject.
if the words menstruation or period gross you out, please stop reading now.. i am going to attempt to keep names out of this discussion, as my thoughts are directed to the general population, not one individual.
i am fairly certain, however, that someone may take this personally and react with anger and insults.
by wasasister indid i miss it?
was my invitation lost in the mail?
all dressed up and nowhere to go?.
Where do you go to die?
by wasasister infor the majority of humans, certain events are surrounded by tradition and ritual.
marriage, the birth of children, entrance into adulthood, and death are all life-events which will be marked by most with a form of religious ceremony.
for the few who have left off affiliation with a religious organization, these events are marked differently - more by tradition than by mystic ritual.
Now this explains a lot
by wasasister infor those of you who still have questions about why the universe is as it is: http://www.theonion.com/onion3716/god_diagnosed_bipolar.html
proof God exists?
by wasasister ingeoducks (pronounced "gooey-duck," and native to coastal areas of the us pacific northwest) are the only tangible proof that god exists.
who else, but an intelligent creator, would plant an exact replica of the male penis deep in the sand for poor, unsuspecting humans to discover?
when my girls were little, we visited a beach at low tide.
Is Singleness a Blessing? Sometimes
by wasasister inthis post is rather personal, but it may help those who lurk, so if you will all please bear with me?.
not long ago, i visited the town where i grew up, got baptized and married, gave birth to both my daughters.
its a smallish town and among the witness population, everyone knows everyone.
Pass the red wine for me
by wasasister intonight, i would have attended the memorial, if my witness daughter had asked me to go.
during the two previous yearly occasions, i was inactive, but i went with her because it seemed to mean a great deal to her.
she has either given up on me, or the event does not mean what it once did to her.. i was thinking about another memorial, one i would rather celebrate.
Elders/former Elders, help with this?
by wasasister inactually, i don't care if you ever were an elder if you can find the appropriate reference in the wt for the following situation:.
with all the discussion lately about the need for "two witnesses" to make an accusation valid, i've been thinking about divorce (and ultimately, remarriage) on the grounds of adultery.
in most cases, an adulterous mate does not commit the deed in public.