Blank minds produce blank pages ?
JoinedPosts by villagegirl
About the 16 pg mags
by pontoon injust flipped through the feb awake and the feb 1 public wat.
first time since they went to 16 pages.
my first impression was the large amount of blank space in both mags, really wasted space.
Does Satan approve of Jehovah's Witnesses' understanding of "proper hate"
by I_love_Jeff indoes jehovah's witnesses' understanding of "proper hate" justify satan's cause?
God so LOVED the World, that he gave his only begotton son so that anyone who believed in Him can have everlasting life.
The "Hatred" in the WT is about not showing compassion, not forgiving, not reaching out to those in need, not feeding the hungry,clothing the naked or visiting those in prison, or helping a stranger beside the road. No Good Smaritans ?
WT hatred is about ignoring the suffering of others and feeling self righteous about it.
Most faithful Christians now alive are not members of that faithful steward class. - w2012 12/15
by 00DAD inthis was brought up earlier today on blondie's thread about this article, but it is so significant i thought it warranted it's own discussion.
here in the wt study article for this week is this remarkable statement: .
most faithful christians now alive are not members of that faithful steward class.- w2012 12/15, p. 9, para.
As long as you believe in "two classes" you are subscribing to the WT doctrine.
Its a male dominated hierarchy.Unlike the scripture that says 'you are neither male nor female but are all one...'
The word 'class' is not in the Bible.
The word 'organization' is not in the Bible.
The WT hierarchy starts with the idea of specialness.
If we are all equal, like Jesus said, 'neither male nor female, but all one '
All one means nobody is on top. The little flock is joined by the other sheep
and they all become one. Thats what it says.
But 'they all become one' is completley ignored.
More male domination is the whole submission of women thing.
It exists in every Church hierarchy except a few.Women who like this , like other people to take responsibilty for them, to remain children.
Its about oneness.If you read it without the veil over your eyes, you don't have to throw out
God to be free of self appointed Popes. -
Playing Around With the Most Important Scripture In Watchtower Theology - Again
by Cameron_Don inmatthew 24:45-47. .
old light: jesus appointed rutherford and his associates over his belongings in 1919. verse 47. new light: jesus appointed rutherford and his associates over his domestics in 1919. verse 45. why the change?
what difference does it make?
Well nobody owns me. I am a free moral agent.
As long as you believe in "two classes" you are subscribing to the WT doctrine.
Its a male dominated hierarchy. The WT hierarchy starts with the idea of specialness.
If we are all equal, like Jesus said, 'neither male nor female, but all one ' then nobody is
on top. The little flock is joined by the other sheep and they all become one. Thats what it says.
But 'they all become one' is completley ignored.
More male domination is the whole submission of women thing.
It exists in every Church hierarchy except a few.
Women who like this , like other people to take responsibilty for them, to remain children.
Its about oneness. If you read it without the veil over your eyes, you don't have to throw out
God to be free of self appointed Popes.
Think of what opportunities you are opening up for your children. Instead of treading water, stuck in limited and controlled choices and dumbed down opportunities, now they can actually be useful citizens and contributers in life. They can study with a purpose, become creative people. Some examples: an Engineer, a Medical Doctor, a Registered Nurse, an Attorney, a Teacher, a Marine Biologist, an Architect,a Film Maker, an Animator, a Journalist, a Scientist.
You will have given them a hopeful life, an expanding life , a kinder more inclusive life that includes balance and moderation even in their spiritual life. They will not be stuck in the "All or Nothing" thinking of a fear based cult.They will be able to enter into a compasionate relationship with other people that is impossible in a cult culture that creates vanity and false superiority.
Freedom is scary but it is worth it, to step out with the knowledge you are personally responsible for your own decisions and thinking, even on religious beliefs. You don't go from the "Truth" to darkeness. Darkness is the vain assumption your "obedience" to eight arrogant men, equals worship of God.
You now have to begin to think, really think , for the first time in your life. Those of us who have gone through this transition, may have begun be thinking we are now "lost" and so we will self destruct and deny God even exists or take out our anger in destructive ways to our own harm. This is not necessary at all. You can proceed with a clear head and in a positive way, relearning how to think, how to relate to other people, how to create community in your life.
Think of the new prospects before you. Take some community college courses. Explore, read everything you can.
Learn some new skills. Help your children to think about a useful future
in which they can be doing some interesting things through getting an education in university.
Instead of treading water, stuck in limited expectations and fear , they can think of becoming possibly
an Engineer, and Architect, a Scientist, a Marine Biologist, a Doctor, an Attorney, a Regsitered Nurse, an Optician,
a Dentist, a Teacher, a Computer Programmer, an Animator of animated films,
a world of ope possibilities to actually DO something with their life, building ,
creating, helping their community and the possibly the world of people who need help in so many ways.
What exactly is "the opostate stuff" jgnat refers to ?? The Bible states there is ONE mediator between God and Man.
That mediator is not eight men in New York City who call themselves the "Governing Body" How do we know this??
Because the Bible clearly states " There is ONE mediator between God and he is Jesus Christ." Whe men, leaders, or a class, put themselves
in the position of "mediator" they are "standing in the Holy Place" and they are that "Man of lawlessness" Because they ursurp the position
of mediator. We have no "Special Knowledge" every doctrine, every belief ever written in a WT was originated by late 19th Century American
Adventists. Adventists were anti-Trinity, anti-hellfire doctrine, anti-priests, and very much into the thousand year reign of Christ on earth.
Early Adventist came BEFORE Russell, and before the Watch Tower Organization. Earlly adventists,1854 onward calculated the Bopk of Daniel prophecies and came up with the idea we were living in the time of the end and that Chrisendom was babylon the Great and that an earthly thousand year reign of Christ was at hand. This was not soem "revealed knowledge" to the "faithful and discreet slave of the Watchtower"
The WT did not think this up or invent it. It was already being preached by adventists and tent meetings in the mid nineteenth century.
You cannot stick to thinking the governing body is the "sole channel of communcation between God and man" because that makes YOU an apostate according to Jesus Christ who is himself the mediator. The veil needs to be off your eyes to see this. We have direct access to Jesus Christ, no mediator in the form of a "governing body" is required. This is Biblical, the words of jesus himself.
Hello EX- JW land!
by whyamihere inhaven't been on here in a long time, actually, i'm sitting down for the first time in years!.
did armageddon come?
any old posters, that i still remember?.
Well the latest news is, 1914 seems to been another false phrophecy, but as usual its our fault and not the WT. The eight men at the top who claim to be the "sole channel of communication between God and man" still claim that doesn't make them Prophets? Really ? Sounds like a Prophet to me, oh well, carry on. So the fact they posted on every Awake for 100 years that they were proclaiming the Kingdom that would come within the generation of 1914, does not mean they prophesied anything. Really ? The eight men at the top are still in complete control of a multi billion dollar land holding and publishing company and still don't work for a living or have children or univeristy educations or trades or do anything useful. But this leadership places itself so far above us that we cannot criticsize or question them on pain of banishment ( they would would prefer death) but the executions might cause more lawsuits. Women are still being treated like inferiors, children are still being molested, and no good works are occuring, like feeding the hungry, or providing any actual help to anyone. Our fearless leaders see themselves in an unapproachable light that makes the Wall Street executives seem like humble servants of the people.
2012 service year report
by Captain Obvious ini just received this in typical jw email forward fashion from a family member.
subject: year field service report.
this morning at morning worship, they gave some figures from the 2012 service year.
There was about six million publishers in the 1960's as i recall. Babylon the Great Has Fallen, God's Knigdom Rules anyone remeber that book ? The whole message throughout the seventies and eighties was that all other "False" religions in Chrisendom would "dry up" and see a mass evacuation and Churches closing. The Babylon book said " the waters mean people in Christendom and the waters dry up " Ironically the exact OPPOSITE has happened. The Evangelicals now have Mega Churches with congregations of thousands. Tell your relative to look around their city and see these huge churches, built after the gloomy predictions that Christendom would "dry up " Then look at the number of Halls being sold off. The dwindling size of congregations in old Halls that used to be packed and now only a few attend at all. The sense that we were all "hanging on" by our white worn out knuckles to "make it" to Armageddon which had to happen soon, because the generation of 1914, those who were "of an age of understanding" had to be alive when Armageddon struck and destroyed everyone but us. That is now 100 years ago and another false prophecy is explained away. Never does the WT say " We made a mistake, we are at fault, we influenced and thwarted lives with false predictions." Instead they claim not be Prophets. Really ? They claim to be the only "Channel" that God is speaking through, the only representative of God himself on earth and THIS is not claiming to be a Prophet ? Eight men control a multi-billion dollar publishing, land holding, organization with no accountablity to its members and who will tolerate no criticism on pain of banishment. This makes the Wall Street CEO's look like humble servants of the people.
If you wanted to go to College/University, how do you think you would fair, after paying off your Student Loans?
by LoisLane looking for Superman inif you go to college/university...where do you see yourself in 20 years, 50 years?.
if you do not get higher learning, where do you see yourself in 20 years, 50 years?.
or loss/saving for 40 years = $480,000.00.. someone else can compound the interest.. do you have a 5 year plan?
Depends what country and State you are in and whether you go to a community college for the first 2 years. Right now there are a lot of Scam "Universities" who offer to help you get student loans. They helpyou becuase they charge twice to three times what a public college or univeristy charges they take the money and you are left with massive debt. Go to a City College, State College, Community College to get up your requirements and grade point average to enter a university. Apply for Grants ( Grants do not have to be re-paid ) Get on Work-Study, which is on campus and flexible around your classes. Community Colleges offer TRANSFERABLE courses. Transferrable is the KEY. Always inquire whether the course units are transferrable, or in other words does a bonifide univerity accept their credits ? Phoenix University as an example, will cost you big fees, and NONE of its courses are accepted by any legitimate university in the USA.!!! California Community Colleges offer the best courses and transferable courses. If you want to be an Attorney, Engineer, Medical Doctor, Registered Nurse, Certified Teacher, Scientist of any kind, Biologist, Marine Biologist, Museum Curator etc etc then University is the only way to do that. If you want to be a technician, you might do that in two years at a community college. The more education you have, the more you earn. Each degree doubles your income. College professors make from $100,000 a year to $380,000 a year ( teaching in a medical school for instance ) Community College instructors make $75 an hour. Education allows you to do meaningful work in areas of your own interests. Its worth the financial costs for a lifetime of financial security and the ability to do useful work that contibutes to your own security and the welfare of others.