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BOE 2014-07-13 Appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants
by WatchTower87 in2014-07-13 appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servantsto all bodies of elders.
the link removed by request is also available at the forms link.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
Can anyone re-post this? I don't see the link any longer. Thanks. -
Elder's School: 2015 KMS Program
by pixel ingood morning.
want to attend?.
kingdom ministry school.
pixel, will you post your notes?
I've lurked a long time: JW's produce some of the most paranoid humans
by Unlearn ini'll keep this brief for now.. long time lurker (4 years or so).. born-in, elder, used on district level (last talk i gave before i left was the baptisimal talk), and lots of hard time put in...before i finally made the move to split.
it's a long stoy, much like many of yours...but with it's own little interesting twists.
more details in the future, perhaps.. as i said, ive lurked here for a while.. its funny: for a long time i'd only come on late at night.
This thread is absolute gold, thank you Unlearn. I want to quote and remark on some of the pure gems that you've stated, years ago at this point.
'Holy Spirit' didn't expose me or boot me out. I got more privileges of service.
I can't even begin to stress how this same principle has made me argue with myself over the years. My own ego aside, why can't I just do something if it honestly needs to be done? Why do I need a title? If, hypothetically, holy spirit existed, would it really wait until I got a position, or would it instead propel me forward, without asking questions, and act in a unilateral fashion to 'prevent the ark from falling'?
I remember silently crying when listening to an interview with Ed Dunlap about his leaving the WT
Anyone who is reading this, if you have not heard this interview, please break some time out for yourself to listen to it. It has been posted here many times, but it is a commentary quite unlike any of the others that I have heard. Dunlap's words have a genuine authority and wisdom that are unmatched.
- part 1 - http://youtu.be/zZ_HOiCP4Vw
- part 2 - http://youtu.be/5XyfKohXqUw
- part 3 - http://youtu.be/DekSemnhUMI
- part 4 - http://youtu.be/uOw7QqPAdDk
- part 5 - http://youtu.be/gUs8VizuQ-4
But you who are still in, pay attention (if you can) to the talks the elders give. Some of them are free inside...and if you listen closely, you may even hear it. They'll let bits of themselves bleed into their parts. It may just be a little spark...but you'll hear it...every so often.
Every sunday, there's a small part of me that hopes I will get the chance to see this very thing. To hear someone speak from the heart, with the intent to tell a little bit about himself and a little bit about his own beliefs. When it does happen, it is the singular most refreshing of all moments of that day. Though, at the same time, there is a part of me, that when I hear such a spark, a sharp burst of justice jolts my thinking. And I intuitively imagine a process that gathers all of these people who are free on the inside, that simultaneously unites and disperses them, and that has as its sole purpose the internal, catalytic destruction of the JW organization.
What song or line from a song bests describes your time as a JW?????
by karter inwaisted days and waisted nites.. freddy fender..
Caleb and Sophia visit Bethel for the last time - Photo Gallery
by processor in.
.. .. .. .
.. .. .. .
these are epic, i'm dying in laughter
KM Online Now
by konceptual99 ineven more of what you don't want to read is online.
the km are now online under wol.
OneEyedJoe wrote:
My guess is that they got tired of people finding TTATT by searching for the KM PDFs.
lol, this is the exact reason i started coming to this site. Years ago I thought, "someone has to have at least maybe scanned some KMs or other shit, let me see if the internet has this". And then I come here, and ". . . wait, there are hi-res pdfs of KMs, BOE letters, and flock books on this site? ppppffffffttttt".
Transparency would solve so much of the JWs problems . . . oh well. A pound of cure, instead of an ounce of prevention.
Something Big is Coming...
by notsurewheretogo inthe annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
The feeling I get is that it will be a re-organization of how the field service is accomplished. A restructuring to eliminate certain aspects, with a new way of reporting/counting time, placements, bible studies and so-forth. Whether it will be tightening or a loosening of the reigns will certainly be a matter for discussion. Also, a large hardcover reference-style bible and the pocket/kids bible (with f-ing Caleb or some nonsense in the cover).
If you thought Tony Moris the Third was extreme, wait till you hear this other GB member!
by Island Man inhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqzc2m8_mba&list=uus0vqkpnsxult0gsz6ahpta.
shitstorm imminent. is this a talk he gave while he was a gb member?
Trademark office rejects Watchtower's application for "JW.Org" logo
by AndDontCallMeShirley inhttp://tsdr.uspto.gov/#casenumber=85896124&casetype=serial_no&searchtype=statussearch.
even though watchtower's application has been rejected, they will be allowed to use the logo because it is for religious usage and will not be confused with commercial products.. the trademark office did note this:.
indeed, numerous other marks are registered reflecting the letters j and w:.
Just thought of something. Since the denial for trademark status was due to a lack of any use within commerce, all the JW.ORG things now make more sense. I've been seeing pins, bags, pens, (I'm waiting for a shirt, jesus, I would just wear it to LOL everyday at ppls reaction) stickers and so forth everywhere. I guess the plan is to take photos of the logo "in commerce" now, and make a new application for the slight variation with the dot before the ORG portion.
What Would It Take To Prove......
by metatron ina hypothetical question.. at a minimum, what evidence would it take to prove that the society is trying to quietly shed publishers?.
now, i don't think we have evidence of this yet but that doesn't mean it could never happen.
we must consider where the trends of magazine/literature cuts, branch office sales, coerced contributions, bethel/do layoffs, and emphasis on jw.org lead us.. otoh, you might argue that there would never be a deliberate move to get rid of them, just moves that discreetly abandon them.
Indeed. A set of people who may work together temporarily to achieve a goal within the organization that, through the normal chain of command, would get bogged down in political red tape. And not so much of a particular sect or clandestine group, but just friends who want to accomplish something.
I've acted in such a manner on many occasions, and this sort of behavior tends to rear its figurative head when you get into RBC and RC territory. Especially where overseers in charge of a department might not really understand the technology, building codes, equipment, etc. being used. And so a small set of people forms, who, knowing precisely what they are doing, circumvent all authority and pull a trigger, fix a bug, rewire something, to get the job done. This mentality translates into goals and strategies, particularly ones that are facing the public sector or hard facts, such as law/court proceedings, how internet protocols work, or how printing machinery is operated.
So because individuals are accustomed to acting in such a way to prevent the physical failure of buildings, technology, legal matters, and so forth, such individuals may act the same way when spiritual or organizational failures are imminent, as you have articulated. And of course this leads to a tug-of-war scenario between people, departments, congregations, all over the organization.
I've always said the WT is a train with no conductor. A lot of times the only way they survive is by learning from a complete failure, or by someone, or a group of people relinquishing control to others who aren't normally in charge of anything. There's no one leader in control.
Just my thoughts, based solely on observation and experience.