JoinedTopics Started by wheelwithinwheel
My medal message
by wheelwithinwheel insent the following to my jw friends and contacts.
thought you might enjoy the read!.....
anyone who is willing to have 8 kids deserves a medal!.
Can we talk confidentially?
by wheelwithinwheel inthe lot video shows what most elder’s offices are like.
actually it a pretty well-equipped one and with the video context is, without a doubt, org-approved.
but let’s face it.
Spiritual Welfare
by wheelwithinwheel inthis year’s “don’t give up” convention encourages theocratic welfare.
brother pioneer is doing a lot of carting and having trouble making ends meet.
his landlord doesn’t get it and decides to evict him and his wife.. .
Hope you enjoy John's comments
by wheelwithinwheel inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjtx-r5ryfq.
Young ex-JW Jason Droboth explains the benefits of University
by wheelwithinwheel inchristian and katja interview a young ex-jw.
Special Convention 2015 Welcome Belgium
by wheelwithinwheel inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtv_kbme_ti&feature=youtu.be.
GB’s spring cleaning helps faders
by wheelwithinwheel inthe gbs 2015 doctrinal spring cleaning is a gift to all faders.
when we were fading they were grappling with the dying generation.
their ensuing explanations made our diminishing meeting attendance and service easily explainable.
May’s ‘study WT’ admits having taught “far-fetched” ideas
by wheelwithinwheel innot on the front page, not in the study articles, but carefully camouflaged in the questions from readers on page 18 (watchtower march 15, 2015).
you can bet most jws wont even read it..
there is no apology...just the usual excuses..