It really is depressing that there isn't more of a discussion at the meetings. If something in the watchtower is confusing, why shouldn't we be able to get clarification right there at the meeting? Why can't there be an actual discussion instead of a question/answer.. I ask the question and you answer from the paragraph. What really is the point of the meeting then except for further indoctrination? So much importance is placed on meeting attendance but actual study is personal. Well, what if during my personal study, I come across a point that a healthy discussion would help to make clearer? Isn't that how the bible students started in the first place? A group of like minded individuals coming together to actually read and discuss the scriptures. Where a person's thoughts were considered, weighed, and commented upon without fear of repercussion?
My how far the religion has strayed from it's roots. Even the apostles were encouraged by Jesus to ask him questions and they sure were not afraid to do so. Even Abraham was allowed to question God himself why he wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah.