Well, you don't know much about the witnesses then. They teach Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel, not begotton by God. That archangel is singular only in the bible. Lo and behold, my mom tried to get me to believe that and come back. Yet, I showed her Daniel 10:13 says "Michael, one of the chief angels". Sooo, there are more than one chief angel. She was speechless and said "why would the Society say it is singular then" Well, mom, ugh, they might be lying? Shows me that for the 40 years I was in it, I was so brainwashed I didn't even notice that scripture before when I believed their hogwash. You better study up brother, or you'll get suuuucked in!!!
JoinedPosts by Willi
The 'Truths' The Watchtower Can't Teach
by metatron inthere are several major doctrines that the watchtower strictly.
holds but cannot publically acknowledge or openly teach.. here are a few:.
1) women are not allowed to have equal authority with men.. their status or rank is secondary and inferior.. 2) homosexuality is evil - they won't condemn it openly, especially.