i am glad to let you know that other people think like you on the "judge not" thing but it was not my idea. i think you will find if you look in the newtestament and read what chirst has to say, and put away the ideas that were put in to his words you may find that is one of his main teachings. my dad told me catholics were cannibals. is that taught by the WT? if it is how can thay say that the host is not made, human flesh? i can't get that one. ps he said if i don't agree with him (on just about everything) and stop reading books on "other" philosophies, that he will not talk with me any more! do you think he will? how can the WT justify this if it is true?
JoinedPosts by willy_think
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
i care, he can worshipp what, if anything he wants, but he needs to know his master. for his master surely knows him.
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
oh, i see what you are saying now, i that kind of thinking is good but the limits of ligic can let people hit you with a ligical deadend like the chicken and the egg question, to answer the question you need to know and agree on the nature of a chicken and an egg. if you try to apply logic to a concept beyond the ability of the minde to understand like eternity or god, we can be fooled by the linits of logic on those sublects, some have tryed to imply to me that if my logic fails- can god think of a thing he can't do.....- the problem is gods when, in my opinion, it is with the logic. i thought you were trying to dismiss all thoughts that you did not agree with off hand, when infact the opposit may be true. i agree with your ida but i don't think you are looking to make people agree with you but only to make them think. thanks for clarifying your thoughts on this.
To All those on REINCARNATION thread
by RavynX inrisking the flames of the ignorant, let me suggest some reading for all you awakening humans who i have come to love:.
do a search on john edward, he has a site but i am not sure if it is johnedward.com or .org, and he is also on the sci-fi channel(cable tv in usa) and has a site on their page too.
i recommend getting one of his books and watching his show.
john- is a fraud- if you watch him closly you will find, at least i did, that he asks questions and gives no answers, he is an expert on reading body language- he knows all the most popular names for every letter of the alphabet, and he is not afraid to use them, when people are alive thay know people who have died, when thay come to his tapings thay wont him to tell them there loved ones are ok- isn't it funny that people looking for flying saucers always seem to see them.- as to the people he can't see he uses general stuf to hone in on them. if i were to say to you " i see somone older who has past from you thay are making reference to clothes-like thay are allways trying to geet you to pick them up or a funny story to do with puting your clothes away" who would say no noone like that in my life? we see what we are looking for that is all....but as to telling us anything it is the audience who do that.
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
janh, what do you mean by the einstein quote? are you by association claiming that our "common sense" should be replaced by your wisdom. " wisdom is the collection of prejudices acquired after the age of 18" - willy_think sorry i don't do well when being treated in a condesending manner
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
i know it is hard to think that god would let "bad" things happen but as i see (him her it) the difference is only perspective of the observer. good and bad are relative, but all the things that happen to us our just experiences. we bring the judgement with us. think of the man who killed all baby boys under the age of 2 in his kingdom. was that bad?? well what if he killed all people? is that bad? well if you think it is allways bad, than tell me about jericho were all the people save one whore were killed. was that bad? think of the 2 year old babys and all there familys. life, to me is about the experience of being alive, there is an old panting from china were 3 men are drinking vineghr from a big tub one man is repulsed, the other will not even drink after his frist sip, the 3rd is smiling, he is happy to taste this new and differnt expereinnce. mady the idea is to accept all life has to offer and judge not. if you guys think i should just shut up and go away i will but i think that if you want jesus in your life than ask him in. that is all that is need to become a charistian. he knows better than us our failings and loves us.
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
i posted befor i read about your lifes as JWs. i had only the printed info. to go by. it is quit different. the question is not appropreate, i thought it was just my dad and his frends who...oh well what is the difference. it is up to hin not me. plese delete the post, i don't think it is helpful to you guys i now understand you can't think never mind talk about other beliefs. the buda pointed to the moon and asked his fallowers to tell him what thay see " your hand pointing to the moon" was the responce. it was not the answer. thay were distracted from the object of the lesson (the moon), by the way the it was taught( it was pointed out to them). i think maby the message of christ is like the moon and th wtbta tells every detail of the hand but only the "moon" as it is reflected off the hand. i don't know what to say i am sorry i should have looked into your lifes frist, i see now you can't talk about this stuff or see truth in any other beliefs. but god, to me, is byond my understanding. if it is his will that i ilve or die, feel joy or sorrow, so let it be. i don't understand him and don't think he expected me to. let his will be done in all things everywhere.
Asking questions.freely. !
by MacHislopp indo you agree with this ?.
jehovah's witnesses who have questions or doubts cannot approach the elders for answers to their inquiries because they run the risk of being disfellowshipped.
they cannot speak to friends or family for that would be evidence of their "promoting a sect.
is that really true, my dad complains about the catholics confession being to control them!! like it's bad, i find it hard to accept he would put himself in a place like that
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
thanks for the post JanH, do you think that the accidental use of an ocult egyptian symbol apples to russell who studed the pyramids where the symbols are to be found? isis-osirs savior is not toooooo far away but the zoroasterian belief is very very close. i am sorry you feel " the worst you can do...." i meant to do no harm. i am not a religious person, and i have a question that is all. the coss and crown come from the catholics, the freemasons were excommunicated as a group by a pope. i truly am sorry to have offened you janh
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
My Farther is a JW, my mother is RC i am neither. i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to Zoraster. this includes many WTBTS writings, old & new. i have found many dubble and hidden meanings in the WTBTA literature. has any one elst found Freemason symbols? i have also found symbols that made me think of the old Gods of Egypt (Ocult). The SUN simbol for ex, which made me think of the pagon GOD RAH, so i looked into it. I found that the house of rah (the pyramid) is used to make proficy. wow!! did you know that the SUN GOD of the farroahs is wating to be risen from the dead were he will live forever as king of the world reining over his followers, who will also be given everlasting life. this got me thinking again, so i asked JWs to close ther eyes and describe to me who there god is. i asked 4 of them and 4 of them told me he wah Jehovah, but in describing hin thay ALL talked of a ball of light or power!! wow!! so i went through the old watchtowers nice pictures!! (of the SUN) i found references to the (sun of god) that could be taken 2 ways. i gess my question to you is. have you thought of God this way? why would a faith professing to be christian use the House of a pagon god to make proficy? the SUN GOD is often thought of as (the deceiver), in service to jehovRAH have you been asked to be deceptive? if you know nothing about the ocult religons of Egypt, will you learn for yourself??? DO NOT ASK A JW ABOUT THIS!!! as i have found there reaction to be very unchristian like, to say the least. this is a serious thing to me as my dad may be worshiping the SUN and not know it. plese post