a seizure
Nice addition to the bible. No wonder it doesn't bother you to add gods.
a seizure
Nice addition to the bible. No wonder it doesn't bother you to add gods.
sometimes political orientation is described through a left-right axis only, which is obviously inadequate as it tends to associate gandhi and stalin, and make pol pot a radical and hitler a conservative.. this is a good, short test that asks you a number of questions and places you on a two-dimensional axis.. take it here: http://www.digitalronin.f2s.com/politicalcompass/.
i took the test and got the following result:.
your political compass:economic left/right: -1.12. authoritarian/libertarian: -6.21. that is, centrist with a slight leftist bent, strongly libertarian.
Authoritarian | |||
Left | Right | ||
Libertarian |
I was going to explain the trinity again but changed my mind. If you cared you would have looked it up.
Your questions express your belief in some kind of finite God incapable of performing more then one task at a time. Locking God into time making him some little creator.
You do not seem to believe the Christ LOWERED himself to the form of a slave.
Have you read about the guy in Canada who would not turn a blind eye to his little girl?
A red herring my ass, people die for the little tribal God the WT made up.
To hell with your little gods.
was russell a freemason and was he a member of the adventist church?
my cousin Bobbie thomposn IS DEFINITELY a freemason NOW in the year 2002. outside of his friends who are also masons i can't find any proof he is a mason.
how, if i can't prove Bobbie is a mason today, could i prove someone who is long dead is a mason? how can i prove anyone is or was a mason? remember statements like "i am a freemason." or being buried under a Masonic head stone or using the language and symbols of the masons is not enough.
22. if the holy spirit is god's impersonal active force, how could he: be referred to as "he" and "him" in jn 16:7- 8 and jn 16:13-14; bear witness (jn 15:26); feel hurt (isa 63:10); be blasphemed against (mk 3:29); say things (ezek 3:24, acts 8:29, 10:19, 11:12, and heb 10:15-17): desire (gal 5:17); be outraged (heb 10:29); search (i cor 2:10); comfort (acts 9:31); be loved (rom 15:30); be lied to and be god (acts 5:3-4)?.
how can this be since if jesus had been created by god, then he would have been with god when everything else was created?
why is the word "other" inserted?
A common Christian understanding of that passage is that Jesus was the first to enter into the everlasting bodily life that is our finial reword.
Lazarus was rased form the dead only to die, Jesus on the other hand will never die.
in that way he was first to be free from death
i wrote this thinking that maybe some of our new folks would enjoy it, but i think i may have given the posting a bad or misleading subject line, because it has been little read and not commented on at all.
tell me how much the story sucks, and why it sucks as much as it does.
si vous plait.
Who's buried under a cross? A Christian
Who's buried under a star of David? a Jew.
Who's buried under a cross and crown? A mason.
A huge Masonic temple.......i wonder how they got the land?
a few of us last week were discussing the hmong in chat.
for those of you that don't know who the hmong are, they are an asian people that live(d) and farmed in the mountains of laos.
during the vietnam war, they were recruited by the cia to fight a secret war on behalf of the us in laos.
If an attempt is made to allow their Shaman, to sacrifice while court is in session an additional constitutional issue would be rased and the case would be in court too long to do the boy any good.
The case hinges on the authority of the state.
It would be more expedient, In my opinion, to persuade the shaman to perform the sacrifice off state land while court is in session.
a few of us last week were discussing the hmong in chat.
for those of you that don't know who the hmong are, they are an asian people that live(d) and farmed in the mountains of laos.
during the vietnam war, they were recruited by the cia to fight a secret war on behalf of the us in laos.
I must say I don't understand this.
It's not life saving surgery nor is it a surgery with a 100% success rate, he may or may not be able to run after the surgery.
Try to get a club foot fixed without insurance and you will find your self begging for help. Not ordered by the court to make it happen now, because it would be more difficult for the doctors to do it later than now, or face charges.
It is my opinion that if the boy was not on public assistance his family would not be taken to court to make the family buy this surgery for the boy. But because he is on assistance the government (child welfare department) believe they not the parents have the right to make choices as the authority over the family.
jesus is lord.
for example, isaiah wrote about jehovah in isaiah 6:1-6, and john, in john 12:31-41 says isaiah saw jesus glory and spoke of him.
attributes of christ show that he is god.
have you thought about adding the parallels between Joseph the son of Israel and Jesus.
we have Joseph equal to his master in all but his masters wife, the jailer in all but the keyand the king in all but the thrown. the NT uses this story to show us Jesus, unlike Joseph, is equal to his farther in heaven for he was given to keep, the key, the thrown, the kingdom.......ALL THINGS.......
not really...i just wanted to see how many suckers i could get to look..... .
seriously though if you would like to share a secret...then please do...i won't look i promise.... .
spiced up.
OK I'll go next..... Late at nght.... when everyone is sleeping... I take pictures of spice runing nekid through the sprinklers......
"the WTS is evil society that brain washes people"? oh.... ya... i know that one.