the fossil remains of a dinosaur found on any given land or body of water has nothing to do with the animal life currently living at that location. I believe that two unrelated issues are being combined to sensationalize a tourist hype.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
Fossil Of 'Nessie Monster' Found In Loch Ness
by Pleasuredome infossil of 'nessie monster' .
found in loch ness .
by tom peterkin .
Do you consider the JWs as Christians?
by logansrun in.
are the jws to be counted as a "christian religion?
No, Christians have one God, the WT has two.
Do you like cops?
by JH ini know many people who don't like cops and even give them all kinds of names.
some may be nice, but many think they are superior to the ordinary citizen.
i see so many doing radar on bottom of hills where automatically you will go over the speed limit.
I like cops for the most part but I'll tell you this, the only thing lower then a corrupt cop is a government DA (lawyer) trying to get in to politics.
Israeli Propoganda
by Yerusalyim inbut that doesn't mean the propoganda isn't true.
here's some interesting facts.. .. israel is one of the tiniest nations on the face of the earth... only about.
8,000 sq.
I find this "there was no Palestine State" so there is no right to a Palestinian State to sound ridiculous coming from Americans.
The fact being there was no united states and no Americans until the rightful government of the colonies was overthrown. A government we fought to keep 5 years before we fought to rid "our land" of it.
Dreams of reparation, of self determination and of a nation of the people, for the people is not an American dream but it is a human dream requiring no preexisting political conditions.
by Dansk ini can honestly say i never trusted the elders in my congregation; there wasnt a single one of them that i thought would be of any use what-so-ever in helping with a problem.
on the contrary, whenever i had to speak to an elder, i invariably felt worse afterwards!.
this brings me to the point of this post.
I have a hard time with the word "confession" applied to something set up just like a Catholic Inquisition of old.
Should I Call My Father???
by L_A_Big_Dawg inmy father shunned me and my kids around 1998. i was contacted about two weeks ago, my cousin called me.
she was told by her mother that my father had a pace-maker implanted.
my aunt was the one talking to my dad, and he asked about me and my kids.
I can so relate with what you are going through.
If your Dad wonted to make amends with you he would call you. ( he is a big boy now) he wants you to call him, why? i think he is hopping for a "protocol son" thing to take place. if you talk with him i believe he will try to express his love for you and his desire to have your family back in his life, if you will only subjugate your self once again. I see only pain in the call and only pain if you let it go.You are the head of a house hold, equal to your farther in every way. Whatever you decide to do don't expect anything to change, he is in a trap you can't pull him out of.
U.S. Receives Excemption From War Crimes Prosecution by International Court
by sf inexemption??
go figure!.
here is yahoo's front page news link; and if you scroll further, there are more stories associated with this one:.
The puppet can never hurt the puppet master.
Calling the USA to the carpet will only end the illusion of the UN's power independent of the US.
Neanderthals Not Human!
by metatron inscientists have concluded that neanderthals were not the same species as modern.
they were a separate species entirely.. www,
"Human" is an arbitrary distinction based on physical traits enough for the same traits and your human, enough different traits and you are not human. The definition may be too narrow.
Inky got a letter from her have to read this
by Mulan inour niece, irene, who posts here as inky, sent me an email.
her 27 year old son is getting married in two weeks, and she posted a few days ago about how he didn't invite her to his wedding.. she told me i can post it as she doesn't want to read it again.. "dear mom.
i've needed to write this letter to you for some time now.
What can I say except, we see situation, we empathize with your pain, we love you.
Will the Watchtower cease the door to door work SOON ???
by run dont walk in.
can you see the watchtower saying, no more door to door preaching, lets say within the next ten years ?.
How many WT & awakes would they move if the door to door work stopped? You would not need to buy (donate under some tax systems) as many rages each week. No, I don't see a shift like that coming in the next ten years.