I just got a visual of Bush laying dead with FOX news and CNN declaring him the winner.
i propose a bare fisted match between bush and kerry, locked cage, one man comes out alive, that doesn't mean we want either as president, just let em fight it out, to the death, and save the airwaves.
after that maybe barbara boxer versus ruth ginsburg, both in 'lingerie of hollywood' getups.. now, i'd buy tickets for that, you?
how much would you pay?.
I just got a visual of Bush laying dead with FOX news and CNN declaring him the winner.
so, in the course of tonight's prolonged conversation with one of you jwd recalcitrants .
if, in fact, this life, this life, is all there is, and nothing remains resurrection, no reincarnation, no transformation, no metamorphosis; that is to say--these bags of salt, water (and a few hydrocarbons and genetic variations thrown in for good measure) are all that we are, and all that we ever will be, and then "poof":.
why should we refrain from whatever brings the "greatest" personal pleasure to our measured and time-limited existence?
It was one of my favorite French philosophers, Camus, who said in his fictional work The Stranger, "We stared at each other without blinking, and everything came to a stop there between the sea, the sand, and the sun, and the double silence of the flute and the water. It was then that I realized that you could either shoot or not shoot."
If there is no reason maybe society should make up a belief system to control that kind of behavior.
i got fussed at once for writing " may god bless you in your new marriage" on a wedding card.. got funny looks when i said once " god really has blessed us" when talking about my daughter to someone.. seems the jw's took gods blessings away from me.
Is it wrong to say god bless you?
No, if you wish/pray for God to bless someone, you can do it silently or orally.
Yes, if what you really mean to say is, may god curse you to eternal death for not believing the same thing as me.
Or maybe it is pointless, since God only hears the WT appointed spokesman.
i'm off to bed but just had to tell.
i'm excited but at the same time really concerned that when she tells someone that they will disuade her.
i have been praying for this.
If I may Make a suggestion, don't tackle the 144000 or the 1914 things, just read the bible together. start at the beginning of the NT, read a little, talk a little and keep the WT stuff out of it. The bible has a way of speaking for itself.
to the household of god that is israel... and all those who go with them... may you have peace!.
i have been coming here for some time (although not in recent months, my sincere apologies) to share with you various truths that i have received from the truth.
for some of you, there has been little or no doubt as to the "authority" by which i share such things, the true source of such understandings: i have not refrained from confessing to you time and again that they are not mine, but are what has been given me by my lord, jaheshua mischajah, son and christ of the most holy one of israel, the god of abraham, isaac and jacob, whose name is jah or armies.
I have been coming here for some time (although not in recent months, my sincere apologies)
Being a srvant of the lord means never having to say sorry.
hi everyone, i have been attending bible study with one of my jeohavah's witnesses for 4 weeks, and only recently i had attended a sunday meeting with brother michael at our local kindom hall.
i have enjoyed both the time with the bible study (michael teaching quality) and the sunday meeting and have had serious thoughts to altering my life in accordance with jehovah.
but i am rather sceptical about evolution, and whenever i try to read genesis in the bible, darwins theory seems to get in the way.
The question of genetic drift and natural selection is not in debate any longer. Researchers have been observing virus mutations for decades. The documented evolution of virus over millions of their generations is factual data.
The conflict that exists is not with genesis but with some interpretations of geneses. For instance if the "7 Days" represented 7=the number of perfection and god, Days=time, stages, chapters. You find that the world was made in the prefect length of time, or according to gods stages of creation. That is one understanding that works fine with natural selection. So if the conflict is not with the book but with some imperfect men's interpretation of the book and that interpretation conflicts with reason I must ask; am I being asked to suspend my ability to think independently? Am i being lead to surrender my personal growth in favor of a group identity?
the court appointed attorney will be recommending to the judge the following at the hearing tomorrow morning.
unsupervised visits with mom at the children?s request only, away from her home and away from stepfather.
It doesn't sound like you could ask for anything better, well done sir!
a teacher asked her class, "what do you want out of life?".
a little girl in the back row raised her hand and said, "all i want out of life is four little animals.".
the teacher asked, "really and what four little animals would that be sugar?".
LOL... I like that one.
Teacher asks the class to write a paper called "what I would like to be when I grow up?" one little boy pens a paper explaining how he would like to move to Nevada and become a pimp. The teacher is understandably upset and said, "You can't do that." The kid responds, "Don't you think you should look at my business modal first?"
every baby born seems to have a giant helping of fairy stories, talking animals, outrageous exaggerations parading as "fact" and an endless stream of cartoons, science fiction and make-believe.
the laws of nature and physics are violated every few seconds in film and tv!
is it surprising that children are not only ignorant of how things really work-but, they don't have patience and an appetite for fact when they get to the schoolroom.
It strikes me that believing a child's Christmas fantasy is harmful shows just how difficult it is to brake the WT programing. There is absolutely no empirical evidence that belief in Santa is in any way detrimental to a child's emotional health. yet the sense of superiority the WT imparted to it's members regarding assertions like this one lingers long after one believes the programing broken.
Being unable to prove a negative one must prove Santa does not exist by proving there is no evidence his existence. To tell children there is no Santa because there is no proof of Santa wile maintaining that there is a Jesus or a god indicates a brake in the logic.
My darter asked me one time, "what is the God?" Not wanting to lie I told her "God is our shield against despair."
politically correct, it isn't----but do you think there's any validity to "stereotyping" people or backgrounds??
Well I was out drinking with a bunch of Irishmen and we were talking about this very thing before they started fighting. It didn't last long, a bunch of Mexicans came into the bar and we didn't want to end up stabbed so we took off. You know how it is with Mexicans, when they are around you are about as safe as a Greek sheep. Anyway we jumped in Mohammed's cab and found another place down the street, lots of Jews in it so, we figured it'll be safe as long as we keep one hand on our nickels. Couple more pints and my face was as red as an Indians, feather not dot. We played drinking games wile we talked. I wasn't doing so will, couldn't seem to get anything right. I felt about as lost as a polish scientist at a Japanese computer convention. By the end of the night we came to the conclusion that it is wrong to stereotype people by nationality. All but the French that is. I don't think it's my race that makes me superior, it's my uncanny ability to tell the worth of a man just by looking at him.