I remember this one elder ending the Sunday meeting with “I don’t know if the next time I see you will be in this system or the next” I was just a kid in 75 but I’ll remember this always because I was the only one to laugh and when I said “I do” the looks I got made me feel like I was shit. I wasn’t even sure why I was so bad till later on, I mean I know it was going to be this one, how could all the grownups not know. The hole 75 “get ready for the end” came from the top down like everything else within the org, in a back handed, carefully crafted way. Anyone suggesting Armageddon was not upon us was corrected. “The few over zealous brothers” story came later.
JoinedPosts by willy_think
Did you ever hear this? J Dubs go out on a boat because end of the world?
by jrjr4189 inmy friend whos faded and i were talking and he said an uncle of his whos a witness told him a story about a bunch of witnesses getting on a boat a long time ago because they believed armegeddon was coming, and when it didn't come they came back ashore.
does anybody here know anything about this????
Is this life all there is???
by Core88 ini have been a df'ed witness for two years now.
i have had a son around that same time moved twice and changed jobs all around that same time.
it has been the hardest two years of my life.
Non-JW asks: Why do JWs allow drinking? But forbid Birthdays?
by whyizit inmy jw friend recently condemned birthdays using two scriptures that spoke of evil men killing people on their birthdays.
seems to me that the men were evil, not the birthdays.
today is my birthday.
Dude they are only against birthdays because it makes them different (better) then the rest of the sinful satin lead Christian churches. But the real reason is that the WT is just another cult doing cult stuff. If it is in the bible good if not that’s ok too, it’s all about control not Christ. Don’t let the smoke and mirrors fool you words are only words.
Instant Karma's gonna get you (just like it did this PO)
by MinisterAmos inso thing's are going well in dubland and the call comes down that my bookstudy is to be moved to a different congo.
instead of a 30 minute ride to the hall we will be forming a new congo and use the hall only five minutes from my home.. great because gas has just gone to $3.00 per gallon right?.
we meet the new po and he breaks the real news.
his wife is suffering from terminal cancer. They will of course not seek treatment for reasons biblical and financial
I have seen too much bullshit like this.. I hate the WT fu*king cult!!!! This guy may be an ass but he and his family are as destroyed by the WT as all of us, more then some. f-in hell
they can't get it all done anymore
by truman ini had a door-to-door visit from two jws yesterday morning.
the first in a long time (with the exception of the obligatory memorial invite).
i live in a fairly small town, but these two, i did not recognize.
Maybe the JWs should start a TV ministry, they could reach more people that way.
Athanasius, the WT is in the print publishing industry.
If one is a devout JW and the devout one's parent is a professed non-Christian,
Then the professed non-Christian is the parent of a cult member. They lie, you are going to lose your child. This website is a very good place to start your journey in to understanding the cult. but you need to read, read and read some more.just so I can be sure to make my self clear, CULT what they say is irrelevant, what they do is destroy families and the mental health or members.
I'm very sorry, good luck
help please
by KORrat in.
i have big fight with brother who is not jw and now he took my wife but the police will get him i am scared i need supportive please
OFFICIAL WORLD CUP THREAD! "here we go, here we go, here we go"!
by nicolaou inless than 2 hours before it all starts and a quarter of the earth's population will be watching!
- c'mon you americans, get on board.
germany kick-off against costa rica at 5pm to be followed by poland v ecuador at 8pm (bst)
I watched soccer a couple times on satellite. there seemed to be a lot of skin heads and such in the stands but I didn’t see any of that in the world cup. My question is was that race stuff unusual or is there some reason it’s not part of the world cup, Like not letting them in or ticket prices that keep them out?
So....here's my story....
by CordyC inhey guys, it's me- cordy, again with my life story of being in the jws.
i've lived in new york city almost all of my life and have been associated with the jws way too long- since i was a little kid- 8 years old in 1987, plus my mom studied as early as 1983. my mom didn't get baptized until 1995 and i myself got baptized at the age of 17 iin 1996. i know we were probably on a list at some point as a "non-progressive" bible study since it took us so long to get baptized.
my mom and dad split in 1993 and that year was great because we were barely at meetings....then we got a shepherding call and my mom got sucked right back in.
Welcome (((Cordyc)))
what do you think would happen to your mom if you moved to a place like MA or CA were you could be free to be gay? Don’t be ruled by guilt, She would not end up on the street. Do what you need to do to have the life you want. Your not going to get another chance at happiness in some other life, do it now, you have no other time.
lesser light
by dvw inhas anyone noticed, the only time the wts.
ever changes an understanding of doctrine or introduces new light it is because the particular understanding or doctrine is proved to be false, or it's falsity is imminent?
examples: .