Bleep, Trauma_Hound has the freedom to do as he likes. Are you bitter about that?
The witch
i have read many opinions about jw's being a cult.a dictionary describes cult as a system of religious beliefs and ritual .. some have viewed even major religions as a cult, such as the roman catholic church.based upon webster almost anybody or anything that is viewed as ritualistic could be said to be cultic.when someone tries to negate jehovah's witnesses by using.
the "cult" word, i believe they are not seeing that many others could legitimately be regarded as a cult or at least "cultic".therefore the word loses alot of meaning.
some have said that the watchtower is a cult because of the control factor.
Bleep, Trauma_Hound has the freedom to do as he likes. Are you bitter about that?
The witch
i was going along fine with my glass of ice tea, my cat sitting next to me as bill and the two young ladies were being interviewed.
i even made it okay through the first section of the wt comment that, "we abhor molestation..." but when chung got to the part of their comment that said something to the effect of "we provide counseling and emotional support to victims," i nearly spilled my tea on my cat.
i replayed this segment alot, and noticed that the reaction of bill and the two ladies to that section was that they were just as shocked as i was.
You can find "My Story---witchywoman" and "Letters to my Daughter---Parts 1&2" in the personal experiences catagory.
The witch
i was reading my emails today and my aunt lin sent this to me.
i thought it was funny how it ended, just thought i would share.
to impress a woman.
I really want to comment on this, but rethinking. I think that I just won`t touch this one.
*** rs 34-7 apostasy ***
apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of god, actually a rebellion against jehovah god.
Why do so many Jehovahs` Witnesses come to this site and ask that question? Fred, Bboy, comforter and now you. It is obvious that you are here as a Witness to show other Witnesses that we are only capable of only hate towards you. I am sure zev does not care about you. It is good for other believers of your faith to see that you come here to argue, and looking for love from so called apostates. I am glad that they can see you are mere distraction to honest hearted ones that merely would like to learn. Ones that come here are finally thinking for themselves, unlike you.
Bleep, your power is useless here.
i was going along fine with my glass of ice tea, my cat sitting next to me as bill and the two young ladies were being interviewed.
i even made it okay through the first section of the wt comment that, "we abhor molestation..." but when chung got to the part of their comment that said something to the effect of "we provide counseling and emotional support to victims," i nearly spilled my tea on my cat.
i replayed this segment alot, and noticed that the reaction of bill and the two ladies to that section was that they were just as shocked as i was.
I only pray that my ex is not involved in any of these judicial hearings for these little ones. He is an elder, and a machinist, does not talk to his youngest (never dsfs or da`d) daughter, and threw her out of the house at 15 to leave me to pick up the peices. He has no f**king clue. He has had no training.
Just another BOLD FACED LIE
these are some comments that some have made to me recently:.
at meeting-a brother: "that anderson sister was lying and here's how i know-no sister has access to those files, only brothers in position do.".
in field service-a sister: "look what happens when we don't wait on jehovah and take matters into our own hands.".
What is wrong with these people? Followers, followers, followers! Do they need to follow a religion so badly that just any religion will do? The Catholic church has been forced into humility. Is the WTS capable of humility, or has Jehovah hardened their hearts. Cardinal Law is being accused of aiding and abeting. The Catholic church has been forced to see the problem, and is admiting to the world that they have a problem. Will JR Brown show the same humility, or will he and others need to be charged with aiding and abeting known criminals.
Bill Bowen is the only MAN that I know of that has the parental instincts and leadership qualities to know when a follower has an ethical duty for what is right and stand up to the plate for these children and be the outstanding leader that he has shown us and all of these precious children that he is. Lets hope that there are more like him in there that can stand up to the WTS that is holding an empty gun of threats to those with courage to speak up.
who you believe do the best one liners in movies?
comforter feel bruce willis and arnold scharznegger are best.
bruce specially give good one liners before he blow someobody away.
Elmo will see if Elmo can solve problem.................okay Elmo thinking....... think, think, think.
Sesame Streets Elmo
this is the response from my daughter to the letter that i sent to her which you can view in "letters to my daughter -- part 1".
i choose not to use her conversation, but i will paraphrase it.
subject: your point of view
I was looking for the "Fallout from the KM" when I saw that there more replys on my thread.
I did have encouragement last night while watching CNN, Bill Bowen is becoming a legend. His strength of character in supporting and standing up for these young ladies and so many more is not only admirable, but deserving of the utmost respect and honor that the bible speaks of that is due a man of leadership.
((((uggy)))), everytime I turn around, you are there, thanks sweetie, you are a doll.
((((Xandria)))) thank you for the hug. It means a lot from the both of you.
Sometimes when I read others peoples posts, I think, wow, the WTS has not left the horrible scars on that person. Good for them. To only find out later that they too are dealing with the aftermath of such a horrible cult.
the august 14, airing of connie chungs program with bill bowes's issues with in the watch tower, deserves a thank you note from all who really are concerned and desire more on the part of the news media.
e-mail her program on cnn with a brief recognition of cnn and her fantastic report.
Thanks Pepper, consider it done yesterday, I`m sure others have too. There is another thread with a link, just makes it easier so much easier for someone like me.
*** rs 34-7 apostasy ***
apostasy is abandoning or deserting the worship and service of god, actually a rebellion against jehovah god.
Zev, are you trying to reason with an apostate?