by minimus 83 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • minimus

    I have read many opinions about JW's being a cult.A dictionary describes cult as a system of religious beliefs and ritual .

    Some have viewed even major religions as a cult, such as the Roman Catholic Church.Based upon Webster almost anybody or anything that is viewed as ritualistic could be said to be cultic.When someone tries to negate Jehovah's Witnesses by using

    the "cult" word, I believe they are not seeing that many others could legitimately be regarded as a cult or at least "cultic".Therefore the word loses alot of meaning. Some have said that the Watchtower is a cult because of the control factor. But the Catholic Church tells you you will burn in hell if you don't obey them or as history has proven they have burned people to the stake for not acceopting their beliefs. The Muslims could be thought of as a cult, especially now, due to much prejudice. I am not saying JW's are not a cult but i bristle at the expression that JW's are a cult and so many other groups are not because some individuals have not been affected by these "cults".To conclude, if you want to call JW's a cult, then be fair and proclaim many others too.

  • Farkel

    : I have read many opinions about JW's being a cult.A dictionary describes cult as a system of religious beliefs and ritual .

    The word "Cult" is too controversial and too debatable.

    Dub leaders are all lying, murdering assholes. No controversy. No debate.

    I like things simple.


  • minimus

    "dub leaders are ALL lying, murdering assholes." That's 1 way of putting it.

  • mr party
    mr party

    'i had a dream' that all cult members. mormons jws jfjesus unies ect, will all getogether for a big apostofest in the future. i have a dream

  • Farkel

    mr. party,

    : 'i had a dream' that all cult members. mormons jws jfjesus unies ect, will all getogether for a big apostofest in the future. i have a dream

    You could dream about how to have good spelling next time, perhaps.

    I'm sure you'll be embarrassed about your statements in the morning, so I won't goad you further, Mr. PARTY!


  • raven101

    Yeah Minimus, I wholeheartedly agree. It's very annoying to me when in discussion I'll say I was a witness (or just bring the witnesses up) and express my opinion about how destructive they are and someone says (basically) "Well, yeah, they're a CULT!" dismissively because someone, somewhere, whom they considered, or assumed to be an expert categorized them that way.

    Whether or NOT they all qualify as cults is irrelevant to me.

    The fact that they all suck sh$% is enough to keep me clear of them!!

    Oh and I always make sure I let whoever I'm talking to know WHY they all suck, then they will almost inevitably agree because it's a pretty obvious and undeniable argument, but then they'll try to let me know they don't deny JESUS divinity.

    Oh they want me to know and expect me to agree and say YEA.

    I usually just say "Yeah and if you were raised in China you''d be saying the same about Buddha!"



  • mr party
    mr party

    hay 'farkle' you are so true,

  • Europe

    I found these "characteristics" of a cult, so you can check for yourself....

    1. Speaking of adversaries or outsiders ( e.g., conservatives, liberals, yuppies, blue-collar, rich, poor) as if they were all the same; characterising them by negative traits only; attributing unflattering motives to them but not to yourself.

    2. Lacking interest and information concerning the actual statements and actions of opponents or outsiders.

    3. Failing to consider the possible validity of an adversary's point of view.

    4. Not taking a critical look at one's own position.

    5. Disapproving or rejecting a member of one's group for departing from the group position, devaluing the dissident, regarding him or her as an annoyance or a problem.

    6. Feeling self-righteous.

    The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
    The group is preoccupied with making money.
    Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
    Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
    The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel (for example: members must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get married; leaders may prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, how to discipline children, and so forth).
    The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and members (for example: the leader is considered the Messiah or an avatar; the group and/or the leader has a special mission to save humanity).
    The group has a polarized us- versus-them mentality, which causes conflict with the wider society.
    The group's leader is not accountable to any authorities (as are, for example, military commanders and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations).
    The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify means that members would have considered unethical before joining the group (for example: collecting money for bogus charities).
    The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.
    Members' subservience to the group causes them to cut ties with family and friends, and to give up personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining the group.
    Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group.
    Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members



  • StinkyPantz


    You said: "To conclude, if you want to call JW's a cult, then be fair and proclaim many others too." I don't think anyone here denies the existence of other cults, but this is a Jehovah's Witness discussion board so that's why no one talks too much about other cults.

    You also said: "When someone tries to negate Jehovah's Witnesses by using the "cult" word, I believe they are not seeing that many others could legitimately be regarded as a cult or at least "cultic". Why do you see it that way? I call JW's a cult but that doesn't mean I think that they are the only ones. Of course there are plenty of other groups that are, uh "cultic". So it's not fair to say that we don't see that other groups are cults, please, we see these things.

    You said: "Therefore the word loses alot of meaning." I disagree. The word "cult" still instills very specific feelings for most people. When the word is commonly used most people see it very negatively and associate it with mind-control, lies, sometimes unlawful activities, etc. So the word still has much meaning to most people regardless of how your dictionary defines it.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Europe.......Good Post!!!! vote for what it's worth.....IT'S A CULT...............

    Threating members with Disfellowshipping and actually doing it just for expressing free thinking.

    How many families have they destroyed just with this alone.......It's mind boggling......CC

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