Coke Classic all the way! Used to drink a 2litre bottle a day or more...Have cut it down to 2 or 3 cans. It's not good for you but I need the caffeine.
there are so many colas on the market, but 2 of them stick out.
coke and pepsi.
i love coke and hate pepsi.
Coke Classic all the way! Used to drink a 2litre bottle a day or more...Have cut it down to 2 or 3 cans. It's not good for you but I need the caffeine.
for all those that think life is miserable outside of the us, canadians are quite content to be canadians .
canada is a feel-good country indeed in no country in the western world do people feel better about their lives or the state of their nation, according to a just-released global survey.. .
Proud to be a Canadian!
Canada has so much diversity in it's land and population. I have to agree about Celine Dion though. she is overplayed here and when she hits the high notes it's enough to give me a
As a JW we are not to be patriotic. I always had a hard time with that. I was born in Canada and it only seems natural to have love and pride in the country I live in.
My thoughts:)
i read a few apostate books during my research as a jw...after confessing in private to a best friend that i'd read them i got snitched on and they ran and told the elders....prats!
this led to a judicial and a 6 month probation, wasnt allowed to do carpark duty (sobs) or michrophone duty (baawl) for 6 months nor could i answer up at meetings which led to tongue wagging, could go on doors though... a bit strict huh.. also know of a 6 year old who handed in her dad for speaking to apostates!
was you snitched on?
Yup. I was snitched on by one of my so-called best friends. Talking about things we did in the past and I mentioned something to him that I had done before I was even married. I should have noticed that he wasn't too specific about his past misdeeds but I considered him a buddy and didn't really take notice. I had told my wife years before and it was no big deal. I get a call out of the blue from an elder in his hall telling me I have to talk to the elders in my hall. Seems my "friend's" conscience was bothering him and he fessed up to the elders. Didn't even have the balls to talk to me first. I ended up in a meeting with my elders. Instead of the normal 3 elders I had 5 of them. Ended up losing my priviledges over it. This was in the mid 90's and nothing was announced in the hall. Fun eh?
this morning as i got up, it was 0 f outside.
this morning at 9 o'clock as usual the same witnesses will go door to door at this temperature.
i already saw them going door to door at -25 f. i wonder what it would take for them to say it is too cold or too hot to go out in the field service?
I don't know how many time we ended up digging the car out of snowbanks or trying to push cars up the hill to the Kingdom Hall. The Hall was on a hill and you would have to get a run-on at the bottom to try to make it up. Always thought that was crazy. If the snow is too deep to drive in what the hell are we having a meeting for?
I remember going door-to-door and it being so cold you could hear the trees cracking and snapping. Happens when the sap freezes in the trees..Pychos I tell ya.
doing the "fade" thing is like a slow, painful torture to me.
i have to do the fade because of my current circumstances (wife being a jw but starting to doubt/both our families very strong jw's).
it makes me angry at having wasted so much time and energy (and money) being a jw.
Thanks for your thoughts Scully. I live in the Hamilton area but don't want to get too specific:). My wife does have doubts but gets upset when I talk "negative" about the JW's. For her sake I try not too but it is a very difficult to do. She does see a lack of love in the hall and she doesn't understand some of the "rules" the org has. She is a 4th gen. Witness so there is alot of pressure from her family. We do talk about things religion wise but it is difficult to do.:(
I want to say thanks to everyone for their kind words. I don't know many of you but for some reason I feel better knowing others are or have gone through what I have.
If I do end up going to the hall on Sunday I wonder what type of reception I will get..I have since grown a goatee and my wife says I look
Thanks again
doing the "fade" thing is like a slow, painful torture to me.
i have to do the fade because of my current circumstances (wife being a jw but starting to doubt/both our families very strong jw's).
it makes me angry at having wasted so much time and energy (and money) being a jw.
Wow! Thank you all for responding. It is comforting to know that there are other that feel the same as I do. I haven't been to a meeting in months and I found it very hard to sit there the last time I went. My wife keeps talking about going her being more regular and myself going back. I love my wife so much and she is the love of my life. It's enough to drive a person insane. There is a big family reunion this weekend and she wants to go the the hall. Last time I went I got into an arguement with a MS.:) Yup.It's going to be a long painful road.
I used to really love being a JW. I was a Pioneer and an MS. Dad was an Elder. It's almost like you've been cheated on once you realize the sham that JW's really are. I've been coming to this board for awhile now and read and digest what I have read. I guess a part of me hoped that everyone here was wrong and that the JW's still had it right. That I haven't wasted all those years. Well..I have wasted alot of time and while at first I was very angry I now find myself very sad. Thank you all for your comments and plan on spending some more time on here.
Thanks again
doing the "fade" thing is like a slow, painful torture to me.
i have to do the fade because of my current circumstances (wife being a jw but starting to doubt/both our families very strong jw's).
it makes me angry at having wasted so much time and energy (and money) being a jw.
Doing the "fade" thing is like a slow, painful torture to me. I have to do the fade because of my current circumstances (wife being a JW but starting to doubt/both our families very strong JW's). It makes me angry at having wasted so much time and energy (and money) being a JW. It becomes so ingrained into your mind and life that I am afraid it will take years before I can get over it(if that is really possible). I get upset with myself if I hear some news report and it automatically comes to mind " really is the time of the end". Anyone else experience this?
Everyone has a right to their own beliefs and I respect that. People have moved on from being a JW to another religion and have found happiness and peace. I am happy for those who are able to do this. I have grown to distrust religion in general albeit from my experiece as a JW.I consider myself an agnostic.Does anyone else feel like this?What did you do?
I do believe that there are forces other then humans on the earth as I have experienced too many unexplainable things in my life(What those forces are..well I really don't know). I feel like I am changing though and feel a bit lost and disillusioned. Being a JW gives a person many "certainties" in life(JW lif that is) that were somewhat reassuring. For me it was the resurrection. It was comforting to think that if something happened and I died I would probably be back.Now?What will happen when I die?I don't know and that instills alot of fear in me. Being just over 30 I feel like I have wasted the better part of my youth on JWism. Now I am at a cross-roads of sorts in life and I will admit it is scary. Most of the foundation of my belief system has disappeared. I am scared for my family and very sad to see people base their hopes and futures on a false foundation as I once did. I guess the reason why I am writing this post is to see if anyone feels or has felt the same as I do. I'm not sure if everyone will understand my thoughts and what I am trying to say. I have a difficult time putting my thoughts into words at times.:)
I haven't posted much on here but I respect this board and (most) of the posters and comments I read on here. I realize many of you have gone through alot being and leaving the JW's and I would appreciate your thoughts and comments.
Thanks for reading:)
the only reason i'm glad i became a jw is(and left)........ i have met many kind people here on these boards.. shera's sappy moment.... .
take care all
Hello Shera!
I have to say I am happy to have you as a friend and I am looking forwards to getting to know others on this board.:)
the more i listen to the religion argument the more atheist i become.
their are still some things that are hard to explain and most simply doesnt need explaining who cares?
just because we dont know the explanation doesnt mean there isnt one!.
I have alot of stories that involve myself as well as friends and family. I am of the opinion that there is indeed something that causes strange things to happen. I have posted previously regarding some things that have happened and for which there is no explanation. This is the only reason I consider myself and agnostic and not an atheist. Whether it is demons or not is another matter. What causes these strange things to happen?Dunno..
My mother was not a JW at the time. Living on the east coast of Canada you see many old homes and communities. My grandparents and my mother and her siblings moved into a very old house. Here's what happened...Rocking chair would rock itself,TV on and off by itself as well as the lights. Sounds coming from the kitchen where it sounded like a party and they would go in and the noise would stop..Nothing there...This one was witnessed by my mother and two of my aunts...My grandmother tried to open the front door but it would not open. Then down the stairs they seen what they called a ghost of a man in sailor clothes. He walked down the stairs and through the door. Well..They all freaked out and my grandmother tried to smash the glass on the door.. The thing she was trying to smash the glass but her arm got thrown back and the object flew out of her hand..Scared them all really bad. BTW turns out the original owner of the house was a Captain of an old fishing boat over 100 years prior..His daughters ran a Brothel out of the house..yeech(My aunt found a story about the house in a ghost stories book about 10 years ago)
My youngest aunt was 4 in that house..She talked about her friend that visited her at night when she went to sleep. My family bascially thought it was just her imagination until they found an old picture in the attic. My then 4yr old aunt got really excited saying that was the lady who used to sit on her bed at night..Freaky eh. BTW my aunts are not JW's.
There is alot of other stuff. Things I have expierenced that when I think about raises the hair on the back of my neck. I do believe there is something that does this stuff but not sure if I can swallow the JW explanation for it..
I realize some things do have a rational explanation. On the other hand there are things that have occurred that I have no way of explaining. Maybe other people can explain these things away but I am unable to. Even to this day I am sensitive to certain things. I used to be really bad. I would pick up a cd or book and get an instant intense headache(sometimes accompanied by a nosebleed) and a very uncomfortable feeling between my shoulder blades. This does not happen so much anymore but it does occur on occasion.
Anyway just my experiences and my families.
My thoughts..
i work in the lending industry, im an account rep for a wholesale mortgage bank.
royal bank of canada in newyork.
edited by - hamptonite21 on 12 november 2002 22:40:6.
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