Yes, there is debate about the legitimacy of DID, just like there has been significant debate about the same for PTSD. What I do know is that I've been through years and years of various disagnoses, and now it seems that, finally, perhaps there's hope. There's the reality that the voices that have been in my head since I can remember (with the exception of the past eight years) are not what everyone else experiences, nor do other folks experience standing outside of their body watching what they are doing. Who knew that's not what everone else experiences? So, quite frankly, I do take offense at someone knocking my own experience.
What cannot be debated are the years of Bulimia, the years of stealing since the age of 16, and the years of cutting. Tell me, had I been raised in a non-abusive family, would all of this stuff had happened? I think not! I remember very little of my childhood, only blips of semi scenes, like my father stiching my screaming brother's cut hand up with thread and needle in our bathroom, or him beating the shit of my brother, or him saying that he could kill us at any time if he desired, or him saying that he was God, or him telling us that we better be prepared to have our heads cut off during the great tribulation.
It may be that your mother and sister were clamoring for attention. But in my case, eight years ago I finally got my life together, got a bachelors degree and master degree, am now in a 6-figure job, and now all these semi scenes and voices in my head are suddently back. Tell me I'm clamoring for attention! Why in hell would anyone want to threaten what I've built since leaving that horrid religion by making this shit up?