Back not so long ago, there was a Jewish family, just like yours, that was gassed by the nazis
Primary difference, of course, was that most Jews gassed by Hitler were GERMAN Jews. The above quote is a better example of why we should be afraid of OUR OWN elected government as it takes more and more civil liberties from us to fight some nebulous enemy that is a 'threat to our national security' somehow (remember, Hitler WAS elected).
Again, Saddam has not the means, nor the motive, to conquer the world. He isn't interested in doing that - just getting the Western influence out of the region. Hell, we even get most our oil from Canada and Venezuala, and Russia is developing oil very quickly (and could use our money) - we don't even NEED to be involved in the middle east, and they don't WANT us to be.
Why don't we just leave?
Oh, wait, that's right - because we have 'invested' so much there.