See, this is what I mean!
Media hype and hysteria, and the next thing you know it's the black plague.
1) It's NOT as contagious as the 'common flu'
2) Its RECOVERY RATE (that means, the number of people who get it, it runs its course, and get better vs the number of people who get it, it runs it course, and die) is HIGHER that the 'common flu'
It's well known that every year a new strain of the flu virus makes its way around the world, hundreds die, almost everyone gets it, and the world moves on. (Course, granted, a year or two ago the media DID manage to get everyone in a hysteria about the common flu, too, and everyone was running of getting vaccinated).
Unless you are very young, or very old, or in poor health, it takes a whopper of a virus to take a human down. (Like, say, AIDS) This isn't it. It'll be widespread, it'll kill a lot of the elderly, sick, and young, and it'll go away. Just like every other virus.