I am certainly not confused. Nobody I know has had to fill in a form or get special approval to engage in cart witnessing. Maybe different regions or congregations have different rules.
JoinedPosts by newdawnfades
At 1.4% growth the last 2 years, it's safe to say, jw.org and cart witnessing is an abject failure!
by nowwhat? inso much for jehovah blessing this new arrangement.
they are barely keeping up with the birthrate!
so basically the org spent millions of dollars on their website and broadcasting so the only growth they are still getting comes from born ins and illiterate and superstitious folks from africa.
The Reasons for Cart Witnessing
by Simon inwhatever we think of it, you have to admit that it's quite "genius".. the door to door ministry as done in western developed countries where the jw quirky religion has probably reached their saturation level was a complete and utter waste of time in terms of the effort expended to recruit people.. at the same time, it was rarely something that anyone enjoyed which led to people being labelled as inactive, being pressured to doing more and maybe ultimately deciding jwism wasn't for them and leaving.. there was also the issue that many jws are actually pretty bad at knowing and articulating their beliefs so were pretty incapable of getting any meaningful message across.. they solved all this with the cart witnessing.
the real point isn't to recruit, it's to make life easier for jws.
now they can stand and chat with their friend, have a coffee, not talk to anyone or make eye contact and still act as a walking billboard for jw.org.
A few of the posters here are a bit confused. Any Publisher can man the cart. However not anyone can man the cart in what is designated a metropolitan cart location. "Met Witnessing" as it is known is exactly the same as your local Dubs manning the cart at a local station in Hicksville, but in the big city. The carts in the centre of the big city are manned all the time by specially approved Publishers who are given a time slot for their turn, usually three hours, weeks in advance. They may travel a long distance to do this. They get to count their travelling time and get a break which they can count too. The local carts which you see outside tourist hot spots in big cities are manned by any publisher who fancies getting a few hours in while chatting to their friends.
At 1.4% growth the last 2 years, it's safe to say, jw.org and cart witnessing is an abject failure!
by nowwhat? inso much for jehovah blessing this new arrangement.
they are barely keeping up with the birthrate!
so basically the org spent millions of dollars on their website and broadcasting so the only growth they are still getting comes from born ins and illiterate and superstitious folks from africa.
A few of the posters here are a bit confused. Any Publisher can man the cart. However not anyone can man the cart in what is designated a metropolitan cart location. "Met Witnessing" as it is known is exactly the same as your local Dubs manning the cart at a local station in Hicksville, but in the big city. The carts in the centre of the big city are manned all the time by specially approved Publishers who are given a time slot for their turn, usually three hours, weeks in advance. They may travel a long distance to do this. They get to count their travelling time and get a break which they can count too. The local carts which you see outside tourist hot spots in big cities are manned by any publisher who fancies getting a few hours in while chatting to their friends.
New cart for cart witnessing.
by Crazyguy ini can’t show a pic because it was posted by a friend pimi on face book.
but the pic was of a 3 wheel bike with a cart styled front and then in the back a basket but on the sides below the seat a plaque with the website on it.
it’s really sad that the cult is using 100 year old technology to try and recruit people because modern ways of advertising either costs money or will expose them to ridicule and the members are clueless.
posted in wrong thread, sorry -
Is attendance down in your location too?
by StarryNight9 ini was commenting on another thread about how local kh attendance is down.
memorial attendance was also way down and the circuit assembly had hundreds less people than what is typical.
my jw family has even mentioned it.
It was very low at my local congregation on Sunday I’m told. So much so that the visiting speaker sarcastically commented on it end everyone laughed.
EU Court Ruling Against WT on Data-Protection
by cofty intoday's london times reports on the july ruling of the eu court that forces the organisation country to comply with data protection.. the action originated in finland but the ruling will affect every eu country.
the cult tried unsuccessfully to argue that the notes taken by jws in the door-to-door work were personal and not accessed by the congregation.
the court ruled that they are acting under the auspices of the congregation and therefore they must comply with data-protection laws.. keeping lists of do-not-calls also falls under this ruling.. why does the cult always feel that it is above the law?.
Someone in org will be working out a way to circumvent this ruling. It was done before, S8 forms were discarded and only personal notes were used to work round UK data laws about 25 to 30 years ago. If someone demands that they are not called on again that has to be noted and stored in an accessible way for all publishers in order to comply with the householders wishes.
Is changing the "truth" / presenting "new light" really so bad?
by Zana inplaying devil's advocate here.... what's the difference between the gb changing bible interpretations compared to parliaments all over the world changing laws?
although the us constitution (=bible) remains untouched, congress passes i don't know how many new laws every year.
and of course people are expected to follow them.
The problem with changing interpretations if you are the self proclaimed F&DS is you kick people out and shun them if they disagree. It makes it awkward to be credible as the chosen channel with that God given power if you then disagree with your own interpretation and do a flip flop.
Doesnt stop it from happening though.
How the Present G.B. Deceives its Followers/Readers....................
by The Searcher in............into believing that inferred "statements" are actual facts, while never stating anything!
w07 1/1 p. 28 pars.
11,12 "the first resurrection"—now under way!
Does it not dawn on the cart witnesses?
by jambon1 ini sat in town recently, right in the window of a nice wee pub.
within minutes i realised that i had a perfect view of a jw cart and the two ridiculously dressed jw's (they have absolutely no individuality at all.
what's more, they all look like they're going to a funeral).
There is a spin put on the cart witnessing to make it look worthwhile and its swallowed hook line and sinker.
It goes that a person from a commuter town like I live in maybe won't talk at the door or pick up literature at his local station but when in the big city where he is unknown he will see the cart and pick up literature or start a conversation. So just by standing for hours in the cold/heat at our local station we provide a witness and further the good news and maybe lead to someone who sees some publication which interests them picking it up where they are not known.
Exactly where is the expansion?
by NeverKnew inthere is a thread that i'm really enjoying discussing the consolidation of congregations into existing kingdom halls.
i'm realizing that the only threads that have spoken of building were related to branch offices.
we know the wts's consolidations and reopening a are a shell game of sorts but i'm wondering... is anyone seeing an increase in kingdom halls in their part of the world?
In the video a remark was made about the Chelmsford project to the effect that the size of the project was not yet decided. Something along the lines of no matter how big or small they will be ready to do it.