Hugs to you honey...Dont assume that this person who is doing the leaving has ANY compassion about the financial status of the person they are leaving. Usually, they aim to punish the person more. The one being left should seek a lawyer immediately to protect their assets and make sure they have representation if the leaver tries to sell the house out from under them or take everything. It sounds like it is too late to "work things out" and its time to play hardball. If the person being left is trying not to "hurt the feelings" of the person who is leaving, its time to stop being needy and stick up for themselves. Nobody else will.
I watched my mother in law try desperately to do "anything" to keep her first husband. He was long gone for a LONG time before he actually left the house. Already had a new woman, a new home, a new life established. Moving out was just the last thing on his list.
Dont do the pity party, there will be time for crying later. Anybody who would leave somebody homeless is not worth the salt in the tears.
Grab those bootstraps! Its HIS loss.
Let us know how you are. "THEY" are...doing.
When a JW asks me if I have nothing better to do than spend my days bashing religion, I reply "Actually, no, I don't. I'm a PIONEER, just like you." :)