Always fun to hear a pro MLMer sound off on one of these threads.
Just got hit up to buy electricity from an ACN MLMer two weeks ago. Her sales strategy was the classic dishonest MLMer style. She asked to see one of my bills, said she could save me money, she gave me a quote. It was for a three year contract with a $350.00 early termination fee. I was "month to month" with my provider at the time. I looked on my provider's website and signed up for a one year contract that was 20 percent cheaper than what she offered. Did she lie? No. Was she being selfishly dishonest knowing full well that she wasn't comparing oranges to oranges? Hell yes.
MLM products and services, an uneducated consumer is their best customer.
But mostly I do hate the culty culture and tactics that perhaps all MLMs use in recruiting victims. "It looks like a church because we are dealing with groups of people." LOL and ROFL Someone needs some better apologetics for their business cult.