You been eating razor blades again, Friday?
No, but OUTLAW has.
after a person leaves the religion, they can say "why was i so dumb".
dumb implies a lack of intelligence.
however, there are many witnesses that are very intelligent.
You been eating razor blades again, Friday?
No, but OUTLAW has.
after a person leaves the religion, they can say "why was i so dumb".
dumb implies a lack of intelligence.
however, there are many witnesses that are very intelligent.
You know, OUTLAW, I just happened to be thinking about all the posts you make here on this forum and how few replies you receive from other members that you attempt to speak with. The fact is, it seems that I rarely see other persons replying to you ... you know that? It seems that you're always sucking up to others by way of saying flattering things, but they seldom respond. I suppose that people here consider the source, and just ignore you. One thing that might be the reason for your being shunned is the bad language you use so often. There are many people, believe it or not, that are turned off by such language ... particularly when coming out of the mouth of one they know is old enough in life and shouldn't be speaking and acting so childishly.
Is that the reason that you so frequently post to me, OUTLAW? ... simply because you can sometimes count on me replying? You REALLY are lonely in life, aren't you. Really, when I stop to think about it, considering the content of your posts to people, I think it's obvious that you are an extremely lonely individual that is seeking attention.
Actually you're an overgrown little boy that needs a switch taken to your butt. Do you think that you will ever be able to grow up? I do know one thing, that it's really a good thing that you don't frequent the meetings any more ... because you're not the sort of person that should be amongst those who sincerely try to learn about God and the Bible. As a matter of fact, if you, with your present foolish attitude, were to attempt to gain entrance into any Kingdom Hall that I were attending I would probably forget how a Christian is supposed to act just long enough to personally send you out on your ear in a way that you wouldn't soon forget.
Hope you change soon, OUTLAW, so that you won't be so lonely.
i was not a jw or neither did i attend the meetings.
so here's my question.
how did one of the "anointed" class know they that they were?
SS says:
Ray franz admits not being sure, but the mighty yadirf is sure
Thanks for confirming what I originally said, that IslandWoman herself took issue with, SS. Now, please see if you can get an admission of quilt out of IslandWoman, will you?
BTW, I can't help it if Ray Franz hasn't got any sense no more, but I do. Just the way the wind blows I suppose. LOL
after a person leaves the religion, they can say "why was i so dumb".
dumb implies a lack of intelligence.
however, there are many witnesses that are very intelligent.
Dumbass OUTLAW says:
I challanged you on this subject before but you didn`t have the balls to go through with it.So I lay down my challange once more.Start a thread asking our fellow posters whose word is worth something on this board yours or mine? [LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL]
No contest, O Lawless One. That test would be comparable to you being on a loyal-JW site and me confronting you with the same challenge ... except that on THAT site the truth would be spoken, rather than prejudice prevailing.
after a person leaves the religion, they can say "why was i so dumb".
dumb implies a lack of intelligence.
however, there are many witnesses that are very intelligent.
Lark says:
I think the proper term is that we were ignorant, not dumb. Ignorance means we lacked information, and once we are exposed to information, mostly from the internet, we are no longer ignorant of some basic facts.
No, now you're just dumb as hell!
BTW, I'm happy to know that your wife seems to be in fairly good spirits, eating well and all of that. She'll be terribly happy to return home, I'm positive of that.
i was not a jw or neither did i attend the meetings.
so here's my question.
how did one of the "anointed" class know they that they were?
Sorry Yadirf, I didn't know we were playing a win or lose game here. I never did like games. -- IslandWoman.
With your batting average I can understand why you don't.
after a person leaves the religion, they can say "why was i so dumb".
dumb implies a lack of intelligence.
however, there are many witnesses that are very intelligent.
Hey larc,I`d have to agree with you.I think what starts people on they`re way to being informed,is when they start to realise they`re being lied to,and start looking for answers.Truthfull answers.Thats why so many people get pissed off with people who lie,or are decietfull on this board...OUTLAW
Then everyone here ought to be "pissed off" with you, eh Lawless One? BTW, didn't you forget the all important "LOL" in this post of yours? What's the big deal, did you finally get choked on your own laughter?
i was not a jw or neither did i attend the meetings.
so here's my question.
how did one of the "anointed" class know they that they were?
You are a sore loser! I clearly presented data to back up my earlier statement which you took issue with and insinuated was false--thereby proving that you don't know what the hell you're talking about-- and you refuse to admit that you were wrong. No wonder, really, seeing as to who your hero is! I COULD do the same thing with your last accusation too, but as dishonest as you are you would never admit to being wrong. So, I won't waste my words.
Edited by - Yadirf on 20 September 2002 16:47:57
i was not a jw or neither did i attend the meetings.
so here's my question.
how did one of the "anointed" class know they that they were?
Here are a few excerpts from Rays article that you failed to call attention to, IslandWoman:
Eternal Life On Earth?
Persons who were formally of the religion of Jehovahs Witnesses frequently raise the question as to that religions teaching of eternal life on earth. Following is an answer written by the author of Commentary Press publication Crisis of Conscience:You mentioned questions regarding life on earth. As for the manner of the resurrection and all the details, I dont see reason for dogmatism. Likewise as regards life on earth. I am perfectly happy to wait to see what the eternal destiny of people will be according to Gods disposition, [in other words, just as Yadirf suggested, that even though there was a time when I could clearly see, believed, and taught others for years on end that it is God's purpose to restore Paradise to earth, I no longer feel secure in that belief] and I feel we are wise not to pretend to be so certain that we know all there is to know on the subject.
When people write about this I usually respond that as to ones hope, I can only urge that it be tempered with a willingness to recognize that our understanding is rarely something beyond adjustment or increase. When a promise is clearly and definitely stated in Scripture, we can not only hope for its fulfillment but have conviction of it, faith in it. That is true of the hope of forgiveness of sins, of the resurrection, of the hope of life everlasting. These hopes are spelled out clearly and extensively, even repeatedly, in the Christian Scriptures.
As for hope of life on earth
, whatever argumentation may be presented, using certain isolated texts or Hebrew Scripture prophecies, I dont believe one could say that any comparable clear, definite, full presentation of such a hope is found in the Christian Scriptures. I am not arguing against ones hoping for this, but am arguing for viewing it as simply that, a hope and not something allowing for the conviction that Gods clearly stated promises permit and encourage.God told the first human couple their destiny if they disobeyed. He did not discuss their eternal future if they obeyed.
I dont think we can safely pretend to know Gods mind in this area in a dogmatic manner, as Watch Tower publications seem to do.
I, Yadirf, had said earlier:
I remember reading recently on Ray Franz's site that he too is uncertain about the earth's future, that he's not quite sure whether or not the earth remains a part of God's purpose.
I stand by those words!
Edited by - Yadirf on 20 September 2002 16:22:48
i was not a jw or neither did i attend the meetings.
so here's my question.
how did one of the "anointed" class know they that they were?
Amazing says:
There is no Biblical basis for two classes, or a heavenly and earthly hope.
Here we go again. So, Amazing thinks the same as Ozzie does -- namely, that heavenly life will replace earthly life for everyone that will gain everlasting life. What amazes me, Amazing Jim, is that you NOW consider yourself to be more enlightened than what you were prior to having left the WTS. I remember reading recently on Ray Franz's site that he too is uncertain about the earth's future, that he's not quite sure whether or not the earth remains a part of God's purpose. It's truly astonishing how FAR a person can drift from knowing basic truths once these persons -- like Ozzie, Amazing, and their hero Ray Franz -- have completely severed connections with the WTS. Seems that I recall Charles Russell having once commented about this very phenomenon, saying something to the effect that if a once enlightened brother stopped reading WTS publications, but opted to read his Bible only, that in a short time he will have gone back into the darkness that he knew before. I believe that it's beyond question that Russell's observations were extremely accurate, even as we see here right before our eyes today examples of those who have cast the Society's publications aside in favor of merely reading their Bible alone -- and LOOK at them, they NOW can't even discern the most elementary thing about the Bible ... such as the destiny of the earth and those who were born upon it.
Amazing Jim, you, Ozzie, and your hero Ray Franz took a fall ... no question about it!