They not only used UN information, they actualy BECAME MEMBERS.
So what if they did become "members"? that is, if it was for no other purpose that like the employee did in my example up above. Apparently you never read that, or you arent paying attention. Here it is again, try concentrating this time:
One might compare the Society's past actions in this regard to an employee who pays Union dues for the sole purpose of receiving BENEFITS that might otherwise be unatainable, while at the same time being totally disinterested and uninvolved in Union activities. Really, has such an employee crossed the line and become part of "the world" simply as the result of paying Union dues? Obviously not!
So, you see, the employee in the example did in fact become a Union dues paying MEMBER, but he was a "member" by reason of that fact alone. Therefore, since such a person really doesnt care to support the Unions cause then nobody can honestly claim that the person is behind the Union. In the same manner the WTS has never given support to the cause of the United Nations. True, the WTS has had articles relating to the United Nations appear in its literature, but that in itself doesn't prove support.
Youre doing nothing but clutching at straws!