Also, please explain how "Speaking Out AGAINST the 1914 Doctrine" means you are "standing up for" the Watchtower?
Like I said earlier, UnDisfellowshipped, "Nothing said by anyone else makes any sense to you unless it fits in with your agenda."
This is what I had actually said. Compare it and weep:
I reject the 1914 doctrine and I've been outspoken about it here
Notice that I said nothing about "speaking out against the 1914 Doctrine". That's the twist YOU put on my words.
Also, please explain how saying the Watchtower LIED about "Library Card" means you are "standing up for" the Watchtower?
It was YOU, not I, that referred to the Watchtower as having lied. I have consistently maintained throughout this discussion that they made use of "strategy". Here's the proof in this instance:
So, let's say, even if there is nothing wrong with being an NGO, then why did the Watchtower LIE about the reason they became one? -- UnDisfellowshipped.
For strategic reasons, reasons that you apostates have no business knowing about. Now ain't life frustrating! --Yadirf.
Notice: It was YOU that used the term "lie". And it's not that I agreed with the term that you used either. I'm content to let you to continue to think that way, since I've come to know your mind. I merely replied in keeping with YOUR unchangable mindset. Their excuse was strategically necessary, and that's all you need and have a right to know. I know that that's frustrating for an apostate like yourself to hear, but that's the path you chose to walk.
Edited by - Yadirf on 29 November 2002 3:22:26