I suppose I have a certain kind of respect for persons such as, for example, Yeru and DakotaRed (one a vet, the other an active soldier), such respect based primarily on the fact that they obviously really believe in their concept of matters. However, I wouldn't give a dime for their understanding of the Scriptures.
If either person truly understood the Scriptures, they wouldn't align themselves with ANY nation at all. It's not without reason that the "dragon" of Revelation 12 has a diadem also on its 10-horned 7th head, the parallel to which is the 7th head of the wild beast in the 13th chapter (such head being presently in power). In other words, the dragon's diadem shows that Satan exercises authority over the now-reigning 7th "king" that the 7th head represents. Obviously, none of the symbolic "ten horns" (picturing all governments of today) that are perched atop that 7th head would ever imagine that they are under the influence of the dragon/Satan.
I think I do know one other thing for sure, that if there is a war with Iraq it won't be one that will be identifiable with the one that Jesus foretold in Matthew 24:7. Before Jesus' prophecy undergoes fulfillment there has to be the refinement spoken about in Daniel 11:35 that takes place among God's people.