Ever accidentally "trample" a snake? Thought not. Ever know anyone who accidentally trampled a snake? Thought not. Ever see an animal "trample" a snake? Thought not. Ever seen any "trampled" snakes in your life? Probably not unless they were on the freeway, and even rabbits don't do so well on freeways.
About a couple of months ago we were traveling along the side-road of an Expressway. As we saw a snake trying to make its way across the road we slowed and came to a stop in order to let it cross. Well, when we stopped so did the snake ... right in line with the exit where cars come off the Expressway. As we sat waiting for the poor little creature to move on a car exited the Expressway and ran over the snake. Both I and my wife felt awfully sad when we saw this happen!
But you make an excellent point, Farkel, in that which I've quoted you as having said above. As a matter of fact, it's very pertinent to this discussion. Yes, man is rarely able to get within close range of a snake. When we are able to it's only because we caught one of them unaware of our presence. As a rule they will flee when they know that we are around. And that's precisely how Satan was first able to get Eve's attention! Yes, every time Eve had seen a serpent in the past the serpent had fled. But this time, curiously, it didn't. For the first time Eve was able to observe a serpent up close! And, what's more it can communicate with her ... something that she didn't know but what all serpents could do since she had never before been able to get that close to any of them to find out. Even as we today are amazed when we hear a parrot (not your parrot, Farkel) speak, Eve was astounded at the serpent's seeming ability to speak. How cunning of Satan!
BTW, Farkel, how is your parrot getting along? Fine I hope.
Tell us all, please. Why did God curse a lowly animal when the animal was clueless about being manipulated in the first place? That's like me crippling your puppy because you pissed me off. As evil as I am, I wouldn't even think of doing such a thing. Why would God do such a thing, then?
For your benefit, Farkel, I should have left this thread titled the way I originally had it before I changed it to "Properly Understanding Genesis 3:14". I first had it titled, "It was Satan that was cursed, NOT the snake!". If I had left the title unchanged then perhaps you would have understood my point, namely that God DIDN'T curse this lowly, innocent, helpless animal, who had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the purpose for which it was being used. BUT ... even with the title left the way it is NOW I have to wonder how you missed the opening words of this piece. Yes those opening words were, you got it, "It was Satan that was cursed, NOT the snake!". Yes, if you scroll back to see, those words are in red, and, in addition, highlighted in yellow. Please check this out, Farkel, as I'm beginning to believe that you never fully read my posts, either that or your eyes are getting really, really bad.
So with regards to what you said, as I've quoted above, you make all the sense in the world (really). Just as you suggest, obviously God had no reason to curse the snake, and he didn't, because the serpent itself had done nothing wrong. The words of Genesis 3:14 were addressed to, not the literal serpent, but to the one that was behind the serpent (for which reason he is called "the original serpent" in Revelation) and used it as his tool as a stealthy means of getting Eve's attention in order to deceive her.
Edited by - Yadirf on 31 August 2002 15:25:38