Why would I want to associate for 1 minute with a bunch of narrow minded cult followers who seriously believe they are superior to other human beings (how is this ritual any different from the Catholic traditions they love to demonise!) and look at you like something they have to scape of their shoe. No thank you. I personally think it sends the wrong message - 'oh, see? they DO think it's the truth - they have just lost their way and need help to come back to Jehovah'. Better they know you just can't be bothered with their nonsense get togethers.
JoinedPosts by krackers
Re: Will you attend the Memorial this year? Why? Why not?
by check inyou all had some interesting thoughts on that jw memorial thread.
some of you mentioned that you are going so that you can set some sort of example.
i gather that some of you believe that by going and eating, you are somehow showing them they can (or should) do it too.. that really confuses me.
Just my little story
by MinistryOfTruth in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:officedocumentsettings> <o:allowpng /> </o:officedocumentsettings> </xml><![endif].
i have been lurking here for about a month or two.
it is really awesome to read so many similar experiences.. for example, when i was still 'in' i wondered if i was the only one in the hall that really hated the meetings.
You have made a courageous decision...it's not easy when the rest of the family are all still witnesses. I envy you going to college - I wish I had left at a younger age, you have had a lucky escape (well not lucky - you obviously can think for yourself!). The world really is your oyster - don't let the JW's spoil your life because they will - there are no opportunities to make yourself a good life in that cult. Show your family that you don't suddenly become a bad person with no morals just because you have left - let your life show them - go to college get an education, a good well paid job so that you can be financially secure and lead a decent life. My JW family are still puzzled as to how I have left and am not on drugs/drinking, why I have well behaved polite children, a happy 16yr marriage to a 'worldly' man, a nice clean home and VERY luckily for me, as decent a job I can expect without a college education. BE HAPPY! Thanks for sharing your story.