What happened to the new elder book, Jemimah?
I guess you're not who you say you are.
the wtbs in the uk and all the relevant congregations have introduced a 10 charge for anyone wishing to see their personal files and info held under the data protection act.
information includes publisher record cards, s77 forms, specialised sheperding lists and so on.. i presume that this just applies to the uk.
does anyone know of any other countries that have started to apply charges?.
What happened to the new elder book, Jemimah?
I guess you're not who you say you are.
yoyo says:.
i wanted to prove to myself that what the watchtower says about apostates is true.. now what a refreshing idea!
am i correct in assuming that you did this also for other topics the watchtower has opinions on?.
I AM defending my faith. We finally agreed on the 539 date, and when I bring up the 70 year desolation, then I get no answers? Why don't you tell me how we can harmonize the 586/7 date for the destruction of Jerusalem with 70 year desolation of Israel?
Now cheer boy, cheer!
yoyo says:.
i wanted to prove to myself that what the watchtower says about apostates is true.. now what a refreshing idea!
am i correct in assuming that you did this also for other topics the watchtower has opinions on?.
See ya, Alan. Good try.
ianao: how much does it cost to hire you as a cheerleader?
yoyo says:.
i wanted to prove to myself that what the watchtower says about apostates is true.. now what a refreshing idea!
am i correct in assuming that you did this also for other topics the watchtower has opinions on?.
Yes, there are references to the 586/7 date, but that would not match Bible chronology that says that the Jews were captive for 70 years, because that would bring us to the year 516/517. Therefore, Biblically it makes sense to place 539 as a pivotal date instead of 586/587.
yoyo says:.
i wanted to prove to myself that what the watchtower says about apostates is true.. now what a refreshing idea!
am i correct in assuming that you did this also for other topics the watchtower has opinions on?.
This type of argument, besides being blatantly dishonest, is what is called a "strawman"
You must be kidding, right? Your blind man, open your eyes, or has Jehovah clouded your mind?
This scripture is being fulfilled in you:
2 Chronicles 32:4
“Accordingly many people were collected together, and they went stopping up all the fountains and the torrent that floods through the middle of the land, saying: “Why should the kings of As·syr'i·a come and actually find a great deal of water?””;
The waters of kingdom truths do not flow for the benefit of opposers.
yoyo says:.
i wanted to prove to myself that what the watchtower says about apostates is true.. now what a refreshing idea!
am i correct in assuming that you did this also for other topics the watchtower has opinions on?.
“Cyrus entered Babylon in 539 B.C.” (Encyclopœdia Britannica, 1946, Vol. 2, p. 852)
“When Cyrus defeated the army of Nabonidus, Babylon itself surrendered, in Oct. 539, to the Persian general Gobryas.”—Ibid., Vol. 6, p. 930.
“In 539 B.C. Babylon fell without a struggle to the Achaemenid Persian, Cyrus the Great.”—The Encyclopedia Americana, 1956, Vol. III, p. 9.
“Babylon was captured by Cyrus in 539 B.C.”—Yale Oriental Series · Researches · Vol. XV, 1929, Nabonidus and Belshazzar, Dougherty, p. 46.
“The Persians took the city in 539 B.C.” (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1966, Vol. 2, p. 10)
“In 539 B.C., the Persians conquered Babylonia.” (Ibid., p. 13)
“Nabonidus, the last king of Chaldean Babylonia, who reigned from 555 to 539 B.C.”—Ibid, p. 193.
“The downfall of Lydia prepared the way for a Persian attack on Babylonia. The conquest of that country proved unexpectedly easy. In 539 B.C. the great city of Babylon opened its gates to the Persian hosts.”—Ancient History, Hutton Webster, 1913, p. 64.
“In 539 B.C. Babylon, too, was captured by Cyrus.”—The Story of the Ancient Nations, W. L. Westermann, 1912, p. 73.
“In 539 B.C., however, Cyrus advanced for the conquest of Babylonia. . . . Sippar was taken without a blow and, two days later, the van of the army of Cyrus entered Babylon.”—History of the Hebrews, F. K. Sanders, 1914, p. 230.
“It is not likely that there was a long interval between his [Nebuchadnezzar’s] death and the fall of the Chaldean Empire before the onslaught of Cyrus in 539.”—The Biblical Period, W. F. Albright, Reprinted from The Jews; Their History, Culture and Religion, edited by Louis Finkelstein, 1955, p. 49.
“Cyrus entered Babylon on October 29, 539 B.C. and presented himself in the role of the liberator of the people.”—The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, 1965, p. 193; see also pages 93, 104, 198, 569.
“Nebuchadnezzar had surrounded Babylon with huge walls, but after the defeat of Belshazzar’s army the city surrendered with slight resistance in 539 B.C.”—World History at a Glance, Reither, 1942, pp. 28, 29.
“When the Neo-Babylonian Empire fell to the Persians, Babylon opened its gates to Cyrus in 539 B.C. without opposition.”—The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, 1962, p. 335.
“In the seventeenth year of Nabonidus (B. C. 539), Cyrus captured Babylon.”—The Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopœdia and Scriptural Dictionary, Fallows, 1913, Vol. 1, p. 207.
“Cyrus the Great, in 539 B.C., added the Babylonian to the other empires which he had acquired and consolidated with magical ease and celerity.”—A New Standard Bible Dictionary, 1926, p. 91.
“The city [Babylon] was taken by surprise B. C. 539.”—The Universal Bible Dictionary Peloubet, 1912, p. 69.
“539 B.C. marked the collapse of Semitic hegemony in the ancient Orient, and the introduction of Aryan leadership which continued for at least a thousand years. This conquest of Babylon by Cyrus laid the foundation for all the later developments under Greek and Roman rule.”—Darius the Mede, Whitcomb, 1959, Introduction, p. 2.
“It was Cyrus, also, who conquered Babylon in the year 539 B.C. and thus became master of Mesopotamia and Syria.”—Ancient and Medieval History, Hayes and Moon, 1930, p. 92.
“Nabonidus (Nabunaid) . . . was the last King of Babylon (555-539 B.C.).”—The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1907, Vol. 2, p. 184.
“In 539 the kingdom of Babylon fell to Cyrus.”—The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 1952, Vol. 10, p. 3397.
“The Chaldean Empire, with its capital at Babylon (Second Babylonian Empire), lasted, . . . until 539 B.C., when it collapsed before the attack of Cyrus.”—The Outline of History, H. G. Wells, 1921, p. 140.
“Cyrus conquered Babylonia in 539 B. C.”—The International Standard Bible Encyclopœdia, 1960, Vol. 1, p. 367.
“In the year 539 Cyrus conquers the city Babylon, Babylonia becomes a province of the Persian Empire.”—Translated from the German Bibel-Lexikon, edited by Herbert Haag together with associates, printed in Switzerland, in 1951. See page 150 under Babylonia.
End of argument.
yoyo says:.
i wanted to prove to myself that what the watchtower says about apostates is true.. now what a refreshing idea!
am i correct in assuming that you did this also for other topics the watchtower has opinions on?.
The truth is that I CAN defend my faith just fine. The 1914 date is derived through Bible Chronology, whether you agree with that or not, that's your problem. It is also derived from what has happened since the year 1914, no one can deny that.
You are attempting to belittle me and my faith with your post, to prove yourself rightous. My faith in Christ, Jehovah, the Bible and what will be coming in the future is strong. Bottom line is that Jesus is reigning at this time and will soon prove to all mockers who he approves and disapproves.
i wish to make a comment on something that disturbs me deeply to the point i cannot let it pass or be ignored.
a little over a year ago i resigned as an elder to protest wt policy and how it hurt children.
the impetus that brought me to that conclusion was a child i knew personally that was in danger.
The truth is that most here would believe anything that is said against the Witnesses, whether it's true or false.
At least MA questions its validity.
i thought this was a little odd, so i did some calculations to see if my observations were correct.. last year, there were 107,218 jws in canada.
they reported 18,544,473 hours of field service.
this activity resulted in 2,030 new baptisms.
RunningMan: Thanks for the infor.
The insight book also says the same thing :
*** it-2 389 Methuselah ***
(Me·thu'se·lah) [possibly, Man of the Missile].
Son of the faithful prophet Enoch; father of Lamech and grandfather of Noah. (Ge 5:21-29; 1Ch 1:1-4; Jude 14, 15) A descendant of Adam through Seth, Methuselah was of the eighth human generation. (Lu 3:37, 38) He enjoyed a life span of 969 years, the longest of Bible record, and one that has become proverbial for longevity. He died in 2370 B.C.E., the year in which the Flood began. But the Scriptures say that Methuselah “died,” not that he perished in the Deluge as a result of divine execution.—Ge 5:27;
As to your question of why couldn't Noah converhim. I don't know the answer.
yoyo says:.
i wanted to prove to myself that what the watchtower says about apostates is true.. now what a refreshing idea!
am i correct in assuming that you did this also for other topics the watchtower has opinions on?.
I have no further comment regarding the 607 BCE and the 539 BCE date. I will have to do some more research on that subject.
Now regarding Daniel Chapter 4:
YoYo, there is no "double fulfillment" of any prophecy given in Daniel 4. The words are clear: Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream as a prophecy that would be fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar. It was fulfilled. End of story.
So Nebuchadnezzar’s dream must have a further fulfillment.
The heaven-high, life-sustaining tree of the dream symbolized the UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGNTY of the Most High, Jehovah God, particularly in its relationship with our earth. This Universal Sovereignty is eternal, “to time indefinite,” for all generations.
For a long period of time Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty was represented here on earth. This was by means of the kingdom of Israel. Specially with King David.
King David had the sacred Ark of the Covenant of Jehovah brought into the city and placed in a tent pitched near his royal palace. Thus, as it were, Jehovah began to reign in Israel’s capital Jerusalem, and the Israelite king was said to sit upon “Jehovah’s throne.” (1 Chronicles 29:23; 16:1-31) Repeatedly King David acknowledged Jehovah to be his heavenly King, the real Ruler of Israel. (Psalms 5:2; 24:7-10; 68:24; 145:1) Certainly, then, the kingdom centered at Jerusalem with David and his royal descendants sitting there on “Jehovah’s throne” represented Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty with reference to our earth.
In the dream, that all-dominating tree was chopped down. True to that dream, Divine Sovereignty as exercised through the line of Davidic kings at Jerusalem was chopped down, toppled, put out of operation. When? When Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon brought destruction upon Jerusalem and its temple and carried off its last enthroned king, Zedekiah of David’s family, into exile to die there. Jehovah himself had the symbolic tree of sovereignty chopped down, for he himself used Nebuchadnezzar as his “servant” to bring about this overthrow. Jehovah himself took the responsibility for overturning this visible expression of his sovereignty toward our earth. (Jeremiah 25:8-11, 17-29; Ezekiel 21:22-27).
For how long was this debased appearance of Jehovah’s Universal Sovereignty to continue? For “seven times,” which were prophetically illustrated by the “seven years” of Nebuchadnezzar’s dethronement for him to live like a beast of the field.
So my question to you is, how much time do “seven times” cover?