And I'm supposed to believe what you say because you are the great AlanF?
Various researchersWhat researcher? Who gave you this inside information?
the question.
is all watchtower articles, books, etc.
inspired by god as the bible was?
And I'm supposed to believe what you say because you are the great AlanF?
Various researchersWhat researcher? Who gave you this inside information?
the question.
is all watchtower articles, books, etc.
inspired by god as the bible was?
They admit such mistakes in the Proclaimers book.
here is another unequivocal example of a claim of direct inspiration: in the olin moyle court case of 1943, fred franz said under oath that no man is the editor of the watchtower.
who, then, is the editor?
who became the editor?
Now this is getting interesting.
Say it isn't so, Alan. You couldn't have stooped so low to try to shut YK up.
the society used to state regularly that a creative day (cd) is exactly 7000 years long.
actually, that teaching has never been revoked although recent literature - since about 1988 - always says that a cd is "thousands of years" long.. two questions:.
(i) is any jw here willing to find out if the wts still believes that a cd is exactly 7000 years long or not?
I did not avoid your question. I referenced what the current stand of the Society is. You come to your own conclusions.
And why would I attempt to argue with my brothers, whom I love, over such an insignifacnt trivial thing as the length of a creative day?
i started this new thread as you requested.
we were discussing the various dates of armageddon, predicted by the wt.......ill start with your quote:.
the brothers were not predicting, but trying to understand bible chronology and prophesy.
You are right in that many Witnesses chanched their way of lives in preparation for armageddon. As I understand, this only happened in 1975. But in this case I see things different from opposers of Jehovahs people, see I don't hold a grudge against my brothers. I remember talking with an older annointed brother, and the subject of 1975 came up. The brother looked towards the ceiling and said " Oh 1975, thanks a lot Fred!". It was a group of us there and we all laughed. But that sums it up, Brother Franz, got excited about 1975 because it made sense according to the understanding of Chronology at that time. But, see, not all Witnesses got pissed off and left the organization. Why is that?
About the other dates, you through out several, 1881, 1914, 1925 etc. These were articles of the FDS explaining Bible prophesy. Each Witness could read the scriptures and reason for themselves.
the society used to state regularly that a creative day (cd) is exactly 7000 years long.
actually, that teaching has never been revoked although recent literature - since about 1988 - always says that a cd is "thousands of years" long.. two questions:.
(i) is any jw here willing to find out if the wts still believes that a cd is exactly 7000 years long or not?
*** ce 27 3 What Does Genesis Say? ***
It would seem reasonable that the “days” of Genesis could likewise have embraced long periods of time—millenniums.
*** rs 126 Evolution ***
Thus the ‘days’ of Genesis chapter 1 could reasonably be thousands of years long.
*** it-1 594 Day ***
This flexible use of the word “day” to express units of time of varying length is clearly evident in the Genesis account of creation. Therein is set forth a week of six creative days followed by a seventh day of rest. The week assigned for observance by the Jews under the Law covenant given them by God was a miniature copy of that creative week. (Ex 20:8-11) In the Scriptural record the account of each of the six creative days concludes with the statement: “And there came to be evening and there came to be morning” a first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth day. (Ge 1:5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31) The seventh day, however, does not have this ending, indicating that this period, during which God has been resting from his creative works toward the earth, continued on. At Hebrews 4:1-10 the apostle Paul indicated that God’s rest day was still continuing in his generation, and that was more than 4,000 years after that seventh-day rest period began. This makes it evident that each creative day, or work period, was at least thousands of years in length. As A Religious Encyclopaedia (Vol. I, p. 613) observes: “The days of creation were creative days, stages in the process, but not days of twenty-four hours each.”—Edited by P. Schaff, 1894.
What would happen if a JW in good standing all of a sudden were to start stating, whenever it came up, say in a talk from the platform, or in an answer, or in conversaition that "a CD is 7000 years long." Would you get into trouble for saying something that the Society still officially teaches but which, for whatever reasons, it no longer mentions?We shouldn't be dogmatic.
the question.
is all watchtower articles, books, etc.
inspired by god as the bible was?
I don't believe someone will be disfellowshipped for not agreeing 100% with the GB. The problem is the attitude and if that person is now preaching to other members of the congregation their own ideas, not based on the Bible.
the question.
is all watchtower articles, books, etc.
inspired by god as the bible was?
dubla: I will continue the conversation with you, but I went back to that thread and it seemed like our conversation was over. If you have a question for me or would like to go over the examples of blunders, then go ahead and start a new thread.
the question.
is all watchtower articles, books, etc.
inspired by god as the bible was?
The question. Is all Watchtower articles, books, etc. inspired by God as the Bible was? The answer is no. Think of how many articles have been published in the Watchtower and Awake. I don't have the total count, but I guess thousands. Many articles in these publications deal with daily news, and other needs that people encounter. But what about the articles with Bible topics?
Witnesses use the Bible to decipher the Bible. A good example is the understanding of the book of Revelation. Many facets of this book can be understood by comparing with scriptures in Daniel and Ezequiel.
If the Watchtower articles were inspired, then that means we would have an extension to the Bible and this is not possible. Jehovah made sure that we had the Bible as our guidance.
Why do Witnesses then claim that the articles come from Jehovah?
Well I will illustrate: What does the White House spokeperson do? Well he addresses the media on many issues concerning the President. He represents, at that point, President Bush. So what he says, is as the President were saying it. Can the spokeperson make a mistake and say something he shouldn't? Of course, then the President would ask "what did you say that for?, you should stick to what we've told you". Then the spokeperson would go in front of the media and make the correction of his statement.
Similarily, the Faithful and Discreet Slave represents Jehovah here on earth. Their publications are based on the Bible, so it's as if Jehovah were saying it. Can that slave class make mistakes? Yes, and Jehovah is probably thinking to himself "Where did they get that from? Who told them to say that?", then he guides them back to the scriptures so that they can make the proper correction.
In that sense, the Witnesses have the guidance of Jehovah by means of his holy spirit.
if you believe armageddon is coming, a few questions:.
armageddon: what is your belief of how your life will be immediatly following armageddon?
what is your belief of how your life will be within 1-5 years of armageddon?
What is your belief of how your life will be immediatly following armageddon?
It's going to be awesome! And I can't wait till the new scrolls are opened.
What is your belief of how your life will be within 1-5 years of armageddon?
I think the important thing is to be faithful to Jehovah and make it through.
What will you eat?
Spaghetti, lasagna, ravioli, qnoqui, french fies, vegetables, fruits, rice, macaroni and cheese, pizza, onion rings, and whatever else my wife comes up with.
What will the animals eat?
Which animals? Chipmunks will eat nuts.