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JoinedPosts by Wholly
I need some help ! (live in London)
by caath inhi, my name is catarina and im portuguese.. in portugal the sitiuacion of the country is hard.
i want work in ingland (in london), but i dont have any family or friends there.
so i remember then in the meetings of jeovah's witnesses we sometimes talk about the brothers and sisthers all aver the world.
I need some help ! (live in London)
by caath inhi, my name is catarina and im portuguese.. in portugal the sitiuacion of the country is hard.
i want work in ingland (in london), but i dont have any family or friends there.
so i remember then in the meetings of jeovah's witnesses we sometimes talk about the brothers and sisthers all aver the world.
It's ok Cedars, my methods are not always obvious at first, but take time to sink in. Usually people don't take the time to absorb the true meaning of words spoken or written. I apologize for not being clearer.
I need some help ! (live in London)
by caath inhi, my name is catarina and im portuguese.. in portugal the sitiuacion of the country is hard.
i want work in ingland (in london), but i dont have any family or friends there.
so i remember then in the meetings of jeovah's witnesses we sometimes talk about the brothers and sisthers all aver the world.
You are exactly right Cedars, it is what she wanted to hear. Your advice and the stories of others here is the actual truth about the truth, which Caath does not want to hear. Using the term "filth" was my way of reaching out to her subconscious as obviously the truth of opposing viewpoints cannot be filth.
I am here to learn how to rescue my sister and nephew from the mind-control of the cult.
Thank you.
I need some help ! (live in London)
by caath inhi, my name is catarina and im portuguese.. in portugal the sitiuacion of the country is hard.
i want work in ingland (in london), but i dont have any family or friends there.
so i remember then in the meetings of jeovah's witnesses we sometimes talk about the brothers and sisthers all aver the world.
Contact someone in your local congregation, they will be able to help you find potential housemates in London. That way you won't have to expose yourself to the filth of opposing viewpoints on an internet forum full of people with true life stories about the Organization of the WTBTS, Inc.
Chat with an ex-bethelite in good standing
by raymond frantz ini had the following conversation with a brother ex-bethelite ,left in good standing to start a family and currently a po in his congragation .he regularly gives talks in district and circuit assemblies .we go way back so he tollerates my comments but he is a die hard .we had the following conversation recently.
me:" have you heard about the new light for the fds?
elder:" that something you read in an apostate website?".
Proverbs 4:18
But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. 19 The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom; they have not known at what they keep stumbling.
Deut 18:20
However the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. 21 And in case you should say in your heart; "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?" 22 When the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him.
Where is Jehovah?
by His Excellency inhow do we reconcile those bullshits being told at the meetings about how jehovah's eyes are upon us and how his figurative wings serves as protection to those who are destitute with the condition of these sickly sudanese refugees at this camp.. .
In 1969, the Watchtower published a reference book called "Aid to Bible Understanding." On pages 884 and 885 they explain that the Jews used to insert the vowels of "Adonai" into the Tetragrammaton "YHWH" to remember to say Lord (Adonai) instead of God's name while reading the sacred texts. The two words put together read: "Yehowah." In the year 1270 a Dominican Spanish monk by the name of Raymundus Martin published a book called "Pugeo Fidei" in which he wrote in the latinized form of "Yehowah" as "Jehovah". He was the first to do so.
The Watchtower realizing what they had done replaced "Aid to Bible understanding" by an other work called "Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 1 & 2," © 1988 and removed that entire explanation.
The mention of the book is also not available on the Watchtower CD Rom when searching for Raymundus Martini. Therefoire, Jehovah's witnesses continue to believe the lie that Jehovah is really God's name and the explanation that Jehovah is the English renderring of Yahweh when the truth is that Jehovah is the LATINIZED form of the Hebrew hybrid false name "Yehowah."
If Jehovah's witnesses would know this then the entire religion would fall appart since they wear a false name since 1931 and give witness to that false name wherever they go. -
My chat with an Elder about the UN thing! Help!
by awakening inwell it was a very long discussion.
the elder knew nothing about the scandal, but he stated that he had no issue with it since when the case was brought to light, the society acted immediately to right their course.
in fact he thought it was a sign that that the organisation was indeed the "truth".
I have none of these publications and therefore, cannot confirm their existence or what is stated in them. Hopefully, some of you may have them and be able to confirm for yourselves (and us) whether or not this information is accurate.
Where is the proof that they regularly disseminated information on United Nations activities?
The proof is in the literature they printed during their time of membership. Below is a small sampling of the various articles they published which satisfied the UN/NGO criteria. Because we do not want to overstep the Fair Use of Copyright laws we will not publish whole articles, however you can view snippets of some of these articles here:
Awake! July 22 (2001) pp.3-5.................................................Helping Hands Are Everywhere
Awake! January 8 (2000) pp.20-21........................................"Mothers With AIDS Face A Dilemma" Awake!: December 8, (2000), pp. 3-9................................... Series of Articles
Awake! May 22 (1999) pp.4-9...............................................By the Sweat of Children
Awake! January 8 (1999) p.13................................................Rights Without Responsibilities?
Awake!: November 22, (1998), pp. 3-11 ............................. Series of Articles
Awake! February 8 (1997) pp.14-17......................................When Land Turns Into Desert
Awake!: April 22, (1996), pp. 4-7 ....................................... “Who Can Bring Lasting Peace?”
The Watchtower: October 1, (1995) pp. 3-5 ...................... “Fifty Years of Frustrated Efforts”
Awake! July 22 (1995) pp.4-8................................................Man's Fight Against Disasters
Awake! May 8 (1994) pp.4-8.................................................Efforts to Save the Children
Awake! February 22 (1993) pp.4-6........................................Children -- Assets or Liabilities?
Awake! December 8 (1992) p.3-7 .........................................Small series of articles
Awake!: September 8, (1991), pp. 3-4, 8-10 ....................... Small series of articlesAlthough this isn't a complete listing of all the United Nations-friendly articles that the Watchtower Society published during their time of NGO registration, this list shows that they did, indeed, fulfill the requirement to disseminate information regarding United Nations activities and programmes.
Email us: [email protected]
My chat with an Elder about the UN thing! Help!
by awakening inwell it was a very long discussion.
the elder knew nothing about the scandal, but he stated that he had no issue with it since when the case was brought to light, the society acted immediately to right their course.
in fact he thought it was a sign that that the organisation was indeed the "truth".
I asked my Bible Study Teacher if she knew the WTBTS was affiliated with the UN as an NGO beginning in 1992 and continuing for nine and a half years.
Her response to me was "You really have to consider the source. The apostates distort the truth, if you want to know the truth about that we can talk." I responded, "Of course I want the truth that is why I asked."
She then stated "Apostates tried to claim that the Branch was a member of the UN when it actually was they were members of a news group that gave news access privileges for writing purposes. About 10 years ago the Brothers stopped renewing their press privileges." I said, "Then it is true."
Her response: "Apostates are crafty and their "strong evidence" is information that is either outright lies or information taken out of context. This is a classic example of that." She then continued with a non-sequitor as an example of how that works with worldy, disgruntled folks whose intent is to stir other people up under the facade of "helping others.
I said I feel sick about this. We are taught to be no part of the world. Being a member of the UN for ANY REASON is hypocricy.
She said "We each have to decide who we will believe. I personally believe that Jehovah is using this organization today to teach the truth. And like Peter told Jesus (when some chose to stop following Jesus) "Lord whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life" John 6-60-70.
I asked why we need a mediator between us and Jesus. She said we don't, Jesus is our mediator, that's why we pray through his name. I said then, "If the organization is teaching the truth how are we following Jesus?" She then shut the conversation down, telling me I'm listening to words of Satan and she wants nothing to do with it, she is on Jehovah's side. I thanked her for her time and cancelled my Bible Study.
I then asked my baptized, pioneering (in March) sister (in another state) if she knew about it. Her response in a nutshell parallelled that of my Bible study teacher's except she said this, "I don't believe it, I can't and I won't."
I find this whole incident disgusting and it has made me very upset, sad, depressed and afraid (for all those stuck inside).
How Can I Kindly Kick Weak And Unproductive Publishers Out Of My Kingdom Hall?
by AuntConnie inunproductive kingdom proclaimers won't leave my kingdom hall, how do i rid our hall of these vultures or turkeys?.
"you can't fly like the eagles if you hang out with turkeys".
after visiting your site, i decided to allow one of the spiritual weak individuals into my car group, it was not easy but you have made valid points i find very self condemning.
You could try being as brutally honest with them as you have been here, Auntie.
Forum Owner and Member Integrity
by Simon insome people recently raised concerns about security of the site relating to whether forum members could be watchtower plants trying to obtain information about people.
apparently, this was because a previous forum that was setup was either owned by or later handed over to someone who used it to collect personal information about people which was then used to harrass them.
i don't know all the details, i'm just paraphrasing what i've heard and recognize that it's a concern to some people.. i want to first of all put people's minds at rest: i've been running this site for what will be 13 years next month.
Hello Simon and thank you for accepting my registration. This is my first post here. At some point, when I become acclimated to the site I will post an introduction thread. For now, I just want to thank you and the community for being here.
I am not and have never been a baptized JW. I do, however, have two family members who are and I have begun scouring the web for practical information regarding TWBTS, Inc. to help me learn how to begin breaking the spell they are under.
I studied decades ago but could not bring myself to commit even though my parents did and pressured me to do the same. Recently, I thought I was divinely led back to the JW's and started a new Bible study. My study lasted six weeks. I terminated it 2 days ago when I learned about the UN/NGO incident, which led me here (and elsewhere on the net.)
I am grateful to have found and been accepted into your community. I hope I will be permitted to remain a member. If not, I will still read the comments from the membership as they have already provided me with more information than I ever thought possible to find.