I had the following conversation with a brother ex-bethelite ,left in good standing to start a family and currently a PO in his congragation .He regularly gives talks in district and circuit assemblies .We go way back so he tollerates my comments but he is a die hard .We had the following conversation recently
Me:" Have you heard about the new light for the FDS? What to you think?"
Elder:"...is that something you read in an apostate website?"
Me:" No, it is on jw.org the new light about the FDS that came out in their last annual meeting that the FDS are now only the 9 brothers in the Head Quarters "
Elder:"...not only that ,they are the FDS only when the get together as a committee .Do be frank with you I agree with this .There are so many new partakers of the emblems (anointed ) that send letters out to the headquarters telling them about doctrines and policies they don't agree with .They need to bring them down a peg or too."
Me:"Isn't that wrong? If you had a government of 12000 members and 9 decided one day to takr over without consulting the rest or receiving a mandate ,what would you call that ? A coup d'état "
Elder:"Let me ask you .Did the 12000 ever had a saying in the decision making of the organisation ?What is your problem now?"
Me:"...and that makes alright ? Do you know why they came up with this new doctrine ?"
Elder:" ...you told me before I think ,it was because of this pedophilia case in Australia ,they want to escape the blame so they have to say that they are a theological arrangement .So what ? They do everything they can to protect the organisation .If they have to hide they have to hide"
Me:" Since when court cases dectate doctrine? Did Paul or Jesus hide to avoid responsibility for their claims? I told you before to have your eyes open .The antichrist is the one that puts himself above Christ and make himself a god..."
Elder :" ...that is to deep I can't accept that (put the phone down)"