I asked my Bible Study Teacher if she knew the WTBTS was affiliated with the UN as an NGO beginning in 1992 and continuing for nine and a half years.
Her response to me was "You really have to consider the source. The apostates distort the truth, if you want to know the truth about that we can talk." I responded, "Of course I want the truth that is why I asked."
She then stated "Apostates tried to claim that the Branch was a member of the UN when it actually was they were members of a news group that gave news access privileges for writing purposes. About 10 years ago the Brothers stopped renewing their press privileges." I said, "Then it is true."
Her response: "Apostates are crafty and their "strong evidence" is information that is either outright lies or information taken out of context. This is a classic example of that." She then continued with a non-sequitor as an example of how that works with worldy, disgruntled folks whose intent is to stir other people up under the facade of "helping others.
I said I feel sick about this. We are taught to be no part of the world. Being a member of the UN for ANY REASON is hypocricy.
She said "We each have to decide who we will believe. I personally believe that Jehovah is using this organization today to teach the truth. And like Peter told Jesus (when some chose to stop following Jesus) "Lord whom shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life" John 6-60-70.
I asked why we need a mediator between us and Jesus. She said we don't, Jesus is our mediator, that's why we pray through his name. I said then, "If the organization is teaching the truth how are we following Jesus?" She then shut the conversation down, telling me I'm listening to words of Satan and she wants nothing to do with it, she is on Jehovah's side. I thanked her for her time and cancelled my Bible Study.
I then asked my baptized, pioneering (in March) sister (in another state) if she knew about it. Her response in a nutshell parallelled that of my Bible study teacher's except she said this, "I don't believe it, I can't and I won't."
I find this whole incident disgusting and it has made me very upset, sad, depressed and afraid (for all those stuck inside).