I think the flood story is like most of the Bible. It's a bunch of stories trying to say the same thing. Destruction is coming and there's a way of escape. And it probably won't be Elon Musk getting us to all live on Mars, just saying...
JoinedPosts by lriddle80
Height of mountains before and after the flood .
by smiddy3 init was stated many years ago in answer to how did the flood cover the top of all the mountains on earth in noah`s day.?.
mount everest ?.
and it was explained away by saying that the mountains before the flood were a lot smaller / lower than the mountains that exist today.. so there was no problem .. when the deluge began with so much volume of water now covering the earth ( water being heavy ) pushed down into the weakest parts of the earth and raised up in other parts of the earth to where we now have higher mountains than existed before the flood of noah`s day.. in other words mount everest didn`t exist at its present height before the flood and neither did any other high mountain that exists today ,the topography all changed with the noachian flood.
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
What I see is that there is no one size fits all regarding atheists and their hope for humanity. We'll keep shlepping along until the sun explodes or a giant rock hits us or we blow ourselves up or the climate destroys the planet (if you believe science)
Life goes on until it doesn't.
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
Since you asked :)
I think Ray Comfort explains it well using his parachute story (it's a little long!)
Two men are seated in a plane. The first is given a parachute and told to put it on because it will improve his flight. He is a little skeptical at first; he cannot see how wearing a parachute on board a plane could possibly improve his flight.
After some time, he decides to experiment and see if the claims are true. As he straps the apparatus to his back, he notices the weight of it on his shoulders and he finds he now has difficulty sitting upright. However, he consoles himself with the flight attendant’s promise that the parachute will improve his flight, and he decides to give it a little time.
As the flight progresses, he notices that some of the other passengers are laughing at him because he is wearing a parachute inside the plane. He begins to feel somewhat humiliated. As they continue to laugh and point at him, he can stand it no longer. He sinks in his seat, unstraps the parachute, and throws it to the floor. Disillusionment and bitterness fills his heart because as far as he is concerned, he was told an outright lie.
The second man is also given a parachute, but listen to what he is told. He is told to put it on because at any moment he will have to jump out of the plane at 25,000 feet. He gratefully puts the parachute on. He does not notice the weight of it upon his shoulders, nor is he concerned that he cannot sit upright. His mind is consumed with the thought of what would happen to him if he jumped without the parachute.
Let’s now analyze the motive and the result of each passenger’s experience. The first man’s motive for putting on the parachute was solely to improve his flight. The result of his experience was that he was humiliated by the other passengers, disillusioned, and somewhat embittered against those who gave him the parachute. As far as he is concerned, it will be a long time before anyone gets one of those things on his back again.
The second man put on the parachute solely to survive the jump to come. And because of his knowledge of what would happen to him if he jumped without it, he has a deep-rooted joy and peace in his heart, knowing that he has been saved from certain death. This knowledge gives him the ability to withstand the mockery of the other passengers. His attitude toward those who gave him the parachute is one of heartfelt gratitude.
...Instead of preaching that Jesus will “improve the flight,” we should be warning sinners that one day they will have to jump out of the plane. “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).
**It's not about "improving the flight experience" it's about surviving the "jump" so to speak.
**But, you do you, I am not here to be right... we're just having an interchange of ideas as far as I am concerned! And I appreciate all of the feedback!
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
Haha, thanks! :)
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
For those who don't believe in God - I was wondering if only politics was the answer for them because they seem to be for my atheist relatives and if those relatives lost hope in politics, then what else was there for them.
I will tell you a kind of funny story from my volunteering:
Last Wednesday, I was talking with my homeless friend, D, about God and salvation, etc, asking about his life. D said he didn't feel God was with him because he is getting angry at so many people and doesn't have any peace and I know he isn't sleeping well. Well, the devotion that we did that day, no less than 10 minutes later was about ANGER and loss of sleep because of it and that if we give it to God we will have more peace! He was shaking his head and I had a big cheesy grin! Afterwards, he said, "it's gone, I am giving it to God" and I was able to say that God is with him!! It was cool!!
In all my years of being dependent on an ancient God, I have not been disappointed and he is my delight, amidst all the suffering that life has brought to me.
But I started this to see what others had to say about the topic of hope. It helps me as I have conversations with people where I volunteer (called The Hope House) and how I think about my relatives.
Thanks for your reply! :)
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
Ok, good, I agree, biology doesn't account for the whole picture.
Oh yes! Feelings lie to us all the time, especially fear, anger...maybe the scripture about the heart being deceptive fits!
I know! Suicide takes away all hope for that person and that's why I believe so strongly in helping to bring hope to people who think no one sees them or cares. There are people who seem almost like withered, dried up flowers, but then you show them some love, attention, care and if they really believe someone cares, they start to perk up and maybe it could create a spark for them to start living again or change their life!
children's medical care / women's health care
by neat blue dog ina recent jwdotorg article called refusal of blood transfusions "children's medical care", and that reminded me of the often used phrase "women's health care".
funny how both are euphemisms for death..
Good comparison!!
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
So, if feelings are just hormones chasing each other. Then why pay attention to any of them? Why this insatiable need for justice? Isn't this just hormones and should be treated as such? But, the whole world has erupted over it!
(This is off topic, but it made me think!)
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
A lot of things were "counted" to people "as righteousness" before Jesus, usually involving some action showing they believed what God said.
I guess I see your point. We as humans are always "hoping" for something we know might not happen and that keeps us going. Is that it?
So, even though politicians may fail my atheist relatives, they will probably just "hope" for other things along the way and that will distract them from seeing the futility of it all. That makes me feel better for them. Thanks!
Politics and Hope
by lriddle80 inso there are a lot of atheists on here.
my question: where does your hope come from?
that the right people will be put in political positions and will eventually form a utopian society that will meet all needs and we will have equality for all?.
Thanks for that thoughtful answer! For me, I got saved and my soul finally found peace when I realized I didn't need to know who is "right" only that Jesus would save me if I asked him to and I believed him.
I like that you have an open mind. I think it's fun when all possibilities are considered. It leads to better conversation!!