ok so I got the pix of me up courtsey of the marvelously talented xena..thanx again btw. I figured maybe i shud probably answer them questions..so here goes.
1. fav color? no doubt about it has to be green
2. aries right here
3. hmm poison of choice...ironic question as I suffered a really bad hangover from all that damn jack i was drinkin the other nite...I wud have to say mr daniels...straight or with a little coke..
4. Celeb i would sleep with? hmmmm SURVEY SAYS...that gothic crazy chick from " the craft"
5. Musical inspiration...jonathan davis from korn.
6. Fav movie? hmmmm "event horizon", " the excorcist", " half baked" just to name the top 3.
7. I prefer the ccoolldd...( damn I hate this fresno weather)
8. Biggest fear...hmmmm becoming a dub again...
9. Biggest personality asset....my friends and co workers would say that I am a comic and have a lighthearted feel to me...I honestly dont know what I think but...thats the best way I can answer that one
10. biggest flaw....hmmmm all of the mental damage done to me by the wtbts...all the anger that I got from those fockers...I think thats about everything...