spaz: laughing it off and making a joke is probably one of the only things that keeps me somewhat sane. However much sanity i may have left. :) maybe some of yer poetry to cheer me up?
ladylee: yah this board has been a source of much help and I am very much thankful that I got here. As for taking has just been so long since I have had to take ANY meds that it was a bit hard for me to pun intended. Local support...I am still relatively new in this town. Most of the people I know I met thru my exwife so it makes it a little tricky. Lisa(ldh) has been a great help in terms of someone local to vent to. Thanx
saintsatan: "nothing wrong with falling apart" :) thanx...I think I needed to hear that...I spend so much time desperately trying to hold myself together that I forget it is ok to crumble every now and then. The doc didnt seem to have many ideas for support groups that wud match me. I have a hard time with trust issues, yet another flaw from that jw conditioning. Workin on it tho. Til I find somethin this board has been here for me to just vent.
xena: THANX girl...much love felt from the jw board and the "black sheep" that congregate here. :) The pix came out perfect too thanks fer postin em. :)
lyineyes: " Oh well , that which does not kill us, only makes us stronger" boy does THIS ever ring true! I hope that I get to the point one day where none of that jw shite even phazes me at all and I can just shrug my shoulders and say "eh fuck it" I think its funny that I am not there already I have been out for damn near 9 years or so but never really dealt with any of the conditioning that I got while IN the borg. One day...til then I guess the meds will have to do...and I will take yer luck! Even if them damn jdubs hate the crap outta me!
teejay: yah I am tryin to distance myself completely from my friggin jw parents. They just seem to keep messin with my mind. Thanx fer the support!
outlaw: yep definitely life altering....hopefully I make it thru all this life altering dung...I think I (somehow)
a dub is another name fer a jw say it with me one time, "jay dubbleyah" JW'S fer the viewing audience back home.