wow, lots of good advice and questions from everyone! I knew there was a good reason I am on this site..ok lets go about this in order..
freedomrules:I am df'd now for 8 or so years, my pop is an elder, mom is extremely devout jw. I have a semi-professional, based on logistic relationship with my dad and not so much of anything with my mom. It has taken me years to get this much from them. As to whether anyone knows why I am not sure myself actually. I only vaguely recall what those members of that judicial commitee said that night to me. Their faces are clear but not the words. I honestly dont know what criteria one has to meet in order to be labelled an apostate so only can go by what I know of my father and their understanding of the word. You are very right in what ya said..irony within the jw system does not go to waste it seems. Yah he does have a lot going on right now. Yah letting him do the bulk of the talking sounds good to me. Good feedback! Thanxz!
Mav: yah if he is still close to the jdub infrastructure he will be either full of mush or hard as concrete...either way I have already done my "time in jw departure crisis" so know what to expect I imagine. Yah gonna send him this way too. I already have all of the books that have been used for jw departure..coc, awakenings of a I am fully armed with the "sword of truth" LOL damn that was funny...
Granny: the feeling behind your post reflects a past that is probably very long and full of emotional experience. I thank you for that...he IS reaching out and I could possibly be the only one in a position to just listen to what he has to say. He isnt a bad guy..I never had any problems with him personally I think that I will be able to just sit and listen unobjectively and nonjudgementally. Thankxz
JamesThomas: Very good question..I have been molded to believe that when a time of persecution loomed close by that I would stand fast in the face of overwhelming odds in belief of a dubious at best religious system. That sentance is probably grammatically wrong but hope the point came across. To be honest I dont know what is going to happen..I guess I will just have to wait and see eh? It is good though for me to get feedback from those on here that may have been in similar situations. "Follow your heart" LOL funny words eh? All those years hearing that I should not listen to my heart and that it was treacherous and deceitful. LOL. Damn I'm glad I can still laugh about it!
Caligirl: True, you have a VERY good point there. I thought about that one for a bit...his non jw family know about his desire to leave to org. I couldnt come up with an answer to my own question of "why would he tell his non jw family all of this if he was NOT genuine?" I dunno...I think at this point the course of prudence with some room for empathic listening would be the best thing for me. I'll do it the way I have done most everything ELSE in my life...WING IT! lol...Thankxz!