spend most of my week at a hotel in burbank....then bounce back to central cali for a few days of the week. Not originally from these parts tho...
who here is in ca?
i'm in southern ca, and that's all i'm willing to reveal for now.
spend most of my week at a hotel in burbank....then bounce back to central cali for a few days of the week. Not originally from these parts tho...
if those people are of some positive energy, they will see the light.
that is their free will choice.
as part of our ministry to those that oppose the truth, we point out that a humble heart is the only thing that saves anyone.
ROTFLMAO...wow religion really IS a snare and a racket! lol that pile of defecation smelled so bad i cud smell it here emanating from the screen.....wow...ahhh comic relief I needed that...that'll get me thru the day..:)
lol...preachin to the proverbial "choir" on that one but preach away! Get no arguments from me or anyone else here id imagine...;)
<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif} .style2 {color: #ff0000} .style3 {color: #000000} .style4 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; } --> the great taboo discussionsuicides among former jehovah's witnesses to write about this discussion neither appeals to me nor does it make me feel comfortable to discuss it.. however, it is necessary to consider in light of all the trauma, negative experiences, and personal traged-.
ies that have happened to individuals on this board.
(what inspired me to write this subject was a bone chilling account .
yes...i was down this road a couple o times...long ago. Ironically enough it would be those worldly people that ultimately came to my resuce when it was the witnesses who sent me down the path of insanity..lol. Talk about poetic irony...
so, i had just woke up, and i was sitting on my couch.
i'm wearing a pair of worn khaki shorts, and a tshirt.. there is a subtle knock on the door.
so, i walk over to the door.
LOL sheesh...if i ever had a reason for the jws TO come by it would be to scare the heck outta them too! Lol...hillarious
it's been a little over a year for me.. about 15 months..
hmmm the last time I ever set foot in a kh wa the night of my df'ing...ahhh memories...that cigarette tasted GREAT walking out...i think that was the last memory of a cigarette i have ever had...had to be ummmm 92?...long time ago...thankfully...
first thing i'd notice is how the old ones got so much older and how the kids became adults and are taller than me.. next thing i'd notice would be how long and dull the meetings are.. *yawn*.
I think the first thing i would notice would be the bells and whistles and klaxon horns in my head going off telling me to get the hell out of there! Secondly I think I would notice all the wierd looks I got from walking in with the mohawk that I would inevitably have if i ever decided to walk back in one of those places...sheesh!
i have direct proof of this.
according to wts doctrine god will kill not only pet owners but pets as well, if they are not jw.. i'll give you all some time to respond to this and then i'll show you the actual wts doctrine on this.
wow...this was actually funny...the society declares war upon animals and here i thot I was the animal they were trying to mess with...lol
any artists, any time period........please let me know, i need some sanity.. r..
Korn "make me bad" it helped with sanity restoration at the level i was at...
Linkin Park "somewhere i belong"
jordon is hebrew and it means "to descend or flow"....ha~!
not very interesting, .
this one looks like a fun two second answer...my name as horrid as it is....means "savior" sigh...my parents really got the butt end of that one didnt they? The only person i ever saved is myself from continuing to be a jw....