any sibling of spaz's is a welcome addition to this board! Spaz has been a healthy source of encouragement in times when i have needed it. Welcome!
Posts by zanex
can this be real?
by SPAZnik ini'm so excited i could burst!
my sibling and i have been reunited, not only irl .
please give breal a much deserved hearty welcome y'all!
Intro: as a person with deaf parents and a fully functioning asl interpreter myself this thread cracks me up! LMAO
28/m/central cali...
I need help
by DIAMOND inhelp me please... i just got diane wilson's book awakening of a jehovah's witness and i can't put the damn thing down.
i'm reading while i eat while i'm in bed while i'm at work in the bathroom!!
its crazy!!!!.
I have the same problem..I am in the process of reading it too. It takes on a big reality for me cuz I was an interpreter too. Very good book. I am reading coc and that one right now at the same time. Squeeze in some harry potter too for some sanity building excercises..
by kls ini just wanted to say thanks to all on this board,if i have a bad day i come and read some threads and just sit and laugh,some of you are so funny,if i need answers to any questions, you answer,if there is a debate going on i can't wait to read the next thread to see how it give me a reason to keep going everyday.simon ,i would also like to thank you ,if not for you this life saving sight and letting these people be themselves ,many of us would not be here to help others or ourselves.i hope all of you really realise how important you are and the help you have brought to so many.
thankyou all kathy
yes, I think that I can also only echo what has already been said here..Simon, this board has been a place for me to come to when I need either a hard shot of reality or an encouraging word of support..either way it has been a help to me in ways that I am sure that I will never even know. Poetry that I would have never had written has come out since I have had this palce to bring it out on...a living breathing place to enjoy a type of catharsis. My hats off to prescription bottle also is open to ya It's gotta be a maddening task to deal with all of us eccentric personalities here..
Theme park for JEHOVAH's WITNESSES
by pandora in.
i hope this works!
LOL damn this was funny...
For those interested...
by Valis in.
a mouse whispered in my ear today that the may km was around... sincerely,.
district overbeer of the "faithless and indiscrete slave" class
I would like to be on this list of km receivers...if at all possible..
by zanex inthis last weekend was easter and i had the pleasure of spending it with my daughter, my ex and her parents.
they are locals and have been very accomodating with the whole divorce.
the ex-in-laws are still good people and they have good hearts and a mindset that isnt religiously controlling.
This last weekend was easter and I had the pleasure of spending it with my daughter, my ex and her parents. They are locals and have been very accomodating with the whole divorce. The ex-in-laws are still good people and they have good hearts and a mindset that isnt religiously controlling. They are good for my little girl. Anyway, my daughter had painted a little wooden egg in her little two year old splotchy painting style with random colors and no actualy design but it felt good when her grandmother gave me the egg (grandma helped my daughter paint it) and told me that it had been painted by my little spud for me for easter. I didnt quite know what to say. I actually still havent let the egg out of my personal contact. I have it in my backpack. I feel kind of silly bringing it around with me but for some strange odd reason it makes me feel good and comfortable. The holiday thing is very much starting to warm me up. With every new thing that happens I go through a plethora of feelings and emotions.
I also had the disturbing experience of watching a movie that someone on this board had suggested, "Savage Messiah" it was quite disturbing yet in some small ways oddly reminiscent of the jw mind-control that allowed me to just accept whatever I was told as the truth with no proof. The extreme nature of THAT cultish family in the movie was sick. It twisted me kind of hard. Every little bit of de-conditioning that I get is good for me though..I am rapidly learning that the process to de-condition a mind is oftentimes not the most pleasureable of experiences. At any rate thats all I had to say. No poems this time. I have actually made a file of ALL the random poetry that I had posted on this board and I was suprised at how much I had put out...anywayz...laterz from this side of the zanexiville complex.
Do You Remember the Day of Your Baptism?
by minimus inyour baptism date is supposed to be the most important time of your life.
i was 9 years old when i took the plunge.
i remember my baptism, mostly because, i was baptized twice.
It was in colorado. That much I can remember. The rest if the day is sort of vague. I recall walking down a long hallway and having a brother ask me if i had ever been baptized into any other religion and if i had been baptized a jw before and thats about all i recall. Funny though..I remember with sharp clarity the night I got disfellowshipped and remember the judicial meetings before that fateful night. I remember the gestapo tactics that they used to raze me and crush my mental psyche. Funny how I would remember that night and the bad nights whereas I have little to no memory of the baptism..hmmm wonder why that i dont.
Help me welcome a new member, jillbedford!
by Valis inwelcome jill!
i hope you enjoy the board and you meet many new friends here.
are you in bedford, texas by chance?
welcome to organized insanity and harmonious chaos. Where the mental washings and conditionings of the past come clean and wash away in a circle of those who understand...its quite a rather nice place..
missed birthday...
by zanex inso like my bday was the other day..april 12th.
iam now 28...not that it means much or anything...i got an email from my elder dad telling me that he had traded in his honda for a harley and that him and mom were doing ok and that they still hoped that i would come back to the meetings.
joannadandy: Thanx..yah that kind of sums up the way I was feeling. LOL about the stalker thing! You have a point there..random emails from random people wishing me a happy birthday do make me say, "HMMMMM" Thank you tho.
Lisa: Hey you! Yah that sounds like a good idea, thanx! This week I am free on like friday for lunch or in next week's sched I am free any of the weekdays for lunch at this point but you know my today..gone tomorrow. :)
cruzanheart: Thanxz! I liked it! definitely made me smile..