hmmm I actually found myself in this situation...i made a post about it some time ago about how I am worknig in an arena that is rampant with jws that happen to be intimately familiar with my parents who are still actively within the clutches of the ahem..."troof"...anyhow i was approached while i was on the job and I was asked if i was df'd. I, for some odd reason, felt a surge of what I would like to call courage but is more probably like fool hardiness and decided to answer it! I said i was dfd but that i did not subscribe to such terminology and if they wanted to speak with me again that they would have to address me by my name.
Now we skip into the next day when i fully realize what I have done and now ALL of the jws working there will now shun me...all because of a shtupid question and my numbnuts answer...I went to my management and they were aghast at the tale I told. Before I ever took the job i made management aware of my issues with the local jw populace and i was promised that I would never be made to feel uneasy. They were more worried about me suing them than any religious issues the shtupid jws had. Anyhow..long story short...I had a meeting set with the jw who ousted me and my manager...I told that jw in no uncertain terms that I was not to be f*&$@d with and that any comments to that effect would be returned with a vengeance. I love the feeling of having the word "professional" supporting me....the jw was cowed and to this day I have had a "zero tolerance" relationship with that and all the other jws here...and apparently I have had quite an the first ever df'd xjw that is working at this job. There are others within this job that have been made to feel small and "shunned" up until i got employed...I am the first one to ever stand up and give them all a very well deserved bird. And all under the umbrella of work! Go fig...
Ultimately the choice to identify oneself comes with consequences but those same consequences are faced whether or not I do it to myself or they find out without my information...I made the choice to take them on...head, it wasnt easy but now it is MY power field...and the game they play is now out in the open and I am on top...but whatever...Im just glad my boss is Makes it much easier for me to sit in front of those jws and tell them what anyhow...thats my 2 cents!