Sorry.... Is duplicate post
Edited by - zechariah on 18 October 2002 7:53:44
any of you evolutionists ever crunch the numbers?
Sorry.... Is duplicate post
Edited by - zechariah on 18 October 2002 7:53:44
any of you evolutionists ever crunch the numbers?
Evolutionists in this thread have made the finest possible defense for an indefensible idea.
They have accused creationists of not be educate. to their point of view. Read some science books smetimes they say. The accuse creationists therefore of rejecting the "fact" of evolution out of ignorance.
Certainly that is not true with me. I have read in enough detail all they feel is important and have quickly identified the patterns of their arguments. I have become skilled and value netting things out to the simplest form in order to them make them understandable to both myself and others.
The evolutionists have most cleverly manipulated facts to avoid giving creative credit to an personal original cause. One poster provided a elaborate case that there always was uniformly present intelligence throughout the universe This early lifeform or organism or whatever they want to call it can disinterestedly, independently, and without any outside maintenance grow and evolve slowly and uniformly into life as we know it today.
That was easy to say but is a totally preposterous idea.
As added support to this theory the suggestion was made that spirit forces might be so different that we cannot fathom their nature. It is clear their intent in theorizing such is so there would be no responsibility on their part for crediting life to a interested personal intelligent force. With impunity they can call God lazy and inept for certainly he could not care as he does not exist.
They think its wise to believe this way and they are being well served by their belief. The Bible clarifies the fact that though God is quantum leaps superior to man in form and magnitude he has created us in spirit to be in his image. That means we have his attributes of love, power, wisdom and justice. Basicaly that means we do things for the same reasons God does.
It is by this spirit inheritance from God that we are capable of understanding his purposes . Of course for proper perspective we must elevate our thinking to allow for his quantum leaps greater magnitude. This is why my "Little Computer People" philosophy is of such great value to me. I believe it was a provision from God along with other object lessons he has inspired man to make which helps us understand him and our own lives better.
Therefore the notion that because God is not human he can't be understood by us is wthout merit. My reasoning here alone in this matter solidifies my belief in a personal Creator.
The evolutionists on the board say their rejection of God is nothing personal as he does not really exist. They deny having Child abandonment issues as they feel God has left them. The proof this is indeed the case with them is the necessity they have to make personal attacks and insults on someone they claim doesn't exist. He's abandoned us. He is lazy. He is inept. He is too slow. He is cruel. Who are you fooling guys . You are all hurting desiring a relationship with your heavenly father.
I see this attitude every day with my grandnephew whose mother has abandoned him. He is so angry he disowns her, disrespects her, wont take her phone calls or mail and speaks he harshly of her all the time. His rebellion against his mother is going to severely affect his mental and emotional development. Hes got to accept and forgive his mother for whatever she is and accept whatever positive things she is willing and capable of giving. Hes only hurting himself otherwise. I hope he oneday realizes that before it is too late. So too I make the same plea to you evolutionists.
this post is to me a god sent opportunity to once again deliver accurately the "truth that sets men free".
when last i posted the post you will find below about homosexuals i am aware from responses i received from it people assumed i myself was gay and just trying to excuse my own behavior.
the truth is i am not gay but for sure i related to their situation in that i was and am a lifelong sex addict with the .
Religion and especially JWs use peoples desire to please God to control the behavior of people for the own benefit. Living by the golden rule (rule) is the full requirement of the law. Any abusive behavior obviously breaks that law. But even then God is the judge. This has nothing to do with what law man creates for himself. There is no act by itself that can be classed outside the bounds of love. The circumstances determines whether it is abuse or not. Sex amongst consenting adults is not acts that violate the law of love.
If people choose to misunderstand as many on this board have already chosen to do it is not an excuse me to deny the good news because they choose to misunderstand. If its in someones heart to do evil things he will always find justification. My testimony is for honest hearted seekers of truth.
this post is to me a god sent opportunity to once again deliver accurately the "truth that sets men free".
when last i posted the post you will find below about homosexuals i am aware from responses i received from it people assumed i myself was gay and just trying to excuse my own behavior.
the truth is i am not gay but for sure i related to their situation in that i was and am a lifelong sex addict with the .
My testimony might appear to be for the purpose of providing unbelievers with a golden opportunity to criticize belief and trust in God.
I only purpose if not for myself as I am now totally free without having to abandon in anyway my relationship with God. It is what strengthen my relationship and made me fully aware that God is not a God that is impossible to please. It is faith and trust in him that pleases him.
My testimony is for the benefit of peole who feel that God insists they be morally acceptable before they can have a relationship with him. God is easy to please. All it take is faith.
Unbelievers are now encouraging me (after-the-fact) people my position
to abandon their desire for a right relationship with God and God himself.
They of course never could see the enormous benefit of such a relationship. The real truth that Salvation and a right relationship with God is by means of faith alone. This true GOOD NEWS is the most liberating truth thereis.
The choice unbelievers have made is not necessary for those who still maintain a strong desire to be pleasing to God despite whatever their deeds done in the bounds of love. The whole law is now summed up in Love God with your whole heart, mind and soul and your neighbor as yourself.
this post is to me a god sent opportunity to once again deliver accurately the "truth that sets men free".
when last i posted the post you will find below about homosexuals i am aware from responses i received from it people assumed i myself was gay and just trying to excuse my own behavior.
the truth is i am not gay but for sure i related to their situation in that i was and am a lifelong sex addict with the .
This post is to me a God sent opportunity to once again deliver accurately the "Truth that sets men free". When last I posted the post you will find below about homosexuals I am aware from responses I received from it people assumed I myself was gay and just trying to excuse my own behavior. The truth is I am not gay but for sure I related to their situation in that I was and am a lifelong sex addict with the
addiction of masturbation and pornography.
Despite this problem I have always had a great love for and desire to serve God and to be a spiritual man. I have managed for the most part to keep this practice secret all my life and I have just up til seven years ago conceded that I might never overcome the addiction. The question I then asked myself was had this practice disqualified me from a right relationship with God.
Did accepting the value of the ransom sacrafice demand my ceasing and conquering my addiction. Was I doomed to the depressed spirit and bad conscience I had forever. The inspiration I strongly received on this matter assures me now that Salvation (right relationship with God) is achieved only 100% by means of faith alone. My awareness is now keen that there is both no way nor any requirement for us to do anything of our own power to gain a right relationship with God (salvation). The very act of trying to do so with that intent in mind nullifies the faith in God for salvation that is indeed the lone requirement.
Realizing now that the friendship God had with all the biblical men of old was certainly only on the basis of their faith and not because of their abilities to lead moral lives. Much of what we read about the lives of Abraham, Samson, David, Solomon and many others prove their relationship with God was only in spite of their fleshly weaknesses.
The notion that masturbation is any factor at all in how God counts a man righteous is false. As is the notion that perverse thoughts or images while masturbating is any more or less acceptable.
Just as eating meat dedicated to idols or circumcising oneself means nothing whatsoever one way or another as to ones righteousness. The problem is that anyone especially one who claims to be spiritual leaders would presume to judge someone by their deeds.
The only reason they seek to do so is to make themselves special as someone unique who on his own merits can gain a righteous standing with God. How false it also is the notion that God depends upon the elders to keep his organization clean. Their attempts at doing this by casting out the sinners by means of disfellowshipping only proves it is not God's organization. If it truly were God's organization they would realize that Christ came for the sinners and not the righteous man him knowing the reality being that all men are sinners. Therefore rightfully in Gods organization if anyone is to go it should be the righteous man that thinks his 'shit doesnt stink'. How ridiculous it is for men to try to grade sins for God as to what is worse.
God truly has no barometer for sin and at one time all sin (no matter what) incurred the death penalty that only foregiveness could rectify. He therefore instructed Christians "do not judge a man by his deeds or by your own deeds shall you be judged". The problem of trying to grade sins is complicated further by the scriptures relating that "lusting in ones heart is just as bad as actually fornicating.'
This was not meant to condemn the one (everyone) who lusted in their hearts (ala Jimmy Carter) but to liberate the one who actually did the deed. The actual act is no worse for God to forgive. Therefore he said to the pious Jews who were saying the wicked do these things "do you do them" (even if only in your heart)? If so they are just a guilty.
The end result of my hearing and accepting by faith this great truth was that I was instantly set free from my lifelong guilt of my addiction realizing now I was no better or worse than anybody else. The only thing that can now make me special or a friend of God is to be a man of faith by accepting the full value of Christ ransom by being wiped clean in the blood of the lamb though I was crimson red. I now stand before God a righteous man being declared righteous by God by means of my faith.
My clean conscious before God has allowed me despite my thorn in the flesh as Paul had down to the day he died (I wonder) to approach God in prayer to ask for and receive that which I desire on the basis of my faith alone. I have no shame or guilt for my addiction as God has changed my weakness into strength. It is through my special "thorn" that I can empathize with all peoples sin.
These are my personal meditations on the subject of
homosexuals as christians. I have perceived that the major failing of the Watchtower Society is that it has as the Bible prophecied "stumbled over Christ". That stumbling I understand to be in the sense that they have missed the mark as to the reason Christ came to earth and gave his life on behalf of
They have resisted the awareness that the Christ came to the earth to act in behalf of the sinner and not the righteous man. He would provide with the sacrafice of his human life a new way of having a righteous relationship with God besides that of being good enough. The old law (Mosaic Law/Ten Commandments) demanded that everyone prove faithful to the law in personal deeds or acts or suffer the
punishment of death. This was always a impossible burden because under the law all are condemned to death.
It is only under the law that any person could earn a label of a thief, murderer, HOMOSEXUAL, etc. In examining the Bible to try to ascertain God's opinion about homosexuality I can clearly understand that in instituting the new law of love to replace the law code God was delivering the message he wished to have no opinion of this and would not judge righteousness by the deed but rather by the extent of ones love for him and his fellow man.
Peter recieved a vision of unclean animals wherein he is told to eat and not call the things God has cleansed unclean. This means a great deal more than it is now okay to eat pork. It is making the unbelievable statement to most people that it is not what we do by which God judges us but by the love we show.
This understanding of how the Mosaic Laws were done away with gives us new insight in understanding the main scripture used against homosexuals in the book of 1 Cor. chapter 6 starting with verse 9.
Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the
kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders
nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
comment- Certainly this is not saying that anyone with any longterm problem with addiction or spiritual or moral disease would be instantly free from his problem. No but he is made instantly righteous by eliminating the law which condemns him. The only way man can keep from breaking the law is to have no law to break. Though nothing about him has really changed the murderer, the thief, and the homosexual have been washed clean and are acceptable to God on the basis of their faith in God alone.
"Everything is permissible for me"--but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible for me"--but I will not be mastered by anything.
This can not be used to imply that God is endorsing any behavior as certainly he doesn't favor murder and theft. But he has chosen to ignore these blemishes in imperfect man by choosing to no longer consider them a criteria for judging them righteous. Therefore men can never be righteous by faithfully keeping the law.
That is impossible. Righteousness can only be by declaration of God based on our faith. Just as keeping the laws regarding circumcision and the sabbath no longer has any bearing on ones becoming christian so too being homosexual has no bearing on their salvation and status as a christian. The bond of union of a christian is only spirit (faith and love) not deeds.
this will be complicated ( if you think any watchtower study article is 'deep', .
give up now).
so, according to popular images, god sits on a throne.
You have implied that the existence of genetic defects contradicts intelligent design. This is an absurd notion. You insinuate that siamese twins is an example how adaptive changes occur. Your implication ignores the fact that such defects are not regarded as beneficial and never will be. No more than having two heads or three eyes. If the were regarded as beneficial there would never be the intent to seperate them. You do not honor the freewill God gives man and the responsibility man has live his life in a way defects are minimized or ways are devisd to remediate the problems when they occur.
Your obvious anger and intent to demean the creator is greatly apparent. You want to deny him credit as creator by implying very matter of factly that intelligent design does not need a creator but just is.
Why do we argue about a lazy deistic Creator who programmed everything millions of years ago and ten retired.
Your abandoned child issues are really apparent here as you lash out against God with your name calling.
Something here was made apparent in a recent post by know_you where he mentioned he was in awe on his vacation of the natural wonders he observed. It has struck me as being true that unbelievers in God must have a very difficult time in appreciate works of art of any type. This whether those works of God are God made or man made. If intelligent design is not responsible for natures wonders then how much can we appreciate or be in awe of them or the one who created them.
Your attitude against God is the only thing that prevents you from having a relationship with him.
You are trying to create some kind of midground alternative to the creation/evoluttion debate that doesn't exist. Either we are the product of intelligent design or we are not.
the child of god comes of age
this is the whole story as i have been inspired to know it.
we are helped in our understanding of god by relating or analogizing him to other things that are similar we know better.
You are believing my whole analogy to be based on a false assumption. In reality this belief is based on many false assumptions of your own.
You have falsely assumed God would not and did not create man to be perishable.
You are falsely assuming that I am implying that mankind being the earthly Child of God is a denial that he has other heavenly children of an imperishable nature. Surely I believe that the earth is but a temporary residence for the training of spirit creatures who pass through it. Most all my posts speak to that.
How can you so easily dismiss all God has done in creating man because you want to believe that God never intended him to be perishable? You want to use the scriptures to back up your distorted viewpoints and yet totally dismiss it when it does not say what you have chose to believe.
You must be refuting the Biblical account that God created man from the dust of the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. Certainly it was his pure intent to create a perishable creature. Your misconception does not change the facts.
In an effort to make yourself right and to devalue my philosophy you are jumping all over the place with false assumptions and distortions of my point of view.
You are assuming because I speak of Gods child I am denying Christ as its maker. You from all the things I have said in this post and others know that I believe Christ to be the manifestation of God in the created universe. Essentially then he is God. I have no objection in appropriate circumstances to speak of them as one and the same.
The fact remains that the question is whether the father or the son would create something physical. Was not Jesus and Adam perfect men? Were not they physical beings subject to physical death? The answer is yes to both. The gift of freewill God granted man implies the potential of making mistakes. Without that potential man could not be perfect. Perfect does not mean what you say it does. That is clear.
When you class something as perfect you have to understand a perfect what? The scriptures identify the exact sense of the word perfect. It encourages Christians that the man of God will be made fully competent (perfect). Completely equipped for every good work. This is what God intends for mankind in its adult future. They will be completely equipped to take care of themselves. Of course the key to that competence is trust and dependence on God.
Edited by - zechariah on 17 October 2002 14:9:26
the child of god comes of age
this is the whole story as i have been inspired to know it.
we are helped in our understanding of god by relating or analogizing him to other things that are similar we know better.
Thanks for the compliment. You should understand that the entirety of what I have written is but my opinion. The dates given are approximations arrived at from historical landmarks. They are such landmarks like the flood of Noahs day, Jesus death, and the French Revolution. All these are history fulfilled and not prophecy. I always invite everyone to test my utterances to see if their from God (true). This all is how I am inspired to believe things to be.
now that you've all met palmer allow me to offer a lesson about life from a this made up scenario.. imagine palmer has the reasoning ability of a human.. palmer has a typewriter by which he types letters to me.
this is his way of communicating with me.
it is analogous to prayer for humans.
All I can say is play it the way you see fit. We in the end are all judged independently. If you mistrust God and think hes trying to trick you you do so at your own disadvantage. Willingness again is the key to further enlightenment. You cant put the cart before the horse. First believe.
the child of god comes of age
this is the whole story as i have been inspired to know it.
we are helped in our understanding of god by relating or analogizing him to other things that are similar we know better.
This is the whole story as I have been inspired to know it
We are helped in our understanding of God by relating or analogizing him to other things that are similar we know better. In attempting to do that I have come up with a theory and philosophy that mankind is God's child. God fathered mankind by creation and not anyhow biologically. This is not individually but collectively beginning with his creation onward to today. In order to accurately and justly evaluate God in any way we must raise our perspective to account for God's glorified status in being everlasting, all powerful, all knowing, and the source of everything we need.
The following is some conclusions to be drawn from this analogy.
An individual man can be likened to a single cell in the body of all mankind. The death of a single cell put into perspective is no more to the Creator than that. He has allowed such to take place in the process of training his child. As a beating destroys cells on a child's behind it serves as a lesson and tool for correction for the parent. Therefore the parent and God does not spare the rod of correction or the child will be spoiled. The child as a whole will not die. Mankind has continued to live and to grow despite the individual death of some of its cells. The empathy of the creator (Jesus Christ) created by his living as a man on earth motivated him to make provisions for all men who believe (individuals) to be resurrected to new life. (heavenly life I believe)
The Creator intentions toward his child is precisely the same as ours towards our children. He wants his child to grown to be a self sustaining, independent adult who may one day have children (his own creations) he is proud of.
The past six thousand years of mans existence has been the childhood years of mankind. At this present stage in mankinds history he has finally reached the beginning stages of his adult manhood. In the Bible we are encouraged by inspiration of God to train up a boy in the way that he should go so that when he reaches adulthood he will not turn aside from it. God has raised his child similarly and the development of his child followed the same stages as our own human children. These stages are:
1- Infancy :The infancy stage of mankind is the period before the flood. It as with any child is a period of discovery for a child where he struggles to discover himself and wonder on a very basic scale who and what he is and what is the full relationship he has with that in his entire environment. During such a period an infant needs close personal attention from his parents. Mankind was first given such personal attention by means of a covering cherub in the beginning. During Infancy a parent cleans a child up when they soil themselves. Such occurred during the flood period where the gross wickedness in the earth was thoroughly cleaned by God. Period covered was approx. 4029BC - approx. 2000 BC.
(the flood)
2- Toddler:This stage is where the child is mentally mature enough to begin some real training. He understands and communicates well enough to be taught. The laws given unto Moses became our tutor or training wheels that we can lean upon to keep our balance. Such training wheels were pretty restrictive and prohibited free movement. Period covered was approx. 2000BCE( the flood) - 33AD.
3- Adolescency:This stage was when the training wheels were removed. This was the Law being abolished after it has served its purpose of teaching us to safely ride (beneificially live life). Now with the training wheels off we had unlimited freedom by force to go anywhere we want. So in effect all things are lawful but not all things are beneficial. We still needed guidance. The holy spirit became our parental oversight and our teacher during this stage. The period for this stage was approx. 33AD-1799AD
4- Teenage: This stage was one just prior to mankind becoming an adult. It is for the purpose of training and affording increasing freedom and responsibility. Man beginning at the time of the Industrial Revolution began to recieve preMillenial knowledge earmarking Christs coming and the last days of an old system of things (Satan's). He is given a sizeable allowance (advanced knowledge) in order for him to learn how to start to live as an adult. As with most any teenager mankind at this point and ever since began to think he knows as much as his father. He often makes himself believe he could do better on his own and becomes cruelly and unjustly critical of how he was raised. The period for this stage was approx. 1799AD-1914AD.
5- Early Manhood: The final stage before man becomes a full grown adult. This period is what is known as the Millennial Reign of Christ. Under the guidance of Christ at his second presence those who submit to it become members of his body and grow for one thousand years towards spiritual perfection. This means simply that they will by that time become completely equipped for every good work.(self reliant) The time of Christ second presence earmarks the event when the spirits of men will rise to meet Christ in the air (consciousness raising/ Christ consciousness) . The collective body of Christ will become the temple to which pilgrimages are to be made if any nation is to prosper. This meaning simply that all governments are to be in relative subjection to God so that he can begin to bless them. Essentially this appears to call for some sort of world cooperation . (UN?) That is well on the way. The nations will be gathered together by advanced communication to the Battle of Armaggeddon to solve the common problems of mankind.
The first Revolution to take place under Christ's rulership is the Battle of Armageddon which is a spiritual battle " Good against Evil." Under Christ's direction his angelic forces will and have been doing since 1914 warring against wicked spirit forces to conquer them so no man has to die.
Rich millennial blessings that the Bible has prophecied about have already begun to happen. The beginnings of the technology promising an end to sickness, crime, war and death have already begun.
It has never been God's intention to ever wrestle away rulership from man by destroying all earthly governments as JWs expect.. He has foretold in the Bible that only the nations who do pilgrimages to Jerusalem will prosper.