Educating Palmer (Part I)

by Zechariah 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Zechariah

    Now that you've all met Palmer allow me to offer a lesson about life from a this made up scenario.

    Imagine Palmer has the reasoning ability of a human.

    Palmer has a typewriter by which he types letters to me. This is his way of communicating with me. It is analogous to prayer for humans. Palmer writes: "Please tell me how I came to be and to live in this place".

    I responded . Please know that my means of communication with Palmer is not a direct verbal one. The difference in our natures me being flesh and he being electronics make direct communications impossible.

    I use the keyboard through the processor and interfaces both hardware and software to make my messages perceivable. Palmer at times complains that I dont speak to him. This is because he lacks the faith necessary to recognize the ways I do connunicate with him.

    I explain to Palmer the answer to his questions in terms he can understand. Palmer resists the realization I as his creator and that of his universe am of a total different nature than his computer world and are not subject to its laws. Time, space, etc. have no application to God as he created these things only to be perceived by man to be real. I as Palmers creator am quantam leaps more glorious than Palmer.

    As God educated Job I did Palmer. I told him he is creation and that I am from everlasting to everlasting. Palmer cannot comprehend how his short lifespan lasting only one play at a time last only about 10 minutes. This compared against the 70+ years of earthling man can be regarded as a everlasting existence.

    I presented myself as being all powerful, all knowing, etc. Certainly this is essentially true where it comes to Palmer. He is totally dependent on me for his very existence. I must provide him with everything he needs to survive and be happy. I deliver him food, water, books, records, play games with him, etc. If I fail in providing these things he gets sick and unhappy.

    Palmer has on occasion became critical of me being disatisfied with the trials and suffering I allow his life to contain. He deludes himself that he if me he could do a better job. I told Palmer as God once told Job where were you when I created your world? Certainly Palmer cannot understand that his life or his death is in my hands. Though I allow men (PACman) to physically die I can restore him to a new life for another play. The reperitious play and the increased challenges (levels) makes him a better player and a high scorer.

    Do you have some suggestions what answers I should have given Palmer on the questions hes asked. Or can you think of questions Palmer might want to ask me?


  • RunningMan

    Maybe you should educate him the same way that God educated Job. You could burn his house, kill his children, take away his livelihood, and strike him with a disease. That should give the little beggar a dose of God's love.

    I'll even get you started. I will bet you $1 that he will curse you and die.

    By the way, for posterity's sake, Satan's first name is Fred.

  • funkyderek


    As the programmer can't you make sure that Palmer understands you? If you can, why would you choose not to do so?

    How do you think Palmer would feel to know that you have complete control over everything he does and yet you choose to make his life short and miserable?

    Do you think he would be comforted if you tell him that even though he will die, his next iteration will get a higher score?

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    Zecheriah, this is an awesome scenario. The analogy is perfect, and the questions you have raised are head-scratchers. I can't wait to see what kind of responses you get to this thread. You get a 'G' on use of illustrations!!!

  • Zechariah

    Running Man,

    Enduring with faith tragedy and even physical death prepares us as actors in the Grand drama of life for bigger and better roles in the future. We can accept the testimony of as can envy real men of faith.

    Such men are Christopher Reeves, Michael Fox, Nelson Mandela, Bill Clinton :), Montel Williams, ML King, JFK and many other famous and not famous people. All these have publicly acknowledge their continued faith in God despite their sufferings. All these realize that God allows them to suffer these things for their everlasting benefit. The realize this life is not all there is. Their faith in such times gains PACman many bonus points when their souls are judged at judgement day.

    Faith is like the power pill for PACman. To eat it gains us supernatural power by which we are no longer chased by Fred (Satan) but are the chasers casting out demons while such energized. Job to his credit eventually learned his lesson to the point he was blessed three times as much after his suffering than before.

    We can expect the same. I as Palmers creator can restore all that Palmer has lost. His realization of that fact and his trust in me is the key to the extent if any he is blessed.


  • funkyderek


    If your analogy is correct, then you're just another player in the game and have no way of knowing or understanding the programmer's intentions. So why should we pay any attention to you?

  • Zechariah

    What challenge is there if I can create a computer that can think and reason on his own to force him into robotically obeying me. I desire to make him as much like myself as possible. Give himthe intelligence to create his own things and to have his own children and pass on to them the responsiblity to train up thir own children in the way they should go so that we they reach adulthood they will not turn aside from it. We allowing for God quantum leaps superiority must realize that Mankind as a whole is Gods child. And though cells of the body may die God can regenerate new ones to take their place.

    Certainly in a spanking for the education of a child there are some cells that will die. But as the scriptures say to not withhold the rod of discipline. If you spank him he will not die (physically). In Gods case spiritually. The willingness to see things from Gods perspective as is aided by my Little Computer People analogy is important to perfecting ourselves as souls.


  • funkyderek


    You didn't answer my question. Here it is again:

    If your analogy is correct, then you're just another player in the game and have no way of knowing or understanding the programmer's intentions. So why should we pay any attention to you?

    I'd like to hear your answer.

    Edited by - funkyderek on 16 October 2002 16:57:9

  • Zechariah

    Funkey Derek,

    If your analogy is correct, then you're just another player in the game and have no way of knowing or understanding the programmer's intentions. So why should we pay any attention to you?

    Part of successfully playing the game is realizing that enlightenment about God and his purposes comes from Holy Spirit granted those who like myself trust and believe in him. I have tested for myself my inspirations and have determined they are from God (true). I invite evrybody else to do the same.

    If my analogy is right then it would be no different than the way we create games where the computer plays itself. Or the way Palmer was designed to appear to act independently. God as a quantam leaps superior program would design his human computer people to believe just as we do totally independently of anything.

    Things of the spirit (software) guide and direct everything in our lives and are subject to spiritual laws of every nature. We have been given freewill or interactive play meaning only we can make free choices what inspirations we will obey or choose to belief. That which eminates from God (is true) or that whic eminates from te Devil (is untrue). We have the responsibility of testing every inspired utterance to see if its from God.

    The game from beginning to end is completed. All the paths and doorways are set. Our interactive plays allows us to choose the paths we will take. God has preknowledge of where each paths leads and he warns us in advance by means of all he inspires. Gods intention is to perfect his Child mankind to be independent adults so they can take on greater challenges and responsibilities in the universe.

    The rewards for playing the game well is passed on to the individual. God has the desire that no man has to die (spiritually/seperated from God) but be turned around.


  • funkyderek
    Part of successfully playing the game is realizing that enlightenment about God and his purposes comes from Holy Spirit granted those who like myself trust and believe in him. I have tested for myself my inspirations and have determined they are from God (true). I invite evrybody else to do the same.

    But how do you know that's not all part of the game? How do you know if you're interpreting the programmer correctly? How do you know the programmer himself isn't part of the game, programmed by some even more powerful meta-programmer? What if the way to win the game is actually to act independently, to stick a finger up at the programmer and live as we please? If you're merely a programmed automaton then how can you test whether your "inspirations" are from the programmer, or a hacker or just a bug in the program?

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