Now that you've all met Palmer allow me to offer a lesson about life from a this made up scenario.
Imagine Palmer has the reasoning ability of a human.
Palmer has a typewriter by which he types letters to me. This is his way of communicating with me. It is analogous to prayer for humans. Palmer writes: "Please tell me how I came to be and to live in this place".
I responded . Please know that my means of communication with Palmer is not a direct verbal one. The difference in our natures me being flesh and he being electronics make direct communications impossible.
I use the keyboard through the processor and interfaces both hardware and software to make my messages perceivable. Palmer at times complains that I dont speak to him. This is because he lacks the faith necessary to recognize the ways I do connunicate with him.
I explain to Palmer the answer to his questions in terms he can understand. Palmer resists the realization I as his creator and that of his universe am of a total different nature than his computer world and are not subject to its laws. Time, space, etc. have no application to God as he created these things only to be perceived by man to be real. I as Palmers creator am quantam leaps more glorious than Palmer.
As God educated Job I did Palmer. I told him he is creation and that I am from everlasting to everlasting. Palmer cannot comprehend how his short lifespan lasting only one play at a time last only about 10 minutes. This compared against the 70+ years of earthling man can be regarded as a everlasting existence.
I presented myself as being all powerful, all knowing, etc. Certainly this is essentially true where it comes to Palmer. He is totally dependent on me for his very existence. I must provide him with everything he needs to survive and be happy. I deliver him food, water, books, records, play games with him, etc. If I fail in providing these things he gets sick and unhappy.
Palmer has on occasion became critical of me being disatisfied with the trials and suffering I allow his life to contain. He deludes himself that he if me he could do a better job. I told Palmer as God once told Job where were you when I created your world? Certainly Palmer cannot understand that his life or his death is in my hands. Though I allow men (PACman) to physically die I can restore him to a new life for another play. The reperitious play and the increased challenges (levels) makes him a better player and a high scorer.
Do you have some suggestions what answers I should have given Palmer on the questions hes asked. Or can you think of questions Palmer might want to ask me?