The Creator is the Creator by whatever name you call him. No one is arguing religion only the existence of a Creator. Don't try to obfuscate. I hope I used that word correctly. If not you know what I mean.
more than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
The Creator is the Creator by whatever name you call him. No one is arguing religion only the existence of a Creator. Don't try to obfuscate. I hope I used that word correctly. If not you know what I mean.
more than any time in history respect and the awe of god has seriously eroded .
man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe.
random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe.
More than any time in history respect and the awe of God has seriously eroded . Man has taken creation for granted and have allowed themselves to believe that no intelligence was required in the making of the universe. Random impersonal forces they delude themselves could have caused all we see in the universe. What appreciation can they have for something they believe could and did happen all by itself.
At a different time in history King David while watching the sheep in the field would marvel at the glories of nature as God creation. He was in awe of the creation. The awe of God for evolutionists has disappeared.
Man cannot comprehend the concept of infinity although he knows it exists. Man knows but chooses to ignore the importance of the inability to comprend that the world is infinitely large as it is infinitely small. Thats right theres no beginning and no end. Consider if we traveled into space looking for its end maybe we will find a brick wall somewhere. Aren't we going to wonder next how thick is the wall and whats on the other side of that. Our curiousity can never be satisfied because the question is incomprehensible for humans to contemplate. Even more than this is that the world is infinitely small as it is large with worlds inside of worlds.
Evolutionists on the board have prided themselves with the belief they presented sufficient evidence in peptides ad amino-acids that man could have self generated without the benefit of intelligence. The simplicity of the supposed original organism is what they rely on to make their case. The probabilities they know and understand of even this happening is several quantumkizillion to one.
But wait . Evolutionists can get off that easy. There are smaller components of all things material (physical) that must be accounted for first. What about the atom. Is it one solid piece of something or is it not the unfathomable reality that all matter regardless of how small is more nothing than something. The atoms internal structure can only be physically observed by the representations provided by some radioactive processes. It has been discovered basically that a atom is a world within a world. There are protons, electrons, neutrons and a nucleus comprised of protons and neutrons bonded together. Here are some amazing facts about the atom from the Worldbook encyclopedia.
The smallest particle of matter is not a molecule nor is a atom. Thre has recently been discovered smaller particles called quarks that is theorized to be another well ordered universe.
Discover: The Glue That Holds the World Together.(gluons)
God a spirit is not limited by anything physical. We can yheorize that he could be anywhere at once and can travel in any universe no matter how small. It all is his creation. Can we imagine that on some electron or proton there exists micro intelligent lifeforms.
since i have stopped attending the meetings, i have had a loss of faith in god.
i consider myself an agnostic teetering on being a full blown atheist.
while in school this last semester i have been taking courses that emphasize evolution.
Your post at this time I regard as nothing less than a miracle. Right away you will readily observe that only believers can see miracles. To unbelievers any true miracle would be instantly regarded as having a logical natural cause. I feel strongly from the gist of your post you secretly desire to see miracles. But you dont know how?
The miracle for me is that you have set me up to go to a new phase of my mission from God. It is a mssion I now realize I was being trained for from birth and probably beforehand. I realize that now my destiny and my reason for living is for this very time. I feel extremely blessed to have a special role in the service of the Creator (God).
The mind of the skeptic you have developed I know forces you to doubt such inspiration from God exists as you have come to doubt that God himself exists. God is something you always believed in and which brought you comfort no doubt most all your life. If you are honest you will admit the world is now a scarier place and your enjoyment of life has greatly diminished.
For the past twenty years I have recieved intensive training from the holy spirit.
Through this training I have become a expert psychologist the likes of my man Dr. Phil I recently spoke about. In the last five years or more on the internet I have performed a intense psychological analysis of belief and unbelief. What I quickly became aware of is that believers and unbelievers in God are direct polar opposites in spirit. I can confidently say that there are only two kinds of people in the world believers and unbelievers.
There is nothing realistic about either of these viewpoints that has any bearing on facts. They are both merely perceptions. They are the filters (colored glasses) through which we see the world. Facts do not control what we believe. Facts are presented to us but then what those facts mean to us and how we understand them are determined by what we believe.
I have been taught some key things. I desire to share those things with others. They are:
It a intense fear of being further disappointed where one is in rebellion against his lifes circumstances gives up on his opportunities to be happy. He does this by refusing to trust people or God. They feel if they don't trust then no one can hurt them anymore.
Generalizations which vary only by degree
light colors (yellow) dark color (black)
optimists pessimists (realists)
loves change Hates change
trusting mistrustful
hopeful hopeless
thinks positive thinks negative
counts blessings counts troubles
Please note these blunt things I say is not intended to offend anyone or put them down. Its intent is to share what I've been taught by the spirit how to everlastingly and even immediately benefit ourselves.
Derived from the book of Zechariah
As I have come to understand it
Go to Gods People (all whose hearts are right with God) and tell them to get on with the building of the temple (man himself) and complete it. Completing the temple means becoming perfect by being completely equipped for every good work. We are so equipped by putting on spiritual armor and gaining the fruitages of the spirit as a result. All this is so that God can bless us as he always wanted to do beyond our wildest dreams and return those captive to the nations back to Jerusalem (spiritual place where God resides.)
It took me many years after receiving my inspired dream of being Zechariah before I fully understood my mission. With the help of everyone here especially unbelievers I see clearly what that mission is.
I sincerely desire people are receptive to my mission.
It has been for me faith that has turned itself into a monumental personal mission. Although being prepared for ten years I am now only beginning to fulfill to fulfill that mission.
The same thing is possible for anyone by the willing exercise of faith.
Faith is belief contrary to what the senses perceive. In order to ever possess it you have to be willing to trust. The inherent fear of the unbeliever to trust is the obstacle to faith.
Close personal examination is a first step towards belief. You have to decide and appreciate which course is most beneficial for you.
Be wise.
Edited by - zechariah on 23 October 2002 14:21:23
this will be complicated ( if you think any watchtower study article is 'deep', .
give up now).
so, according to popular images, god sits on a throne.
What have I said that would make you think I would basically disagree with what you said about DNA. Certainly it is coding (software). Spirits still are involved in the process as thoughts are not stored in the brain and feelings are not stored in the heart these physical things are devices for accessing and manipulating these things of the spirit somehow stored outside the body. It is like a radio that pulls the invisible signal out of the air changes and amplifies it for our listening pleasure. We both can be right about the software thing that you are trying I believe are trying to discredit me about.
Your conclusions about changes in the DNA being for our good even though many times you say " these replications are not perfect." You are slying talking about mutations and trying to imply positive mutations can be responsible for the development of man.
I believe yu know how much smoke and mirrors that is. You are right mutations are not always perfect. In fact never are they perfect. Haven't you heard one should never mess with perfection. Because any departure makes the something imperfect.
99.9% of all mutations are harmful or lethal. The .1% that may appear positive like having some freakish abilities mentally or physically outside what their DNA would explain would always be at the price of the thing or persons viability for life.
Other ecologically balanced things in the body become compromised and the thing becomes diseased and often dies. Even if a mutant change occurs no matter how beneficial it may appear to be it almost instantly it deteriorates with time and dies far before it has time to replicate.
Also your theory very niavely forgets we always have to take the bad with the good. That means where it comes to mutations nothing but bad. Even the
good is bad.
Once again I am sorry if my igorance has disappointed anyone.
Maybe next time you'll find somebody with more fuel to fight with than myself. I try. :)
Trying to prove things to someone who is committed to non-belief is futile and unproductive. Christ while he was alive performed great miracles in the presence of the people but despite it by the majority they would not believe.
Don'tget me wrong I am not suggesting that people should believe everyone that performs amazing acts are from God. I saw magician David Blane the other night levitate about a foot off the ground in normal street conditions with no props.
He didn't fool anybody that it was supernatural as people were made well aware he was a magician. So the question is whether we are denying something that is beneficial for us to believe or are we believing something that is unbeneficial to believe like there is no God o that Christ is not his son.
Certainly if Christ is not the son of God there is no hope. Believe it or not.
The problem is that these are unbelievers with child abandonment and mistrust issues.
It the same thing that makes you deny God exists or that Solomon was not the wisest man, etc.
You'll work it out someday I'm convinced, once you realize whats really wrong.
bill clinton, the greatest president of the 20th cenury, was inducted into the hall of fame:.
"i owe you way more than you owe me," clinton told the audience of 850 people, who gave him a thunderous, standing ovation.
The following is a post by myself on H2O in approximately 1998. It contains some new thoughts relating to Bill Clinton in italics.
History repeats itself. The scripts upon which men act out on the stage of life are continuously being reenacted by others throughout the course of history. Recordings of life events are replayed with new characters. Similar things occur to meet similar circumstances.
Nothing is new under the sun. This explains why stories of Messiah like figures predated Christ as many other deliverers of the past had enacted the Deliverers script aforetime. Some characters to play the role of deliverer in times past was Moses the deliverer of the Jews from bondage in Egypt,
There was Abraham Lincoln having freed the slaves in the Civil War, Cyrus and Alexander the Great, and Napolean. Other liberators and deliverers of a non-violent order in the 20th century were Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Nelson Mandela, and many more.
The many more included in my mind at the time and is now supported by his induction into the Black Hall of fame Bill Clinton. Congatulations Bill...... You deserve it.
All who would play the role of the liberator are directed by the invisible spirit producers and directors of God's grand drama of life to conform to the major themes in the play. It is in this manner that history can be seen repeating itself. Almost invariably these individuals were seen as answers to someone's prophecies biblical and otherwise. Almost invariably their lives were cut short almost immediately after their major contributions before witnessing the grand finale of the movement they had begun. As a attestation to this phenomenon we have the words of a popular song of the 60s written by Dick Holler. It was entitled Abraham, Martin and John (Liberators all).
Has anybody here seen my old friend Abraham?(Lincoln)
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lot of people,
But it seems the good die young,
But I just look around and he's gone.
Has anybody here seen my old friend John? (Kennedy)
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lot of people,
But it seems the good die young
But I just looked around and he's gone.
Has anybody here seen my old friend Martin? (L. King)
Can you tell me where he's gone?
He freed a lot of people,
But it seems the good die young
But just looked around and he's gone.
Didn't you love the things that they stood for?
Didn't they try to find some good for you and me?
And we'll be free,
Someday soon, it's gonna be One day.
Has anybody seen my old friend Bobby (Kennedy)
Can you tell me where he's gone?
I thought I saw him walkin'
Up over the hill
With Abraham, Martin, and John
Martin Luther King was a very interesting example of someone who was well aware of spirit recording that was directing his life. He in very obvious ways believed that somehow he was Moses sent to deliver God's people (all whose hearts were right with God that are being unfairly oppressed). Many times these men identified in strong ways to other deliverers which preceeded them.
Another characteristic of many of these deliverers
is their known and unknown human weaknesses. These weaknesses were exploited out of jealousy by their enemies to discredit them.
I am strongly reminded of this feature of the Deliverer Script by the conversation on the board lately about the question of King Solomons wisdom.
Certainly all biblical friends of God by faith possessed the deliverers spirit and along with it endured fleshly weakness. Such weaknesses as with the apostle Paul were turned into strength by making them empathetic and sensitive to the plight of all sinners. Solomon and David were treasured as a leader of the people because of this.
John ad Robert Kennedy were also treasured by the common people for the genuine compassion of these leaders for them.
Bill Clinton is just such a leader whose impact on history and the world I believe is in a early stage and growing. The necessity of the non privileged in society which includes in large part blacks forces them to build a great reliance on God to do for them what they cannot do for themselves.
Especially in slavery days black people cultivated out of necessity a deep spirituality and dependence on God. This is not as many will say a crutch but a gift. A gift that has brought rich blessings for blacks through the course of the last 200 years. Those blessings continue to mount up aided by te contributions of such servants of God as Bill Clinton.
This is faith for which they have been rewarded by having deliverers emerge to free them from bondage of all types (social, financial, physical, educational, etc.). Bill Clinton has obviously been selected and prepared by God for his role as deliverer. Bill Clinton and Black people have for a very longtime had a symbiotic relationship supporting one another. Clinton has become very genuinely black peoples white soul brother. The article about his Black Hall of Fame induction makethis point real clear. It makes my heart glad to hear it.
Edited by - zechariah on 21 October 2002 13:52:33
we all know that mt.
24:45 is misapplied regarding the faithful and discreet slave.
many are aware too, of the misapplication of the"house-to-house" or door-to-door ministry.
The scripture that says "do not lean on your own understanding."
JWs misapply this scripture to mean we should all lean on the understanding of the Governing Body who is better qualified to interpret the Bible for us. Of course the scripture is properly suggesting only that we don't want to be influenced by our own biases and on own intelligence but rather adhere to the guidance and teaching of the holy spirit.
any of you evolutionists ever crunch the numbers?
No it is not.
Not what? Not more species at one time than ever before. Can you offer an explanation why it would not be though it really is not important.
You believe that god specially created every single species. He allowed these species to die out until now less that 1% of all species that have ever existed are alive. I assume (though I may be wrong) that you believe that humans (and animals)procreate through natural means, and that supernatural interference is not necessary.This means that god is not specially creating every human that lives. If you do believe that every human is specially created in the womb supernaturally, then I am at a loss as to what the whole biological functions of procreation are for.
The fact remains: 99% of all species that have ever existed on earth are now extinct. If you believe that god created these species, then your god is inneficient, wasteful, and careless with life. If you accept evolutionary theory, then this type of mass extinction is exactly what you would expect to find.
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Again I ask you what universes have you created lately? Who are you the creation to tell the creator what he can do with that which he created. God can tell you not to kill but is not subject to the laws he created specifically for the creation. Whatever death or tragedy God allows us to suffer as he did with Job he can and has promised to restore more greatly after than before. Only if one endues in their faith.
You keep harping on God specially creating everything. None of this is important to the main reality of the original cause. Satisfying ourselves one way or another about this doesnt change the requirement of a original cause. Just for the heck of it though I will give you my opinion on
the questions you raised.
The are always on the job and attentive to detail not distracted by any physical demands like sleeping and eating. There are angels no doubt assigned to overseeing the reproductive process of every child thats born as well as every spiritual or physical law or force in life . The Creator knows how to delegate authority well. He has to do nothing himself. You need to stop judging things from a fleshly viewpoint and tap into your spiritual insight in the likeness of God and maybe you can resist being so critical.
Am I twisting the scriptures? Yes, Satan did say this... but God also confirmed it here:
Genesis 3:21,22
21 The LORD God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. 22 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
It is not what you or Satan said that was the lie. It was what was meant. How was it being interpreted. Satan meant to imply something he knew well was not what God meant when he said they become like us, knowing good and evil.
In a effort to let God be found true I would interpret what God meant as breaking the only law God ever gave man he now could understand what it was to be in Gods disfavor. Works for me.
okay, maybe i'm ignorant, but i can't stop thinking about this.. it's recorded in the bible that jehovah gave solomon great wisdom.
so why did he eventually turn away from jehovah and start serving the gods of his foreign born wives?it would seem to me that that increased wisdom from jehovah would make him more likely to continue to serve jehovah faithfully.. this also brings to mind the account of adam and eve and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.. i considered this from the angle that solomon used his free will and chose to oppose jehovah.
but is free will really "free" if you are punished with death for disobeying the creator???.
If you are talking about natural gifts God rains on both the righteous and unrighteous. But supernatural gifts are gifts of the holy spirit obtainable by faith alone (trust in God). So says Gods Word. Believe it or Not.
okay, maybe i'm ignorant, but i can't stop thinking about this.. it's recorded in the bible that jehovah gave solomon great wisdom.
so why did he eventually turn away from jehovah and start serving the gods of his foreign born wives?it would seem to me that that increased wisdom from jehovah would make him more likely to continue to serve jehovah faithfully.. this also brings to mind the account of adam and eve and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.. i considered this from the angle that solomon used his free will and chose to oppose jehovah.
but is free will really "free" if you are punished with death for disobeying the creator???.
I myself am tearfully appreciative of and believe I have been accepted as a friend of God and given special privileges of service and gifts to go along with them. They are far more than I deserve being the sinner past and present that I am. I am in the company of men like Abraham, David, Samson, Jehu, on and on. Morality was never the criteria for men who served him. They all were sinners to various degrees.It was their trust in God to always help them that qualified them for rewards.
This is the real good news to be preached. Salvation and friendship with God is by faith alone. Solomon wisely knew that and though he had many fleshly weaknesses alike his father he trusted and depended on God to help him and God did. Even when he was doing immoral things.
We can always leave and walk out on God but he will never walk out on us if we believe, have faith and trust in him.