I wish to offer some personal insights on a couple issues.
The first is the nature of Gods omnipotence. The assumption is that God knows every thing you do at every moment. He knows for example in five minutes you will take a crap . This is preposterous. God in awarding freewill to man is providing him liberty to act independently within limits. In this way man is a interactive player in Gods game of life.
God does not act personally in almost any matter. As you would imagine God oversees the greatest, largest organization in the universe. He is the worlds best delegator.
As a actor in the Grand Drama of life each man receives a script that is a guide for what he should do and say. He is free to deliver his performance in his own way in his own language with his own feelings. The important thing is that Gods will be done.
God knows in his game of life what each door opens to. He knows where every path leads. He knows the final outcome of one choosing certain doors and paths. Just as in literal stage productions there are understudies for roles there is such in real life.
If you for whatever reason do not choose to fulfill your role as a good guy he will find a villians role for you. Your good guy understudy will then take over. You will become a self made resister as the first resister Satan was. God is not making anyone rebel. We choose our course and whatever choice we make God uses it to accomplish his will.
Basically and simplistically Gods will is to train up a boy ( earthly child of God) in the way he should go so that when he comes of age (becomes perfect) he will not turn aside from it. Perfection means simply becoming completely equipped for every good work. Nothing more.
This lesson necessitates Gods allowing evil to exist and using negative life experiences including death to teach man important lessons for the sake of his everlasting future.
The second issue is the prophecies concerning lions and wolves living peacefully alongside the sheep and the lambs. JWs have self servingly implied that this is a description of a future earthly paradise that is being held out very literally.
It is clear that what was said was metaphors for false shepherds whose animal like natures will change. There is no reason to believe that this is in any way speaking literally.
We should not expect the natures of wild animals should ever change. Many were designed to eat others and no evil is attached to it. Only to men who choose to act like animals.