I don't look for trouble. I don't search for reasons to disbelieve. My defense of the Bible on certain things is not for the benefit of sceptics. Rather it is for those who want to believe but who have been given some measure of doubt by unbelievers.
You are distorting things I have said. Never did I say that there has been no good changes in DNA. Diversity within kinds due to cross-breeding is not evolution. It is not changes due a totally random, unintelligent, impersonal yet totally magical evolutionary God.
It is not due to a series of positive mutations. What I did say was that there are no beneficial mutations. No mutations takes place in cross-breeding just allowable diversity placed there by the creator.
All those questions you are asking are interesting side points I to have addressed in past posts.
Carnivorous animals are all appropriately part of Gods design.
I am not a scientist but I have satisfied myself that there are many who attest to such a flood as described in the Bible would have cause Ice age conditions.
You had so little faith that you are willing to abandon belief just because tough questions are raised. Trust in God on these occasion will lead you to satisfactory answers.
It is reasonable to suspect the entire earth was populated to a great extent with great technology that matched or surpassed that of modern day. The reasons are numerous to believe this.
The Bible tells of transformed angels marrying the daughters of men and giving birth to supernatural sons who became fame ones in the earth. It is no doubt these were extraordinary not only in size but in but in intelligence. They no doubt ruled in most places and lived far beyong the normal lifespan of true humans.
It is possible this expanding phenomenon of angels taking over in a world God intended for mortal men was the thing that prompted the destruction that would wipe out the the perverted offspring of the Gods (wicked angels).
The ability the fallen angels had of crossbreeding together with their perverse nature to lower themselves outside their glorious station would no doubt extend itself to the animal kingdom.
There is ancient legends of the Gods having sex with animals and fathering crossbreed offspring which were half man and half beast. Von Daniken with his Chariots of The Gods gives much support to visitors from the stars which is what the fallen angels would have appeared to be.
Let God be found true though every man a liar.
Whether Noah was obligated to preach to them and warn them all I don't know but I would rather doubt it. If he was I am sure God provided him with a way to fulfill his requirement.