Where Have All The Pretty Women Gone?

by Englishman 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    I do wonder about this. To explain: I recall in the 60's and 70's driving down Portsmouths Commercial Road during a lunch time. In the summer, there would be dozens of pretty girls strolling along, enjoying their lunch breaks.

    High-heeled, well groomed and shapely of leg and well turned ankle, these delightful creatures smelled as good as they looked and were a real tonic to an over worked young man such as me.

    So where are all the pretty women now? All I see these days are skinny women with their boobies pushed up to their chins and half a pound of shrapnel punched through their noses and ears. What's worse, they all walk along in their clumpy shoes with their arms folded!

    Maybe I'm just getting older..sigh.


  • Tatiana

    Oh Englishman.......*sigh*

    It's all about "inner" beauty now! I thought you knew! hehe

  • JH

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I see plenty of beautyful woman around me, now that I am a little too old for them. They came too late.

  • LuckyLucy

    We're all with the good looking guys.

  • Cassiline

    (((((((( April )))))))

    Ask you shall receive E-man, April posts to your thread. A pretty woman indeed, inside and out!

    Edited by - Cassiline on 13 November 2002 12:24:57

  • Vivamus

    *Waves hand* Erm, I'm right here!

  • Tatiana


    Hi Cas.....

  • DakotaRed

    Eman, look about you. There are no ugly women here. I find all of them to be quite pretty.

    A woman doesn't need to be in high heels and have a barbie doll figure to be pretty. They never did. Those were things we men imposed on them. It is what they exude from inside that makes them pretty. Still, from all the pictures and the ones I have met personally, I have yet to see a homely woman here.

    Now, us men, well, that's a different story, isn't it?

    Lew W

  • Francois

    Come over here and I will place you on the intersection of Peachtree Street and International Blvd. at 4:30 in the afternoon.

    AND I will have an ambulance standing by...for both of us.


    Awe, poor Englishman!!

    I live in FL and there a LOTS of pretty women. Sorry you're not getting your fill of eye~candy. Come and visit FL.

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