A new pub opened walking distance from my house. I plan on becoming a good customer...
JoinedPosts by zenpunk
* t g i f *
by zev in.
so, whats up for your friday nite, my fellow 'postates?.
whatchya doing to chill/relax/unwind?.
Do dubs deal with death better than others?
by SpiceItUp ingoing to that funeral this week made me think about a few things.. first the family members that attended, who btw were not dubs, were shedding tears.
i did not see anyone else there crying even though the woman who died was a great friend and will really be missed.. now since the dubs have the hope of the "resurrection" does that allieviate their grief that they should normally posess?
does that mean they are "happy" when someone dies because their wait is over?
I have seen very little crying at dub funerals. At one of the last ones I attended, the husband of an elderly woman, married over 50 years had died. She sobbed hysterically for him and it seemed that the other dubs were embarrassed for her. I thought that was wrong. No one knows what the future really brings so it is important to grieve, not get all trance-like about the "new system".
Who's going to the SilentLambs March?
by StinkyPantz ini guess i'm a bit slow when it comes to xjw news, i just heard that mr. bowen is having a silentlambs march.
i wish i could afford to be there but i'm broke.
are any of you going to make it?
My husband and I will be there (we're less than 2 hours away).
Incoming Financial Disaster? Take Cover!
by Defender injust read this guy's economic outlook and ordered his book http://www.elliottwave.com/affiliates/ctc/part1.htm.
apparently, he made several right calls in the past.
he was on cnn tonight and predicted that we are in the initial phase of a deflationary depression.
That's right Defender. It will be a self fulfilling prophesy. They market runs so wildly on speculation.
SURVEY *Question RE: Disfellowshipping *
by zev inhave any of you here, either by word of mouth or personal experience, heard of entire congregations being disfellowshipped, or nearly entire congregations, like say 50% or more?
thank you for your support in this all important survey .
from apostate central, ri .
My congregation in Donegal Ireland was disbanded in the early 90s. It was a real bad scene there. I picked up and moved right before it happened because you could feel that some big s&it was going down.
by minimus inthe more meetings you go to the more drivel you hear.
elder's meetings were terrible because all you ever did was gossip about how everyone wasn't doing this or that.
meetings for field service sucked.....enough said on that.
The bookstudy. You HAD to comment and you couldn't sleep there in someone's house.
DO you REALLY think this is THE END OF JW's?
by minimus ineverytime a new revelation comes to the board, some suggest that this is the big one.
whether it be the blood issue, the u n debacle, the silentlambs saga, some cryptic comment about jw's and their involvement with churches, it seems like nothing effects the jehovah's witnesses rank and file.
I think they will decrease and finally disappear over the next 100 years. People will realize that there is no end of the world. Various scandals will come and go, some devastating, some minor. It will be viewed in the distant future just as people today view the religions of the middle ages that came and went.
New name for WBTS?!? *and boobies
by LizardSnot inthe watchtower bible and tract society has changed its name to....tada.... christian congregation of jehovah's witnesses.
did we just create a sect?.
is this new name not to be confused with the following?:.
The boobies bit was just to make sure people clicked on this thread, wasn't it?
Response to JW article in TorontoStar published
by Pathofthorns ina positive article on jw's in tuesday's edition of the toronto star that appeared to have obvious input and direction from the wt public affairs office left local jw's buzzing and glowing from some positive press for a change.
in some halls reference to it was made from the platforms.
if you haven't read the article you can read it here [url] http://www.thestar.com/nasapp/cs/contentserver?pagename=thestar/layout/article_type1&c=article&cid=1026143773683&call_page=ts_life&call_pageid=991479973472&call_pagepath=life/news&col=991929131147[/url].
I'm glad someone replied to that original article. I fell into that trap too, convinced that the end will come while I was doing the most important work, Pioneering. Years later I realized I was uneducated and looking forward to a career of answering phones and cleaning office buildings. I'm glad I wised up.
Latest Kingdom Ministry
by ConnieLynn inhas anyone heard anything about the latest km?
my uncle (on the fringes) told me the newest km said that even non-df'd folks are to be treated as disfellowshipped, if they had been inactive for a long time.
since i haven't seen a km myself, i wondered if this was true?
I still don't see any info relating to the treatment of inactive ones. This would represent major policy change. If this is correct (the shunning of inactive ones) does anyone have any info to substantiate this new "understanding".