I have empathy for the mother of the dead boy and her grief. Her anger was probably her driving force during that time period. As an adult parent, I've never had to deal with the death of a child. I don't know if I could survive.
>It would be very hard.In this case though, the hate wasn't driving the woman at all, she was coping the least well i feel, she just destroyed!
I do not pity, nor forgive him. Professionals are still arguing over whether it's an essential part of healing to forgive the perpretrator. I think it should be the victim's choice. Perhaps not the best choice, so be it.
>I'd agree with that too, revenge or the feeling that justice has been done, and that your life or suffering isn't worthless has to be acknowledged first.Hate and revenge are probably empty emotions in the end but they are better than nothing and feeling totally useless.I dont know about forgive, you sure have to hate first a lot before you could forgive... i would never forgive the guy who killed all those people.I just pity him, he's like looking at a piece of dog shit!.To forgive would take a long long time to reach! Maybe those Buddhists could do it, myself, i'd wanna hit someone first before i got the point of forgiving or trying to understand someone guilty of a henous crime like molestation or murder!
I read a little about serial killers, they're the kind of people that make your skin crawl, they sound a lot like your father, very cunning, cold, psychopathic maybe....but also able to just blend into the crowd, make no noise!.The real monsters in this world dont have fangs or foam at the mouth, they're just everyone else....on the outside anyway!
Edited by - Zep on 19 July 2000 7:25:16