i just got up.
i'm going for a sleep study soon though. i have way to many nights i can't sleep right.
i can't sleep.
ensomnia.... again...... .
i'm gonna try to sleep again.......
i just got up.
i'm going for a sleep study soon though. i have way to many nights i can't sleep right.
's research russel's and rutherford's teachings once they are baptized?
if not, where in their material does it instruct them not to?
how far back are they "allowed" to research?
hi hubert,
imho, BEFORE your baptized, you can ask anything you want. its after that you get yourself into trouble.
as far as i know, you can read any jw publications as long as they are jw. many older kh have these publucation right in their own library. in some you can sign them out and take them home.
i don't think you'll find that its "written" anywhere that you can study or as ???'s about older jw dogma.BUT, its sorta like beards.....no, its not "written" anywhere, but if you start to grow a beard, your gonna hear and experience some really cold attitudes, loose priveledges, ect. maybe even get shunned, unofficially.
yet, its not written rule! i know i did lots of research on this while in, and couln't find anything that would stop me. untill i actually started growing one. holy moly. you'd a thought i had been bagged in the redlight district.
i think you'll find that while unbaptized you may ask away, your supposed to. after, your gonna get into hot water. questioning anything about the society, olde or new is taboo.
a while ago i posted about a kingdom hall in the area that had a for sale sign up.
now, driving by the other day, i noticed that the sign was no longer there.
so, i drove into the parking lot and the meeting schedule sign is still there and "kingdom hall" sign is still up.
johnny boy is an insurance agent/possible real estate agent that works out of his house. if you need that address i can pm you with it
he originally was an elder in pawtucket ri. they built a new kh years ago in lincoln and sold their old pawtucket building to the spanish. he got dfed a while back, and switched to woonsocket/smithfield, but still lives in pawtucket.
staunch. uptight, and had a strangle hold on his kids when they were growing up. they recoiled like tightly wound springs do.
a while ago i posted about a kingdom hall in the area that had a for sale sign up.
now, driving by the other day, i noticed that the sign was no longer there.
so, i drove into the parking lot and the meeting schedule sign is still there and "kingdom hall" sign is still up.
on 146a? north smith field/woonsocket area?
john h pendleberyy jr? aka insurance man? hi johnny!
oh gawd.
the flash backs are killing me.
i was only in that particular building once or twice and from what i remember, its partially underground. or so it seemed to me back then.
rt 146 is a great place to build/sell. i'm willing to bet that area is going to explode with realestate sales and building soon. its all about location location location. that is a rather big building and the way that numbers have been dropping i bet they are looking to ca$h in now, get the big bucks and build a smaller more "econmical" (read=smaller) building.
johnny and i go way back.
it's bliss for you.
a handphone was given to me and it was bliss calling to pass on the .
.....................i received an sms from mrs ozzie last night informing me that ozzie is having an extremely risky operation on wednesday morning, 8am australian time.
i can't give more details at this stage as to the procedure due to confidentiality but i can assure you it is going to be dangerous!
mrs ozzie said that it had to be done despite the risk.. so if all of us here could take a moment tomorrow and send positive thoughts.
gwen and i hope all goes well ozzie. all the best and get back here soon !
my cat has recently taken to lounging in the litter box!!!!!
it is the nastiest behavior i've ever seen from a cat!!!!.
to make it worse, he is white and has very long hair!!!!.
naaaa.....i just can't.......nevermind.
at work there is this girl there who keeps making eyes at me, but i'm not interested.
on top of that, she keeps trying to strike up conversations and she goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on... its amazing!
never a pause between sentences and barely a any space between words... just a very very long series of words coming out of her mouth non-stop.
obviously your not attracted to her, or anything to her.
just tell her straight up elsewhere. in these kinds of situations, a straightfoward truthfull approach is always best.
if any of you have a ham radio or a shortwave radio and could tune into 28.295 i have set up a 24/7 beacon in morse code.. conceivably, if the bands are open anyone anywhere in the world could hear this at one point or another.. please feel free to send me a signal report if you can hear me.. this is my web site page describing my project.. thanks!.
i use 100 ft of plain olf rg8u
here is a page describing my antenna project with pictures
also a word of warning. you have to think about how your going to guy that antenna. i know it says it doesn't need it, but it does. even if you mount it the way i did. if its house mounted i think they tell you you have too. but i saw this thing bending in the wind right after a sticky wet snow and i paniced, and guyed it down good.
i dont have pictes of my guy job, but i will soon on that site.
good dx to you!
do you do any digital modes? psk, rtty, cw?